[October 13, 2020. 7:23 AM.] [Kahlya wakes up in a rather comfortable bed with nice warm sheets and a quilt overtop of her.] [She's feeling rather groggy, in an early morning sort of way. The room she's in seems vaguely familar, but she doesn't really recognize it.] [She's not feeling any pain at the moment though.] [Start] * Kahlya gets up suddenly in her bed with a stifled scream, the quilt falling down off of her to her lap. Her hand flashes up to her head as she pants, other hand on her upper thigh, huffing. [Touch awareness roll. +4] [Kahlya doesn't find any injuries.] (How loud is that scream?) * RowynAway has joined #sab2020 * Kahlya has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) * Kahlya has joined #sab2020 * Kahlya slowly calms herself down and looks over her own clothes, as if she doesn't even recognize them, taking in the whole scene. Her voice half-whispers inbetween huffs. "That familiar feeling again...again?" She still stares down at herself, confused. [Kahlya in fact doesn't recognize her clothes. She's in a fairly cute set of pajamas.] (And how loud was the scream?) * RowynAway has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) * Kahlya looks down at them. "Who dressed me in the...?" She stops herself and tries to look around the rest of the room. (Very short. Cut off almost immediately as it starts. So it probably doesn't reach much above conversational tone) (Cut and pasted from 2 times ago :P) [The room has wood paneling and fairly classical architecture. It's a little drafty but there's lots of bed covering so that's okay. There's a fair number of unfamilar looking stuffed animals on the bed and on a chair nearby. There's also a fairly small desk, a closet, and a dresser with a hairbrush and a hand mirror. (Oh, and a hearing roll. +8 penalty) * Rowyn has joined #sab2020 * Kahlya has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) * Rowyn is now known as Kahlya [Kahlya notices that the house is unusually quiet. She doesn't hear much of anything from outside the room. Her voice also sounds odd.] That's... * Kahlya stops herself as she recognizes her voice and slips out of the bed carefully. Her eyes try to adjust to the odd surroundings and when she spots the mirror, she heads over to it.. [The room seems built to an odd scale, now that she's standing things are taller than Kahlya expected. The floor was lower than Kahlya expected, but oddly her body seemed accustomed to it. * Kahlya picks up the mirror and looks at herself. [Kahlya, perhaps to her surprise, perhaps not, sees the face of Mandy, the girl she rescued from wolf parents, staring back at her.] [And give me a soul roll. Mindshield helps.] [Kahlya feels a strong urge to brush her hair, but she can resist it if she chooses.] * Kahlya blinks slowly a couple of times and takes a step back from the mirror, holding it out at full arms length. ~Okay...this is just getting weird...~ She reaches for the brush and brushes her hair, just for the look of it. Plus her hair's a mess, eh wot? [And it's not just Mandy's face, Kahyla has now managed to acquire an ever younger body for the moment. * Kahlya glances around to see if somehow her scythe made it here. [No sign of it.] * Kahlya puts down the mirror slowly and checks for a door, putting her hand against the wall and looking down again at her body now that she woke up. ~I kinda miss it now. I mean it wasn't perfect, but it was my body...~ * Grysar hears a slow drowsy thought in her head. Except unlike with her telepathy it sounds like she's thinking it. ~Why's school got to be so early?~ [There's an ordinary looking door in one wall. Has an old keyhole lock with no key in it. Might be locked, might not.] * Kahlya stops herself suddenly and looks up a little. Her thoughts still catching. ~Mandy?~ (And I should have used GM brackets for that comment.) [Kahlya hears a ~What?~ response. The body will then say it unless Kahlya resists.] * Kahlya lets the body say it and thinks to herself, or rather to Mandy. ~What are you doing here?~ ~Or what am I...or what...oh nevermind.~ ~I'm getting ready for school. Do I know you?~ There's a slight undercurrent of recognition in the thoughts, but Mandy is confused and still waking up. Kahlya's view shifts suddenly as Mandy looks around the room for who is speaking. [And I'm assuming you aren't resisting unless you specify otherwise.] ~Don't look around. I'm in your head...uh...I guess...I think...how...~ * Mandybody stops looking around. ~Oh, I see!