Quickie refresher: Rick Bao, the teenager who Jason got on well with during the Hunting Mobsters session gave Jason a heads up that someone had come around looking into the group, him specifically. * Jason nods. That Rick didn't give up any info, but his grandmother (a fairly demanding shopkeeper) may have spilled in the backroom, she certainly seemed to be happy afterwards. Heheh. Jason also finds out that the person doing the asking was a motorcyclist in a red windbreaker with a lot of attitude that Rick thought seemed somehow familar. Jason's CA check revealed that he rings a bell related to some old school movie, but isn't coming up with the specifics. Jason is now, presumably, going to the shop to get details, as this is what he heard in a note Rick left for him at his motorcycle shop. * Jason nods. Alright, we'll say this takes place 8/1/20. What time is Jason coming by? Mmm. Let's make it late afternoon / early evening... about the time when sensible shop owners might start thinking about closing up. The kid being who he is will probably be working anyway. And bored out of his mind. [Date: 8/1/20 Time: 17:15. Weather: Warm and a bit muggy, although not likely to rain for at least a few hours. ] [Jason pulls up in front of the Mongolian spell components shop. Looks about the same as last time, and he can see Rick on the inside, apparently arguing with a customer.] [Start] * Jason skids to a comfortable halt - comfortable enough for him, anyway - and gets off the bike. He pockets the keys and eyes the scene from the other side of the window. The old woman there? [Not that Jason can see, she seems to have left Rick to deal with the irate customer on his own.] * Jason smirks to himself, shoves a hand in one of his jacket pockets, and ambles on in. * Rick had been looking down at something beneath the counter and then looks up again at the sling wearing customer. The spell worked, no refund. It's not our fault you thought just cause can summon Genghis Khan, his spirit would do your bidding. (cause can->cause you can) (Hee, yah.) * Rick notices Jason walks in and drops the disaffected look and smiles slightly. He cut off my hand! I spent twelve thousand dollars on components only to have him cut off my hand and dissipate! Yeah, whatever. Just be happy your dumb ass was born into a century where we can reattach such things. * Customer manages to look more irate. He doesn't seem to appreciate his blessings. * Jason nods to Rick and glances around before walking quietly (for Jason, anyway) up behind the sling guy. * Rick smirks slightly as the customer starts a new tirade. "I clearly asked for a spell to summon a the greatest warlord mankind has ever known to reap vengence on Doug in accounting..." * Customer doesn't notice Jason sneaking up. He's really not paying much attention to anything at all. [Oh, and there isn't anything of note when he glances around. No noise from the back or anything. He does notice a new phone, but that's not particularly interesting.] * Jason drapes his arm around the guy's shoulder and says conversationally enough, "Could've asked me. I'd do it for twelve thou. Or free." He gives him squeeze that's quite a bit harder than necessary, grins, and looks at Rick through the shades. "This guy giving you trouble?" (Phones! They're the law! Wait, are they the law?) * Rick grins up at the guy. "Maybe... what do you say?" * Customer winces and glances back. "Uh.. I'll be leaving now." He tries to slip out of Jason's grasp. * Grysar: you're not channel operator * ChanServ sets mode: +o Grysar -sourdough.sandwich.net:@#sab2020- Grysar invited Dicesuke into channel #sab2020. * Dicesuke has joined #sab2020 2d6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Grysar (2d6) and gets 4. (2d6 or 2d8?) 2d8 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Grysar (2d8) and gets 7. * Customer isn't having much luck freeing himself of his own accord. (Good catch) I'll go to the Russians! We'll see how tough you are when you've got Ivan the Terrible breathing down your neck. * Rick snickers at that. * Jason tightens his grip on the poor man, his fingers almost seeming to burn through the guy's jacket and shirt. "Now, I'm wondering. How're you gonna go to anyone if you're dead before you get there?" Aaah! I was kidding... Just a little joke.. you're burning me! Maybe you should apologize to the man, I mean he was informing you of alternate ways to solve your problem, and you threaten him. * Customer winces more. "I'm sorry! Please let me go!" * Jason jerks the guy's head with his other hand, forcing him to look him in the eyes. "You *sure*? I hear it's not a good idea to lie to the devil." * Customer narrows his eyes, "I summoned the devil once to teach my damn bosses secretary a lesson, he was shorter and greenish... " Then, suddenly he thinks better of what he's saying. "Err, but I must have been mistaken. No sir, not lying to you." * Rick goes from snickering to straight laughing. Session Time: Sat Dec 27 00:00:00 2003 * Jason smirks. "Good. Now say you're sorry to the kid." He shoves the guy forward... wow, it's getting warm. "Go ahead." * Guy groans has he falls into the counter, with a few black smudges on his previously nice grey suit. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have given you a hard time." * Rick smirks. "And I accept, see, aren't things easier when we're all nice to one another." * Guy nods and tries to slink away. * Jason hasn't let go, though, and jerks him back, pulling him to the door. "And I'm the nicest guy there is. And if I ever hear about you again, I'm gonna show you just how nice I can be. Fun, right?" * Customer gets jerked back. "Oh God... uh, I'm sure that won't be necessary." * Rick grins again and then goes back to looking under the counter for a moment. These kids today, no attentionspan. No, it will. I mean.. you'll never hear of me again. * Jason grins wide. "That's what I like to hear. And by the way, God's not listening. He stopped a long time ago." He cheerfully shoves the guy out the door, a tiny tinder spark on his back collar. * Guy lands on the pavement, and then scrambles up and scrams like a bat out of hell. * Rick saves his game then closes up his portable game system and puts it on the table. "Huh, he was in such a rush that he forgot to take his car with him. Oops." * Rick then smiles at his personal savior from problem customers. "I'm guessing you got my note?" * Jason shuts the door gently, mentally counting down how long it'll be before he realizes his clothes are on fire. He keeps the grin. "Don't think he'll realize it 'till he's in the hospital. Doesn't seem like the type to stop and roll. And yeah, I did." * Rick nods. 5 "Bloody weird really." 