[You hurry there.. no real resistance as you go.] [PA] Well.. most impressive I must say. None of you are on my cameras, but in case you're coming after me, you should know that Agent Lord will shortly be in a great deal of peril. (Marcus does not stop, but does listen to the broadcast.) [Thirty seconds] (30 seconds till I get there? Or I'm there and have 30 seconds to do something?) (Til you're there) (I'm just going to hurry.) [You get to a large volcanic cave. There's a rapidly growing cat above agent Lord. Batting at him.] Oh. That can't be good. I fire the LAW at the cat. (LAW is a single use rocket launcher (I believe) (You're reloading it. And fire. (Roll it in main channel) (It's now 20 feet tall) [The rocket flies past the cat and makes a huge dent in the wall. The cat stops tormenting the bloody Agent Lord for the moment and looks around.] [Ari asks over the radio if you need help] (roll it when you fire again) [The cat is wandering around confused, sniffy at the air.] * Marcus reloads and fires again [The missile blows another chunk in the wall. The cat swings a huge paw at your general area. Gimme a dodge roll -4 modifier.] [Marcus is no where near the paw. The cat keeps wandering for a minute or so] * Marcus sneaks up to Lord while the cat's wandering around and attempts to unlock him [Agent Lord is looking quite badly injured.] (Gimme a Burglary (breaking and entering or...) * Marcus whispers "don't move. I'm gonna try and free you. Let's just hope the cat doesn't hear me." (Sleight of hand, lock picking roll) [The cat looks like its getting bored.] (any chance I could make a Police Sciences roll?) (Hmm.. Sure) (ok. noting the cat is looking bored....) * Marcus flies to one side of the room and yells at the cat. Then quickly flies away from that position [The cat starts attacking where Marcus was.] (By any chance... do I have anything with a laser emitter on it? That'll keep the cat busy for hours.) * Marcus flies back to Lord and attempts to pick the lock (success) [Lord whispers "Smashing..." * Marcus picks Lord up and flies for the exit (how fast are you flying these days? (50 kph) (which is just under 14 meters/sec) [The cat bounds after you and is losing ground, but gets in one swap at Agent Lord. Give me a Unarmed (strikes)] [Marcus gets into the hallway, but he's got a very badly bleeding Agent Lord on his hand, huge claw marks through his garb and back. He's keeping a stiff upper lip though.] [Lord] Can't say I ever liked cats. Not a big fan myself, either * Marcus heads to the exit [Lord] Not sure I can.. hold on without treatment. Do my best for King and Country of course. ::Still bleeding quite badly:: Hang tight. Gonna get you to a doctor as quickly as possible. (Can I make some sort of heal check to stabalize him somewhat?) (Yeah) (medical (emergency) (Against mind?) [Lord] Might not be.. soon enough. (Yeah) (I'm gonna have to stop fly to do this, yes?) [Preston] gives you directions, he sounds like he's running. (Yeah) (How long do I think it'll take me to get to Preston?) (Two minutes for you guys to meet up) * Marcus adjusts his hands and body position to attempt to slow the bleeding, while continuing to fly, and says to Lord, "Think you can hold on for a couple of minutes? Help is coming." [Lord passes out.] (Is this channel and #sab2020 in time sync?) (Yeah) [Preston] He's trying.. ::pant:: Can't make this much faster. [Lord is still bleeding.] * Marcus stops and attempts to attend to Lord's wounds, without much success. * Marcus tries again (that's a success of 0) [The initial bandages fail to halt the wounds, but you manage to adjust them just in time to get actually stop the bleeding.] [You think you can move him again.] * Marcus picks him up and flies like a bat out of hell to get to the doctor [Times passing.. keeping in sync with main channel.] [Preston] How is he? * Marcus radios, "He's unconscious, but alive. I managed to stop the bleeding." [Preston] Good man. [At this point you meet up with the doctor. Who gets to work on Agent Lord. Preston manages to catch up, still panting, like twenty seconds later.] * Marcus puts Lord down on the ground so the doctor can look at him Does it look like he'll be ok? [Doctor just keeps working] [Preston] He doesn't talk much.. but he doesn't waste time either... ok. I'm going to stay with you three just in case something happens. [Preston] Righto... Um, where exactly are you anyways? * Marcus turns visible. "Oh. Right. I'm right here." [Preston looks shocked, and then settles] Nice trick there. Yeah. It comes in handy. * Doctor looks up. "I've only seen a few dozen worse. That's still saying a lot." He then yawns and rubs his eyes. "Alright, I have to get back to work, best have my chopper ready." And walks off. [End in here] (The doctor just walks off, leaving me, Preston, and an unconscious Lord?) (Out cold, but looking *much* healthier) [Done in here]