~ She sits down on her bed. ~So are you going to breakfest and school with me?~ ~You know, you take things like this awfully well. And I guess I got no choice. Unless you're playing hookie. I did sometimes. ...uh...I think. *mental sighs* I'm so confused.~ ~Well after Mom and Dad turned into wolves... oh! You're Kahlya, aren't you?~ ~You got me. Guilty as charged. I always knew you were smart.~ * Kahlya smiles and calms just a little. ~I'm glad you remember me. Not too many people thinking fondly of me right now...~ * Mandy walks over to the door. ~Well you tried to save me. Want to meet my parents? They're human again, but they seem to have a lot of trouble remembering that night.~ Mandy gets a pouty expression. ~They keep saying I have a great imagination.~ * Kahlya lets Mandy move her body. She's just a visitor in it after all. She hopes. ~You do. You're going to take over the world.~ [Kahlya can 'hear' Mandy's emotions and subconscious to a degree, if she tries. They also have some effect on Kahlya herself if she's not resisting. Sharing facial expressions can do that.] * Mandy opens the door and comes out into a second story hallway Kahlya does recognize. She then heads downstairs. She's amused and more than a little proud about Kahlya's comment. ~Maybe I shouldn't introduce you. They might not understand.~ ~Nope...mmm...could you stop for a minute? I want to try something...~ * Mandy stops moving before she reaches the stairs. ~What do you normally eat for breakfast?~ ~Oatmeal, eggs, french toast, bacon, that sort of thing.~ ~Tall order...mmm...let me see...~ * Kahlya holds out her hand, that is to say Mandy's hand, if she doesn't resist and snaps her fingers, trying to create breakfast. (Power usage +8 roll) * Mandy giggles as her hand moves of its own volition. [Kahlya feels the spell fizzle before it can form the matter. She recognizes the sensation from her early training days. Oddly Mandy's subconscious thoughts and emotions get a little quieter and a small part of Kahyla feels cold and wet. * Kahlya frowns as nothing appears and tries...she reaches up to hold her head again and staggers a bit. ~Are you.. I mean, are we okay?~ ~I don't know...let me try again~ * Kahlya snaps again. (roll +6.) [Kahlya apparently succeeds and creates a breakfest, presumably on plates.] [Mandy's thoughts get a bit quieter and the feeling of cold and wetness get more intense.] ~Wow! I wouldn't have thought I could do that.~ * Kahlya winces and staggers again, holding one hand against the wall to steady herself. Fortunately it's not the one with the plate. ~Ow. Okay, not trying that for a while..~ [And the breakfest fades out of existance after a few seconds.] [The cold and wet feeling is still there, but slowly fading.] * Kahlya rubs her head, well Mandy's and looks at her hand. ~Just what the hell is going on...~ * Mandy gives Kahlya a few moments and then goes down to eat breakfest. She shivers slightly as she goes. ~Wind maybe? It felt a little cold there for a second.~ [Either Mandy is a master of underestimatement or her feelings did not match the intensity of Kahyla's] ~You feel it too?~ ~A little cool and damp when you did that? Yeah. Is that normal?~ ~Not hardly. Unless it's a reaction from Tear. But it's never done that before...~ * Kahlya frowns. ~I need to get it back...~ * Mandy walks into the kitchen and smiles at her parents. They look rather different in human form, but they resemble the wolves like some people resemble their pets. "Good morning!" Mandy sits down as her father serves the bacon and eggs. ~What's Tear?~ ~It's hard to explain...mmm...you good at acting normal?~ ~Your parents look much better, by the way.~ * Mandy grins. ~I'm great at it. And thank you.~ * Mandy's mother says grace and then looks over to Mandy and comments in with a pleased expression. "You seem particularly happy this morning." * Mandy blinks. "Oh... well, I had a good dream. It was about.. I don't really remember, but it was happy." ~Okay. You remember that scythe you saw me with before? *That's* Tear. I need to get it back. I'm not going to try any powers without it.~ ~Okay~ ~You did?~ [Mandy eats. Since she's controlling her body this is a an odd sensation for Kahyla.] ~Not really. I just couldn't think about anything I was happy about that I could tell Mom.~ * Mandy's thought has a tone of doubt and you can feel her mind searching her memories. ~What do you mean?~ * Kahlya lets Mandy's body go on autopilot. ~I grin sometimes when I'm proud. Mom gets suspicious if I don't explain why.