Original form
This is the form the subject was born in, manifested in, was created in, had held at or before the begining of time, etc.
In most cases, only one category should apply.

Subcatagories: intelligent, animal

An extra planar is a being from another plane of existance. They are almost always exorcisable.

[Extra-planars should take the Exorcisable defect.]


Spirits are powerful entities, typically ageless or quite long lived, often immortal, also known for typically possessing an incoporeal form.

They are by their nature tied to some aspect of this world, be it nature, a geographical region, or a set of believers. They are often, like extra-planars exorcisable. However, they do not have a native plane outside of ours. Nonetheless 'spirits' still have been known to be banished to another plane by a skilled exorcist, leaving the question of what entities are spirits and what are extra-planars open to a great deal of theological debate.

[Spirits should take the Exorcisable defect.]


Subcatagories: supernatural, standard.



Subcatagories :terrestrial, extra-terrestrial, human-hybrid

Other species of intelligent creatures from our plane.


Subcatagories: standard, abnormal intelligence

Creatures from typically unintelligent species from our plane.


Subcatagories: technological, artifact

Creatures created as technology or an artifact. Incapable of biological reproduction.

Current Form (if changed)
If the subjects nature has changed so substantially that the original form is no longer accurate or complete, mark the current form here. Intermediary forms can be ignored.
In most cases, only one category should apply. Undead a common exception, if the subject retains the powers of its living form.


Subcatagories: intelligent, animal.

To become an extra-planar one must typically cut ties to our plane of existance and establish them with another, or none at all. This is a drastic step, simply traveling to another plane, living in another plane for a long period, or invoking powers from another plane does not automatically make one an extra planar. These beings can be exorcised.

[Extra-planars should take the Exorcisable defect.]


To ascend to status as a spirit is no small task and should not be mistaken for merely dying, which may make one incoporeally undead but does not guarantee the power of a spirit. Spirits have a core form that is incoporeal, even if they spend the majority of their time in a coporeal body. Most important spirits by their very nature have access to powers relating to whatever their domain may be, and often can share these powers with followers. In the vast majority of cases to become a spirit means to stop being human.

Spirits are typically exorcisable by opposed spiritual powers. There is a fair amount of discussion as to what qualifies as spirits vs. what extra-planar, the government does not take an official stance on this issue.

[Extra-planars should take the Exorcisable defect.]


Subcatagories: coporeal, incoporeal

It is not possible to be born undead, one may only acquire the status. To do this, one need only die in a very real and very permanent way. To be temporarily brain dead and resucissitated via CPR does not qualify a subject for undead status. Similar resurrection or reincarnation return or recreate life, and thus do not qualify. The undead have died and continue to be dead despite continued existance. The undead sometimes maintain their powers from life and often gain new powers if they become a vampire or a ghost for example. Exorcisim typically works against the undead, though it tends to be more effective against incoporeals than coporeals.

The child of an undead creature, even if that child is a vampire or incoporeal, is not undead unless the child has also died.

[Extra-planars should consider the Exorcisable defect or Vulnerability (exorcism)]


Subcatagories: supernatural, standard

Becoming a human means that a subject's primary form is that of a coporeal homo-sapian. If human is simply one among a multitude of possible forms, than an entity is probably not truly human.


Subcatagories: terrestrial, extra-terrestrial.

Becoming a non-human means that a subject's primary form is that of an innately intelligent, typically coporal, non-human species from our plane of existance..


Catagories: standard intelligence, abnormal intelligence.

To become an animal means to take on the primary form of a species (terrestrial or otherwise) that have a good deal less than human intelligence. The subject will sometimes maintain his/her intelligence after this transformation and is from our plane of existance, what matters for qualification is the standard intelligence of the form.

Were-creatures typically have trans-genetic based powers and maintain their original form as their primary form.


Subcatagories: technological, artifact

To become a construct, one's spirit or intelligence must be placed in technology or an artifact. Incapable of biological reproduction.