4 "You know that guy?" 3 (*blink*) * And two seconds later, there's a scream from the street. * Jason idly looks down at the hand he was counting down with and chuckles. "Nope. Can't say I do." He seemed real interested in you, also ask about some of the people that came with you and an asian guy with orange hair, a girl in her twenties, and a guy with a sword. ::Thinks for a moment:: * Rick then shrugs. "Not coming to me." * Jason scratches at his chin, the novelty of burning a corporate executive fading. "Know anything else about him? You didn't tell him anything." * Rick shakes his head. "No, I tried to claim that I didn't remember anything about my customers, but he just went to find the crone. Oh... and." Rick digs through his pocket. Yeah, sounds like everyone does. She back there? Saw a picture that looked kinda like him. ::He then shakes his head:: Went out to do errands after that guy called up and said he was coming over. * Jason nods. "How long do you think she'll be gone? Don't need her ruining my perfect day." * Rick keeps searching. "Least a half hour, she told me I had to close up." Works. * Jason leans on the counter and has a look at Rick's game. * Rick is playing the latest milking of the Sims franchise, "The Sims: Getting Out Alive" A survival horror game. Shortly after it came out Will Wheaton sued a few of the companies invovled for to regain full creative control of the product. * Rick finally finds what he was looking for. A fairly cheap looking watch, probably only cost a few bucks or was a give away. Gimmick is that it can take pictures. Your average toaster can take pictures these days, so normally no one cares. * Jason snickers a little at the game, then looks up to see that watch. "Got a shot of him?" I saw the guy's face on some cologne ad on a bus. Think it was 'Outsider' or 'Rebel' didn't have this piece of junk watch on me when he came by, but I took a picture of the ad. [Picture: http://titan.zort.net/~gsanders/photo.jpg ] * Rick continues as he hands the watch, which is displaying the picture, over. "Stupid strap broke the second day I wore it. Last time I send in a proof of purchase." (Will Wheaton->Will Wright. Oops. :P) * Jason has a look. "Guess I could have a talk with them too... huh." 2d8-6 * Dicesuke throws the bones for Jason (2d8-6) and gets 3. Huh. But the guy's dead. * Rick looks puzzled. "He didn't look dead. Didn't smell dead either." * Rick then grins over at his game. "Nor did he seem all that desperate brains or flesh, that sort of thing." * Jason snickers. "Yeah, but not everyone who comes back wants brains and flesh. Some of them are bloody psychos that need pills every other fucking minute or they accuse you of stealing their clothes. Can I keep this?" * Rick shrugs. "Sure, small thanks for scaring off that asshole." * Rick then blinks for a moment. "Oh, what should I do if I see him again? When he left, he waved and said 'be seeing you'. Not sure if he meant it though." * Jason frowns a little. "Good question. Intimidating at all?" Naw, he had an attitude, but I get worse from the crone everyday. He only seemed a little creepy when he said that goodbye, his voice was weird. But I don't think he gave a damn about me. No. Don't think he did. How'd he question you? Looking for anyone in specific and just asking about others because? He asked about you near the end, gave the most detailed description and said you might be smoking. He was less specific about the rest, particularly the guy with the sword or.. ::Rick snaps his fingers:: the smart aleck guy that talks a lot, that was the other vague one. * Rick then smiles. "He made it sound like there'd be some money in it for talking, but I remember my friends." * Jason snorts. "Yeah, might not toss out another customer or two. That guy won't cause trouble with the crone for you, will he?" * Rick shakes his head. "She was the one that screwed him in the first place. Not that I blame her, if he got what he wanted that whole bloody office building would have massacred." He snorts. "Idiot thinks he can summon a warlord then give him specific orders." * Jason grins. "He's got other problems now. So the guy talked to the crone... means he knows everything she can tell 'im. He leave any kind of contact?" Dunno, not with me. Damn. Okay. * Jason cracks his neck. "I wanna meet him. If he shows up again, see if you can't get an idea on who he's workin' for, things like that. Looks like working for the crone taught you how to handle trouble customers." * Rick nods. "I'll do what I can, although, something about his the way he walked reminds me how my cousin looked when she finally got enough money to get out of this job. Like they don't work for anyone, even when they draw a salary. You know what I mean?" * Jason looks at the picture. "Yeah. I know exactly what you mean." He turns his attention to the kid. "Think I'll do some hunting. Never met the guy - got to change that." Thanks for the help. How's the countdown to when you get out of under the crone's thumb? No problem, umm, about a year and a half and a nine hundred seventy three pounds. That'll me able to get me into a technical school and sharing a miserablely small flat with six other blokes or maybe a bird or two if I'm lucky. * Rick grins. "It'll be heaven." (bird, as you might have guessed, is a britishism for females that I heard in a chatroom once and vaguely remember from a few other places. :P) (Hehe!) * Jason nods. "Amen to that." He glances at the picture again. "Better get started. Let me know if anything else comes up. Or if you need someone thrown out." He chuckles. "Made my day." * Rick grins. "Not just you man." And will do. Yeah, I'm all about spreading joy. * Jason starts to leave, then pauses. "Oh. Got anything in mind for that car?" * Rick blinks for a moment and then shakes his head. I may think of something later, but if you've got an idea, go wild. * Jason grins. "Nah, it's all yours. See ya around." He heads out. * Rick grins back. "Schway." [Jason leaves the store, as the camera fades out. Which presumably ends the session, unless he's got something to do right now, in which case we'll have a Return of the King-esque second ending. :P] Nah, that's too much work. ^^ [End]