~ ~But she really doesn't get you, does she?~ * Mandy frowns for a moment but her parents don't notice this time. ~Naw. She knows too much. Mostly she's right and I did do something I didn't tell her about.~ * Kahlya gives a mental acknowledgement. ~So are you going to help me?~ * Mandy's mental searching wraps up. ~What do you need me to do?~ ~Aren't you the least bit curious why I'm stuck with you?~ ~Well, you didn't seem to know either. So I didn't want to be rude by asking again.~ ~Well duh. That's what I need your help with.~ * Mandy finishes up her breakfest. "I'll go catch the bus." (That's breakfast) * Father smiles. "I'm glad your not dilly dallying. You almost missed it the other day." ~So how can I help?~ * Kahlya thinks to Mandy, in response to her father. ~That's because I don't really wanna go.~ * Mandy has to stop herself from giggling. ~You aren't helping me act naturally.~ ~What are you talking about? I'm the perfect, innocent angel.~ * Mandy goes to grab her bag from the study downstairs. She giggles as she walks. Her parents glance over with a confused look. "Must have been a really good dream." * Kahlya regains her serious tone. ~But what's the last thing you remember? Before you started having company in your head?~ ~I went to sleep like normal. Although I think did have a dream.~ ~Tell me about it.~ * Mandy walks out to the foyer past a large mirror and coatrack. [Give me a vision awareness roll.] ~Well.. I had a friend who was lost and was wandering around outside.~ [Kahlya sees something out of the corner of her eye in the mirror as she passes it.] * Kahlya stops, almost forceably, and checks the mirror for a closer look. [As Kahlya looks over she sees Mandy's reflection with a taller robed figure holding a scythe. But after a fraction of a second it disappears.] (Like behind her or what?) ~What?~ (Behind her) * Kahlya puts her hand up against the mirror, then turns her head to look behind her. ~You didn't see that?~ * Mandy shakes her head which is disconcerting. ~No.~ * Mandy feels a little nervous. She heads out the door and shuts it behind her. ~Mmm...that's weird...I wonder who that was?~ ~I don't know. So what can I do? I can skip school, but I can't really get anywhere.~ ~Do you do anything special?~ ~Uh.. I play the flute.~ ~Well?~ ~Pretty well. I have to practice a lot or I lose it though~ * Mandy heads down to the towns main street. (town's) ~Well, let's ride the bus. You tell me about that dream you have in the meantime. If you can remember it that is...~ * Mandy nods and thinks. ~I don't really remember who it was, and she wasn't really with it or anything. She was just lost and afraid. And I think someone might have been chasing her.~ ~Yeah...that was probably me....I wish I remembered though...~ ~You weren't really talking. I just knew somehow.~ ~That's weird...why would I have a connection with you?~ * Mandy shrugs. ~I agreed to help you out that one time.~ ~Well...you *are* my apprentice after all~ * Mandy nods. [And the bus pulls up. Mandy gets in and takes a seat in the back. Not too many kids on right now.] ~You always sit here or just wanted some more time with your imaginary friend?~ * Kahlya gives a mental grin at Mandy. * Mandy smiles. ~Depends on my mood.~ ~Tell.~ ~Some of the kids are dumb or annoying. But they can make me laugh sometimes.~ ~Because they don't realize how dumb and annoying they are? ~Sometimes. And sometimes they're just silly and it's funny." ~Doesn't get much better when you get older. I hate to tell you..~ * Kahlya sighs, and doesn't quite keep it all mental this time. ~This sucks.~ * Mandy's body sighs. ~Is there anyone I could call for you or something?~ ~Yeah, right. What am I going to tell them? "Sorry, I'm stuck in a little kid's body? Call back later?" You know how crazy you'd sound saying that?~ ~I'm not that little.~ ~Besides, there's someone who has a way of finding me who...~ She blinks. ~Wait a moment. *Why* hasn't he found me yet?~ * Mandy stops pouting. ~Who is he?~ ~I...can't tell.~ * Mandy pouts again. ~Sure, I'm just the apprentice whose body you're hanging around in.~ ~No no, you don't understand. I *can't* tell. It's against the rules.~ ~OOooh.~ * Kahlya pouts. ~He's probably not to happy with me...~ ~Why not?~ ~Because...uh...I screwed up. Big time.~ * Kahlya mentally sighs and gives the feeling of being very very depressed. ~I shouldn't even be alive right now. Maybe I'm not. I'm not used to dying...