[Date: 10/14 10:24 am GMT.] [Tim stops by Vic's lab. Vic is presently drinking from some light brown bubbly concoction in a conical glass vial.] [Start] * Tim knocks on the door. Enter. * Tim walks in. "Hey Victor, 'sup?" * Victor takes a swig and then puts the tube down. "I am vell. And I am finished your little project. Ve just need to put decide the size of ze explosive charge." * Tim blinks. "I thought we agreed on small house?" * Victor nods. "Just vanted to be sure about ze specifics. 10 meter radius. But more important, vhat do you need it to penetrate? Wood? Brick? Steel?" (Vood) * Tim rubs his chin. "Idiots mostly, but they might have some body armor." * Victor nods. "I vill go vith heavy commercially available body armor. Now about cost. I had a thought. Vould you mind recouping my cost out of your second round tournament pay or life insurance? I know you are strapped right now, but it vas expensive." * Tim eyes Victor. "Now what makes you think I won't be able to pay for that out of what I'm getting for it?" * Victor shrugs. "I vas just covering my bases as they say." (zey say) Sheesh, you were even going to discount it due to the uniqueness. It's not like I'm after a pocket nuke or something here. * Victor nods. "Vell, if you can pay now, all ze better. 75,000. Half of zat is ze excellent replica, ze other half, blackmarket explosives zat can not be traced back to us." And well worth every penny if this works. You take credit, cash, or small jewels? No credit I zink. Best if zis stays off ze books. * Victor secures the door and then opens up a locked cabinet in the workshop. Inside is an excellent replica of Maggie's gun. Then I've got some withdrawls and bank errors to make. And in the interests of secresy, I think no lump su... * Tim whistles. "Niice." * Victor smiles proudly. "Vell, I vill trust you can get it done vithin 24 hours, yes?" * Tim looks up to think for a moment. "With a little luck." * Victor nods. "Vell, have fun zen." [Later that day Tim calls AotVSAB] Association of the Victims of SAB. Dick speaking. * Tim speaks into a payphone somewhere in suburban London, "Hey, it's me, I've just about got that present you wanted. When and where would you like it delivered?" * Dick sounds a bit surprised. "You do? That's excellent! That will do wonders for establishing the proof we need. As for the drop." ::hold phone away and speaks to someone else, Tim can hear him talking more quietly:: We still have that storage unit for records, right? ::He comes back and gives Tim a location in a public storage facility.:: I could be there at 5:30 tonight, unless that's too soon." Nope, that's good for me. I don't know how to thank-- well, I'll see you tonight. Sure thing. * Tim hangs up. [End!]