[October 19, 2020. 10 am.] [There's a town near the oilrig. This town as a dock. Boats leave from the dock towards the rig. Kahlya left on one a few minutes ago and presumably will return when the fight is over.] [Where you two are holed up is up to you. Maggie called to tell you she'd be late, but there before Kahyla arrived.] [You can tune into the fight on a portable or normal TV that I'll make available for free.] [Start] [The SMEE channel presently has on a commercial for Will Cheng action figures. They've got real gunfun action! Look pretty new.] (Continental breakfast! I want a bagel.) (You have one. You can even have cream cheese!) (Sweet! This is the best fight ever.) [And the show then starts. There's a splash screen for contenders picking the location.] * Jason comes walking out from the bathroom, toweling his hair. Apparently, hotel water doesn't hurt him; it's a good thing, really. He's wearing his jeans and no shirt just yet - there are no traumatic battle scars there. "Did it start?" [And it is live now. So you get to see Mak's odd desire to go to disney world.] * Saki is checking her weapons, making sure her guns are fully loaded. She nods at the TV. "Yeah." * Jason peers at the screen. "Disney World, huh?" He drops the towel and goes hunting for a shirt. Never been. Who's the kid with her? Never seen her before. * Jason looks up from his duffel bag to the screen. Pause. "No clue." He goes back to searching. She wasn't there when Kahlya jumped you? * Saki shakes her head. "No. But all the goons she brought with her are dead; maybe she got some new help from somewhere." * Jason pulls out a beaten black t-shirt. "Sounds like we'll have to kill her, too." He pulls it over his head. * Saki frowns a little. "Not if we don't have to. Kahlya's the one I'm after. Just keep your eyes open in case that kid's more than she seems. * Jason mmphs a little from inside his shirt before he pulls it down. "All right." He goes to sit next to Saki, on the bed. * Saki finishes her weapons check, placing them aside for now. She smiles at Jason when he sits down next to her. "Thanks again for helping me with this." * Jason reaches around to hug Saki with one arm. "Hey," he says with a grin, "anytime. You just tell me who to kill." She's got it coming, anyway. * Saki nods, her eyes narrowing a little. * Jason looks back at the television, arm still around Saki. * Saki leans into Jason a little as she settles down to watch the fight. [Jason's hope of getting any action before the action are apparently thwarted. * Jason seems just fine with this arrangement, brushing some of Saki's hair out of her face and kissing her on the top of her head. He looks at the television again. "What is this, a history lesson? Aren't they supposed to be beating each other to death?" Nah, not to the death. Lethal force is allowed, but only if they don't kill each other. Right. So only if it's not lethal. Right. * Saki groans. "You've got to be kidding me." ... Wow, that song is bloody annoying. * Saki nods. "Of all the stupid places for a fight." About time. * Jason eyes the screen. "Get a load of that guy. Crosses?" * Saki shrugs. "Maybe it'll work. Heck, maybe he'll do our work for us." Her tone suggests sarcasm, though. He's not doing a good job softening her up for us. * Saki shakes her head. "Yeah, no help there." * Jason hmphs and shifts a little so he can stroke Saki's hair a bit more. [No help from Mak, but does the hair stroking help him get some attention from Saki? Time will tell!] * Saki leans her head against his shoulder. "Hey, what do you say we get out of the country when this is over?" * Jason says, idly, "I was gonna go to Australia anyway. Want to come?" Australia, huh? Sounds fun. * Jason grins. "Yeah, there's a race there I'm gonna enter." Cool. I guess. I think it'd at least be good to get outta England for a while. * Saki nods. "Yeah, just what I was thinking." [Aww, Jason's sensitivity and exciting plans for the future have resulted in head... resting on his shoulder. Isn't that sweet. I'm sure Jason's so happy.] ( ¬.¬ ) ( No pre-battle sex. That's Yvonne's schtick ) ( Oops, typo. 