Sources of Powers in addition to your Form
Example: Humans can talk and eagles can fly, but these are racial abilites, and do not cound as a power. However, a human could fly, this would be a power.



Genetic powers are gained at birth/creation although they may not be usable until a later age. They are not always inherited from parents/ancestors e.g. first generation mutants. However, they will typically be passed on to at least some descendents, but not nececssarily all or most e.g. recessive genetic powers.

Note: As was mentioned above racial/Species powers are not listed under power descriptions, even though they are clearly genetic. This is because racial/species powers are already covered by the listing of the subject's original/current form. Instead, genetic powers refer to powers held by a family-line within a race/species or a subject that has family-line based powers but does not have any obvious race or species.

Additional note: If a minority of a race/species possesses a power, but that power does not clearly follow family-lines, see: Manifested powers.


Trans-genetic powers are genetic powers gained from a different species/family, often by genetic engineering. They are similar to genetic powers in that they can be passed to descendents.

A simple example would be a human whose genes were altered so that they natural developed and maintained the lower light vision possessed by a cat. The strength, claws, and teeth of a were-wolf is another example of a trans-genetic power.

Trans-genetic powers have become increasingly common among humans over the past twenty years.


Cyborgs have embedded technology that is integrated into their system. In its simplest form, this could mean an artifical limb, in more complex forms a metalic exoskeleton or the capacity for direct neural-computer links.

Cyborgs often, but not always, maintain some capacity to upgrade or modify their enhancements. Many cyber-enhances have the capacity to work with a range of modules providing often starkly different abilities. However, the capacity to use a certain set of modules is still semi-permanent, in the best case requiring surgery to modify.

Cyborg powers have become increasingly common among humans over the past twenty years.

[Vulnerability (EMP) level 1, 2, or 3 is typically electronically based cyborg powers.]


Manifested powers are powers native to a subjects form, but still only possessed by a fairly small percentage of the subjects species/family. What exactly can cause powers to manifest is still not strongly understood, sometimes it just happens, sometimes it requires a significant and often traumatic event in the subject's life. While it is possible to increase the likelihood of powers manifesting, success is never guaranteed. If with proper techniques a power could always manifest, than that power should be classified as gentic and/or developed.

The nature of manifestion has been the most significant obstacle to mass-proliferation of a great number of powers.


[Rewrite and make clear that they can be supernatural in nature.]

Developed powers are also possessed by only a small percentage of the population, but unlike manifest powers, the means by which developed powers came into being is typically fairly logic and perhaps duplicatable.

A blind person who slowly acquires a 'sixth sense' by learning to compensate with other senses would be a sample of developed powers. Another would be a warrior who through extensive training, often from a manual or experienced master, would be another example. A third example would be an athelete who through a regime of steriods and other training has moved beyond the limits of human ability.

Developed powers are qualitatively different than even the best of learned skills. A superb sniper is not supernatural even if that sniper can hit a small bullseye at a great distance nine nine times out of a hundred. However a sniper with the ability to read a subject so completely that s/he can lead a target by always knowing the targets next move, often before the target him/herself knows, would be a supernatural ability.

Unfortunately, the exact line between a developed ability and a superb skill is often fairly hazy and subject to a fair amount of debate, particularly within the sporting community. As a result developed powers are often considered 'potentially supernatural'. The main rule of thumb is that someone with a developed power would consistently defeat a gold-medal olympian with the equivelent learned skill.


Granted powers are given by one or many other. Sometimes the other(s) gives up their powers as a results, sometimes they do not.

The key distinction between internal 'granted' powers and external 'loaded' powers is a matter of the degree of control the subject has been given. Granted powers give great autonomy in their use, and that for the granter(s) to revoke them would be non-trivial.

As a general rule, if the originator(s) of the granted power can be exorcised, then exorcism be used to help counter against granted powers.