~ * Mandy nods symathetically. ~I'm sorry... I want to help you.~ Session Time: Thu Apr 21 00:00:00 2005 [The school bus pulls to another stop and the doors open. Awareness roll.] ~You don't even know who, or what, I am. But lately I'm beginning to think that I don't either..~ (Which sense?) (Sight again. Or hearing with a +2) [A young boy gets on and Kahlya notices something odd in the rear view mirror at the front of the bus. There's a fairly etheral robed figure following the boy and weilding a scythe.] * Kahlya looks at where the figure actually is *supposed* to be, and then at the mirror again. [Soul roll +8] ~Something interesting about Billy?~ [Kahlya thinks she might see the figure where it should be, but then the image fade.] * Mandy blinks. "Wait, was there a figure in the mirror?" ~Well, if he's supposed to be followed around by Death, then not very interesting.~ * Kahlya nods. She can't help it. ("no, not very interesting" rather) [Figure is still there and proceeding to the back of the bus as Billy sits down.] * Mandy shivers a little. "Like the death?" ~Shit, it's coming towards us.~ * Kahlya keeps watching, but she's on edge. If it's doing anything to her... [The figure keeps moving closer and Kahlya feels the cold and wet returning.] * Kahlya then looks around frantically for the emergency exit in the back. [It's there.] [She can also see the reflection of the figure in the glass.] * Kahlya pulls Mandy's hand towards the emergency lever and opens it up. Screw free will. That's not good... that's not good at all. ::she blinks:: (She say that or think that? ) (Say) * Mandy decides not to resist. The door swings open the emergency lights on the bus go on. It's still moving at like fifteen miles an hour now.] * Kahlya glances back behind her and her eyes widen. ~Dammit...trust me..~ She jumps out of the back of the bus and tries to hover for a bit to slow herself before landing. (Power usage roll against body) [All the children stare back and the bus driver tries to quickly slow the bus without causing a sudden jerk. They see Mandy jump off but begin floating shortly before she touches the ground. The cold and wet feeling fades a little. * Mandy repeatedly thinks to herself: ~I'm not resisting, I'm not resisting.~ * Kahlya lands on the ground on all fours. ~Right...good girl...keep doing that.~ She takes off sprinting full speed in the opposite direction. [You're on a forested road. You get up to a run at the highest speed Mandy's fairly short legs can sustain. The bus now stops entirely.] * Mandy is feeling terrified, she's completely yielded control of her body. * Kahlya thinks to Mandy. ~Keep running. I'm not sure how long I can keep this up...hell, maybe that creature's trying to put me back in my own body...but whatever that feeling is, it isn't pleasant.~ * Mandy thinks ~Okay.~ She takes over the running and tries to steel herself. She comments in a forced chipper tone. "I thought death would be taller." ~You saw him...err...it too?~ [Bus driver gets out of the bus. She's in her thirties and a bit overweight. She starts sprinting after Mandy.] ~Just for a second. In the glass when you openned the door.~ ~Just because it's got a robe and a scythe doesn't automatically make it Death. Hell, I could look like that if I wanted to. Except not nearly so ghostly.~ ~You know a shortcut or hiding spot or something? I didn't mean to get you in so much trouble but we're *not* getting back on that bus.~ * Mandy nods and she takes off into the woods. * Mandy then glances back. ~I'm not sure I can be fast enough.~ You can feel her body starting to tire from the sprint. She could probably keep a run for sometime, but the buslady is moving pretty fast. * Kahlya lets Mandy take over...for now. ~Sorry I got you into this...~ She sounds genuinely apologetic. * Kahlya glances over her shoulder. ~Can she see us?~ [Both of you look back.] [The bus lady is running into the woods, but she doesn't seem to have a clear read on where you are.] * Kahlya turns back around and keeps running. ~I can move faster. Hold on..~ She tries to hover again. (Power usage -2 bonus) (Against body) * Mandy begins hovering at and dodging trees moving quickly putting distance between you and the bus driver. Mandy tries to exert some control over the steering and for the moment seems to have forgotten her fear. ~Whee!~ ~Geez, calm down a little. We don't want to alert the bus lady.