'A head' Not sure how that got left out.) ( I know. I'm mocking Jason here, not Saki. Because Jason gets none! ) (*cracks up*) (Poor Jason. I'm sure he'll get sex afterwards.) ( I'm afk a bit. ) * Marguerite has joined #sabTV [Saki and Jason are waiting in the hotel room near the deck that they told Maggie about.] [They're cuddling. Isn't that cute. Jason is a sensitive 90s man!] (We're also frozen in time!) (Yup. I just figured I'd bring Cham up to date) (Also also, Saki was alive in the '90's. I guess she would know.) (Or you could just pause the fight. Maybe you've got Tevo. ^_~) (That's dumb.) (They could. It's actually possible. Just very silly.) ( Back ) ( Cool ) (Okay, how late do people want to go? Not sure how long Birthday lunch will be. I expect the fight to be over within a couple rounds, but with dinner that will still be late. ( Hrm. ) ( I can go til whenever. ) ( Though at the same time I'm a little out of it. ) ( /me nods. Ard, Cham? ) (I'm about the same as Brett, here.) ( Okay. ) ( Heh, I didn't mean to unleash hell with that question. I was just curious what people thought. ) ( Ara.... ) (I think I am Tired.) (Okay. How tired? If you like we can just work out where Maggie's going to be hiding, you can give her hide roll now, and you can skip being present for the ambush cliffhanger.) (I can manage that fine. I just would really rather not run combat tonight.) (Okay. I was kinda betting as I figure he'll probably be a bit. Oh, and is the plan to do any chatting first, or just immediate attack once she steps out of the motorboat? (Wow, this fight is getting dramatic. Mecha's lonely stand for sometime, and then ND comes in to join the fray) (Part of what is making me tired.) (I'm ignoring it.) (I don't know what the plan is.) ( >.> ) (Sorry Cham) (Okay, Saki/Jason, what's the plan?) Er(... no. Part of what is making me tired is the argument, not that I don't know what the plan is.) ( That's a good question. Saki's not much of a planner. ) ( But if nobody has a better idea, she'd probably wait until they started leaving, then hit them on the road. ) (That's a good enough plan for Jason! XD) (I can actually break sync to have you guys talk it out. There's an in game reason that makes sense. We just wouldn't want to go for more than a couple minutes. Kahlya would need some time to leave the oil rig anyways and to simplify things I'll say you can see from here wen she leaves. ) (And the in game reason isn't Tivo. I promise. :P) (Right.) (Okay, so do you want the chat? We'll say about two minutes of game time and then pause again. If you guys don't feel any need to chat about it, then no.) (Sure.) (That's fine.) Alright ( I mean alright ) [And right as Marguerite gets to the door the screen goes staticky for a moment and then shows a "Technical difficulties" screen. There's an announce voice that sounds rather puzzled. "Uh, if you'll just stay with a moment."] [Resume, and enter the Maggie in a manner of her choosing.] * Marguerite walks in, satchel on and wreathed in smoke. She's screwing the lid back on a flask. 'ey. * Jason is seated on the bed with Saki, who's half-curled against him. He looks over. No shades right now, and his eyes are as red as ever. "'Bout time you got here. What's his name's almost down." * Saki sighs at the TV. "Figures." She glances at the door as Marguerite walks in, waving. "Hey." Apparently our connection to the cameras went out. We'll bring them back online momentarily. ::dead air for a few seconds:: * Marguerite shoots a look at Jason. "I hadda make a quick detour at a chapel." * Saki raises an eyebrow. "Didn't take you for the praying type." * Television whispers. "Got it back yet?" "No?" "We're losing ratings, tell them something." ( Hah ) Didn't used to be. Things're changing. Where we gonna take her? Dock? Boat? We'll consult with our technical consultant, Ms. Kinsha, to see what she can tell us about this problem. ::whispering other voice:: You said consult twice. * Jason shrugs and looks down at Saki. Figured we could get her in transit. That way there's less chance of fighting anyone who shouldn't be there. [And the camera cuts to Prudence's lab. There's an exciting new mecha there. Still obviously early in development and is skeletal with lots of wires showing.] [Mechanics check -4 to recognize a key detail about it.] We got a competent boat pilot? I meant after she lands and starts to leave. [And anyone looking at