[Granted powers users should take conditional ownership level 0, 1 or2. Owned is often also appropriate. Depending on the source, loaned power users should take vulnerabilty (exorcism) level 1, 2, or 3. ]


Extra-planar powers are a result of a direct connection to another plane of existance. However, unlike 'manipulation', an external supernaturalpower source, this connection is quite difficult to shut off without entirely sealing or banishing the powers in question. Exorcism tends to be quite useful towards this goal.

[Extra-planar power users should take vulnerabilty (exorcism) levels 1, 2, or rarely 3.]


Spiritual powers come from an at least quasi-religious connection with a spiritual being or concept. While prayer may be a component of invoking these powers, prayer alone is not a spiritual power. To use an explanatory example: you can call for help from a neighboring superhero and she may answer your call and use her superpowers on your behalf, this does not make you a superhero.

Exorcism will often work against opposed spiritual powers. There is a fair amount of discussion as to what qualifies as spiritual vs. what qualifies as extra-planar powers, the government does not take an official stance on this issue.

[Spiritual power users should take vulnerabilty (exorcism) levels 1, 2, or rarely 3.]

Joined entity

A joined entity refers to a subject that is a willing/unwilling host for at least one other individual or perhaps shares a communal existance. Often the joined entity will have greater, or at least different, powers than any of the seperate indivudals that makes up the entity. Typically if exorcism works against any member of the joined entity, it will be at least partially effective against the entire creature.

[When appropriate powers steming from a joined entity should have the defect vulnerabilty (exorcism) level 1, 2, or 3. For the joined entity itself, exorcisable may also be appropriate.]

Bonded artifact

As a cyborg is to technology, an indivdual that has bonded with an artifact is to artifacts. Somehow the subject has formed a strong, if not necessarily permanent, direct connection with some item of power. If exorcism works against the artifact, it will typically at least partially work against the subject who is bonded to it.

[When appropriate powers steming from bonded artifacts should have the defect vulnerabilty (exorcism) level 1, 2, or 3. For the bonded artifact itself, exorcisable may also be appropriate.]

True Magic

True magic can shape and warp reality while drawing it's power from our existance or from every plane of existance. It often works within its own system of rules and constraints, although the system varies greatly from user to user. Exorcism does not function against it.

True magic is also a catch all category for supernatural means of altering reality that do not clearly or completely fall into another category.



Manipulaters don't have any intrisic connection with a source of supernatural power. Instead, they know means of invoking and controlling powers, typically but not exclusively from other planes.

Demon/elemental summoning and control would be classical examples of these power manipulation. Manipulation often augments intrinsic powers and is typically more powerful. However, manipulators need access to an external power source (such as another plane) and if that access if severed than manipulator powers will not function. In addition, exorcism will typically assist in countering use of these powers.


Fairly self-explanatory. Anything from exo-suits, to vehicles, to weapons counts as technology. The difference between external 'technlogy' and internal 'cyborg' based powers is that external technology has not been surgically integrated into the subject's system.

Technology only qualifies as a super-natural power if the technology is rare on Earth, specifically targeted against, or designed for super-naturals.


Artifacts are powerful items with supernatural power. They are sometimes, but not always of this earth.

Artifacts with supernatural powers that are typically exorcisable are also exorcisable. For example a wand which helped channel extra-planar power would be vulnerable to exorcism, while a wand which allowed use of true magic would not be vulnerable.

[When appropriate artifact item of powers should have the defect vulnerabilty (exorcism) level 1, 2, or 3. For extra-planar aritifacts, exorcisable may also be appropriate.]


Loaned powers are given by one or many other. Sometimes the other(s) gives up their powers as a results, sometimes they do not.

The key distinction between external 'loaded' and internal 'granted' powers powers is a matter of the degree of control the subject has been given. Loaned powers are often fairly simple to reclaim and the originator(s) may keep

As a general rule, if the originator(s) of the loaned power can be exorcised, then exorcism be used to help counter against loaned powers.

[Loaned power users must take conditional ownership level 2 or 3. Owned is often also appropriate. Depending on the source, loaned power users should take vulnerabilty (exorcism) level 1, 2, or 3. ]