~ * Kahlya fights for control, trying to steer around the trees as much as she can to avoid being scene. Sorry, kid, but she's got more experience with this sort of thing. * Mandy lets Kahlya take control. And the forest grows a bit colder and damer. * Mandy thinks in a slightly sulky tone. ~There's a place with a lot of fallen trees up ahead from where they were fighting the fire. It's fun to hide there.~ ~Right...ugh...~ * Kahlya stops and lands. ~I...whatever's tracking us is using my powers I think...I've got to stop..~ * Mandy starts a run/jog that preserves her energy. ~I think we can get there and hide in time.~ ~Good. Let's go.~ * Bus driver calls out. "Mandy! Please come back!" ~Is there anything you have that resembles a mirror?~ ~No.. wait, yes. In my pencil box.~ [And the area with the fallen trees is now in sight. It's on the edged of a burned out swath of forest.] ~Get it out. Let's check behind us.~ * Bus driver keeps calling out for Mandy to come back, trying a whole mix of tactics and tones, from stern to pleading. ~They'll think you're crazy, you know.~ * Mandy ducks behind one of the trees and digs into her bag, taking out the pencil box. She opens the lid which holds a small mirror. * Mandy nods and cries a little. ~What's wrong?~ * Mandy's hands are shaking a bit and it's hard to really get an idea if anythings behind you. ~How can I explain this?~ ~I....look, I don't really know. *I* have trouble explaining this...~ ~But if you get grounded, at least you'll have company...~ * Mandy nods. She's still trembling. ~Now hold the mirror steady...~ * Mandy manages to exert her will and secure the mirror for now. [The robed figure is standing where you stopped hovering and looking around. The bus driver seems to have grown more concerned about the other kids and is heading back.] * Kahlya puts her finger to her lips and hides, spying on the figure closely. (That is to say...far away distance wise. ^^;) (/me snickers) * Mandy doesn't resist at all. Give me a hide check. (Stealth (hide) that is) [You find a good place to hide, but it's hard to get a good view of the robed figure from there.] * Kahlya keeps trying anyways. To watch the figure that is. [Awareness sight +4] ~I'm sorry I got you into this mess...I don't think I've been so sorry in my life. I might have been...I just don't remember it..~ * Kahyla gets the occassional glimpse. She's noticed that it now has begun slowly walking, almost limping it seems from this angle, as it searches the area. [However, she keeps losing it and having to expose her position slightly to find it again. * Mandy has retreated into her own mind at this point, letting Kahlya keep complete control. ~I know. And I still want to help you. I'm just really scared.~ ~...that's weird...~ * Mandy doesn't respond. ~I'm going to talk to it. Get ready to run though if it doesn't answer...~ [Over the past half minute or so as Mandy has really quieted down the cold and dampness has faded a bit, although Kahlya still feels connected to the powers she's been using.] ~You sure?~ She does prepare herself to move though. ~Not entirely. But it looks like it's limping...if it were Death, you wouldn't think it'd get wounded, would you...?~ * Mandy calms down a little. ~I guess not.~ * Kahlya steps out a little, hesitantly. Trying to first pinpoint the figure with the mirror, then with her own eyes. (Awareness sight +2) [After a few seconds and checks between the mirror and the forest, Kahlya can see the spectral figure. * Kahlya watches it for a little while, coming out cautiously. [The figure takes a while to see Mandy's fairly small body.] * Kahlya takes the time to inspect the figure closely. She doesn't make a move until the figure notices her. (Visual awareness check. -2) [The forest around both the figure and Mandy are quite silent. Bird can be seen chirping and squirrels moving, but they all seem to want to keep their distance.] * Kahlya clears her throat and calls out. "Excuse me!" [Kahlya can't make out any more of the figure. After a few more moments the robed creature moves towards her.] * Kahlya holds out her hand. "Stop! If you come any closer, I swear I'll run again." * The figure stops for the moment. * Kahlya lowers her hand slowly and takes a deep breath, looking at it carefully. "Can you speak?" ~I hope this works.~ (Add a "That's better" before "Can you speak" ~*You* hope this works? I'm the one it's after.~ * Figure responds with a hallow monotone shell of Kahlya's, not Mandy's, voice. "Yes." * Kahlya tilts her head to the side. "Who are you?"