the TV notices that the skeletal mecha arm has impale one Ms. Prudence Kinsha. She has a rather large hole in her chest, so it seems like she won't be doing any consulting ever again.] * Marguerite glances at the TV> Heh. * Marguerite looks back to Saki. "Works for me." * Jason looks at the television and blinks. "Okay." [And the technical difficulties screen shows again.] * Marguerite looks to Jason. "You aces for this? Feelin' good?" * Saki stares at the TV. "Uh.... The fuck?" Shit! She's dead... err. here's our backup technical consultant. * Television has a new voice come one. "Send me ze photos. Ah, give ze comm unit a firm kick. Vell of course zat vill vork. It is enough that I say it vill vork. * Grysar: you're not channel operator * Marguerite turns back to the TV. "What the shit...? Christ, you can't fucking find anyone to do decent fucking coverage." I'm fine, long as she doesn't pull out some bloody holy water. Doubt it. Bet that stuff would hurt her as much as you. Guarantee it. Can we resume coverage where we left off? Yes, it vill be out of sync. (And say whatever you need to do to finish up, and we'll pause again.) * Marguerite flicks the butt at the screen and lights up anew. "We best get set up, then." * Saki nods. "I'm ready." Just lemme get my shoes and jacket, and I'm good. [And there's the sound of a kick and coverage resumes from where it left off. There's a 'not live' overlay in one corner.] [Repause] ( There's a "Not live" overlay across the entire screen. XD ) (Anyone else attempt the roll and make?) ( I'll try it ) (Sure, I'll try.) (-4 bonus?) ( I forgot the -4. ) (d8's, Brett. ;P) (Also, I miss.) ( I know. I used d8 above. ) ( Now I'm just messin' with people :D ) ( But yes, made by 1 ) (The random rash of rolling in #besm is amusing. ^^) (So did anyone make?) (Saki did.) ( ('-')/ ) (Maggie made. Too many hours working on Bubba and Friends.) (Right, but have updated you.) -> [Grysar] PING (<_< >_>) (You needing to get to bed Cham? Want to go with silent Maggie and make your hide roll now?) (Or just have her run ahead or something?) (Rowyn might come back in the next ten minutes or he may be another hour, we really have no way of knowing.) (I need to crash, and CW is ending, so it's feasible for me to do so) (WTF is the roll for hiding?) (Okay, so silent maggie or does she run ahead? And stealth (hide) I think. We'll say against mind) (Just tell me the margin and whether to silent PC her or have her go ahead, and we're god to go.) (Go ahead, and I'm questioning whether the roll is worth it.) (Good to rather. Oh, and if you want you guys can just blow off the rest of the fight and get in position now. That would also be fine.) (If she takes extra time can she get a bonus? Something? Otherwise she's not going to make this roll.) (Untrained v 8 stat0 (Let's see. Sure. -2 for having her full focus and having time to do it. And I'll let the other two make a roll to assist. (Essentially pointing out a better spot.) (No worries, made it dead on.) (Cool. Okay. I'll allow the assist rolls later to up the margin) (So silent or went ahead?) (Went ahead, unless they're going right now.) (Okay, we'll go with that) (Sleep well) (Night.) * Marguerite has quit IRC (Quit: ) [Maggie heads over to the site in advance.] ( Ummmmmmm.... ) ( Ima gonna guess this isn't happening tonight >.> ) ( Heh, just got back. Let's finish this. Good?) [And resume in here.] * Saki waves to Maggie's back. * Jason nods as Maggie goes, then shifts a little. * Saki leans back into Jason. * Jason chuckles a little and wraps both arms around her now. "Looks like things are heating up," he comments. * Saki nods. "It's about time." * Saki grins at the TV. "Well." ... So much for the ice stuff. * Saki nods. "She should have just hit him head on to begin with. * Jason reaches up with one hand and fingers his cross earring. "Yeah. No idea what she was doing earlier." What's he hitting her with? Iron? Not sure. I don't think that's it though. * Jason nods. Sounds pretty pissed. I think it's the God stuff. Must've gone to church too much as a kid. * Saki chuckles. * Jason grins a little. "I know *I* got sick of it." Yeah, me too. Damn, I want some of that stuff. Yeah, would be handy... guess you'll just have to shoot her instead. [Saki wants