A servent. Servant? Of who? What do you want? * Figure ignores the first two questions. "To rejoin that which was seperated during the summoning." ~I don't like it any better now that it talks." (~) * Kahlya eyes the figure suspiciously, taking a step back. ~Me neither.~ "And why should I believe you...? What happened?"
~Your soul left your body during the journey. This is not natural. It can not continue." "You're telling ME it's not natural? I asked you a question. What the hell happened?" * Mandy tries to think with a bit of bravado. ~I don't see how it thinks it can judge what's natural.~ ~I...don't really think I'm all that natural either, when it comes down to it.~
Your spririt is of two dimensions. When your body died during the transfer, it broke free. [Awareness roll. Sense of choice.] (Just wanted to check. Sight AND hearing ^^;) Two di--what are you talking ab--? * Kahlya takes another step back. [Kahlya hears a slight rustling in the leaves. Very faint, very minor, but also very familar. Now that she knows what to look for she can see several signs of a mist forming and effecting the environment.] (affecting) That's my...why are you using my trick? What's going on?
I am rejoining what was seperated. * Figure slowly raises the scythe but moves no closer. Why this girl? What'll happen to this girl when I "rejoin"? * Kahlya takes another step back. She's getting a real bad feeling about this. She gets a good look at the scythe when she can.
Your soul found a safe host. If you surrender yourself, no harm will come to her. * Mandy is currently petrified. * Kahlya stops retreating. "You are...certain of that..." [The scythe the figure carries seems to be a shadow of Tear. Similar and form and function, but Kahlya is also certain it is not hers.
Yes. Simply give in and join your corpse. [The mist is now visible and spreading.] * Kahlya narrows her eyes at the figure. "If you are lying, I will get back Tear and personally cleave a new hole in that ethereal throat of yours. You know Tear can do it..." Where is my corpse?
At the bottom of the Thames, where you shall join it for a moment, before leaving this world forever. This... * Kahlya frowns and takes another step back. "You intend to kill me." ~I know you're trying to look after me, but...~ ~You don't trust it either, do you?~
Saki Morikawa killed you. Your spirit choose to cling to this world by possessing your apprentice. I simply restore the natural order. ~I don't know. But even if she isn't lying, you'll die!~ * Kahlya grins lightly. "I know. But you know what? I'm not quite ready to die yet...I followed the geas and this is the thanks I get? Screw that." * Kahlya turns around and takes off in the other direction. (Which method?) (Running at first. Hovering if it seems she's not going fast enough) (body roll) * The figure swings the scythe upward and the mist collects into frost at the edge of the blade. * Kahlya growls. ~Get down!~ She tries to create her own scythe to defend. Sure it won't be the tear, but she's got to have something! [Mandy moves fast, but she doesn't have Kahlya's physical conditioning, and she isn't moving fast enough to get out of range.] (Okay, even up power usage roll.) [The scythe materializes in Mandy's hands as the figure swings the scythe and a cone of ice crystals shoot forward as well as backwards into the trees behind the figure.] * Kahlya mentally whispers to Mandy. Sure it doesn't really matter since it's mental, but hey, she's desperate enough. ~This shouldn't be happening. This *can't* be happening. That can't be the Tear. It can't be. But how can she use Chilling Stream like that?~ ~I don't know, but do something!~ * Kahlya goes into full defense and skips backwards, fully in combat mode now. As her foot skips off the ground she tries to go into hover, full speed back. (Give me a defense roll, full defense helps) (I'll let hover cancel the spreading effect) (How much does full defense give again? -2 bonus?) (Yeah) [Kahlya still has it, and despite Mandy's lack of muscle memory with the scythe and minimal defensive training Kahlya manages to driver her body back with enough speed so that only the trees around her bare the brunt of the force.] * Kahlya curses and hovers full speed away from the menace. ~Dammit...I wish I didn't get you into this...~ [The trees behind the figure also bear the brunt of the attack and in a case of freakishly bad luck for the figure, one of them falls straight onto it. The spectre is knocked down and then fades away. "You can delay your fate, but you can not escape it."] [And break!]