some of the God stuff! Is this bad news for Jason? Will Saki find religion and lose him? Will he ever get to that after ambush action? Stay tuned!] (Oh, the suspense! Oh, the drama! Oh, Greg is bored with just running the fight!) (I'm actually having fun, I just like giving silly commentary. :P) ( ara... ) ( I'm not even sure what that means. ) ( Ok, lemme fix. ) ( orz ) ( Don't make me summon Ciara. :P) (* *casts Summon Ciara.) ( A giant mallet, heaved by a very sleepy looking girl, and wacks Brett. ) (Hey, you weren't supposed to make me!0 (Mwahaha!) (Okay, so Kahlya wins next blow. Mak was almost out of HP at that point so it was an all or nothing move. And he got nothing. :P) (So almost wrap up time.) (We'll get to the ambush and cut) ( Mak's gonna die >.> ) * Saki watches Mak fall into the water. "That's the end," She says, grabbing her guns. "Let's go." * Jason nods. As soon as Saki's off of him, he gets to his feet, slips on his boots, and grabs his leather jacket. This'll be fun. Got everything? * Saki nods, loading some shells into her shotgun. She slips on a pair of shades. "Yeah." * Jason shrugs on his jacket and slips on a pair of his own shades, and he grins before heading out. "Let's do this." * Saki nods, following him out. [And you successfuly exit your room. Go ahead and describe how you're setting up this ambush. You can indicate Maggie's hiding position as you do so.] (I dunno. We get first hit! I assume Margie would have cover and distance.) ( How is Kahlya leaving the area? ) (Motorboat to dock. After that not sure.) ( Hmmm... That's a problem >.> How many exits are there from the dock? ) (We'll say just one to the street) (Simplify things.) ( K, Maggie can hide there while Jason and I tail her from the dock. ) (Pincer attack!) (Check. Can Maggie fully hide behind something? It means she's less able to watch for an approach, but on the other hand that would mean she could only hear and not see Kahlya's appraoch.) Session Time: Mon Feb 06 00:00:01 2006 (Also how far back are you guys staying?) ( Um, that's up to Maggie. ) (Okay, I'll give her a penalty to +4 vision checks and make that a bonus for her hide.) ( And not too far back. We just want to stay inconspicuous until she's in position to attack. ) ( So like 7 meters? 20?) ( Sure, that works. ) (Which? :P) ( Jason? ) ( Depends on the traffic. ) ( If they leave by road. ) (*nods* Just don't want to get caught ahead of time. Jason's following Saki's lead, because amazingly, she's sneakier than he is.) ( weeeird man ) (Okay, give me stealth rolls.) (You know you love it. :P) ( Aw crap ) (Make if body and fail by mind.) ( Whooo! ) [Saki follows and manages to signal to Jason to stop as Kahlya listens closer to what's going on. As a result, you don't produce the sound of her being directly followed.] [And she's on the road approaching Maggie's position. She'll soon be to town. Whatcha doing?] (And if Maggie's supposed to make the first move, tell me what her move is and we'll cut. If not, your guys turn. :P) ( In the taxi? ) (Are they in a taxi?) (THey're walking now. I can get the taxi if that's what you're waiting on) ( No :P Saki would rather not have any innocents involved. ) (If they're in a taxi, they have no room to move as far as fighting goes, really. Can't swing your scythe in it. That's what Jason'd wait for. But Saki and- yeah. :P) ( They're walking to town? ) (Yeah. And will get a taxi once they get to your hotel.) (So if you want no taxi, act fast. ) ( Can Jason grab her with his whip and drag her? ) (I can try!) (he can try. :P) (I would try. Because I'm crazy. Even though she's way better built, as far as combat goes, than I am. ;P May I?) ( That sounds good to me. Saki's shooting if he misses. Maggie probably would too. ) ( But can't speak for her. ) (I'd say +4, since it's a grapple with one less hand.) ( Obviously ) (So that's a +4 for me or her?) (Okay, Jason take your first move, then we'll break and go to init when we get back.) ( Can I have Saki ready action to shoot if he misses? ) (For you as an attack penalty. Or it could be a defense bonus for her. I'll leave that to you. ) (Oh, that's just what she needs. More bonuses.) (Well she can't really block. I forget, does the whip have flexible? (Fine, I miss.) (Yes.) (Ne're mind)