[Date: August 5, 2020. Time: 1205 GMT] [Two ambulances down, two team members off doing something else, one vamp to go.] [Kendrick and Marcus are presently four blocks away from everyone else.] [Ari in the headquarters and all is right in the world. Wait, that's not true at all. Well, the first bit is.] [A new vampire just teleported in and is being surrounded by a cloud of smoke, that apparently can block bullets.] [This vampire is currently on Jason's bike and is speeding away. Jason is taking it surprisingly well, in that he hasn't killed any party members at random.] [Oh and damage count. Jason has taken a hit or two, and Marcus has been hit with a machine pistol. Think that's everything.] [Start] [Init: Ren, Vamp-Jonathon-Jason, Kendrick, Marcus] [Ren!] ( Vamp speeding away on Jason's bike, ne? ) (Yup) * Ren calmly raises one of the revolvers, takes aim at the speeding vamp, and fires. [Jonathon, Jason, and Vampire's turn.] * Jonathon looks at the speeding vampire on the bike, even grey eyes opened to stare out at it. "Well isn't this a bother..." He heads back to the car. "Coming Jason? Unless you think you can catch up on your own, I've got an idea." * Jason curses loudly, vividly, and runs for Jon's car. "Better be fucking brilliant." [Vampire just keeps driving for now. He's now ten car lengths ahead of you once you get moving.] [Kendrick!] * Jonathon starts the car and speaks as he starts to pull off after it. "I hope so. I figure if we can get up close enough to it, you can do your fire swarm to fly onto the bike with him and knock him off. Save your bike and take him out. Sound like a bloody plan?" It works. If something can take down that smoke before, it'll work damn well. * Kendrick also throws the magnum into Marcus's lap. "Congradulations, you get to shoot the bloody problem." Yes, that smoke is a bother isn't it? [Jonathon's car rears up to the meeting point, and he sees the downed ambulance. What's he do?] ( If you keep saying 'bloody', won't it make the vampires hungry? ^.~ ) (Which downed ambulance? The second one?) (Yeah) * Jonathon surveys the scene for anything interesting. * Kendrick confirms his position on the GPS. ~Ari, can you send me a blip of where assistance is required?~ * Ren lowers the revolver, annoyed, then turns back to the others. (Well, the ambulence is thoroughly busted. But you can probably figure that out.) * Jonathon slows down a little so Ren can hop on or whatever he does. * Kendrick glances around and surveys the situation before acting again. [Jonathon fails to notice anything of interest aside from the pulled over cars, scared people cowering on the sidewalk or in buildings, and the remains of the ambulance.] [Kendrick see's that too. Jonathon's car is currently moving perpendicular him on his right.] * Jonathon keeps going then. "We can head back after we get the bike. I think we can shut the jammer off. We need to pass on the news." * Ren grabs a hold of the passing car, and hops in. (Smart boy, didn't even need to remind you. :P) * Kendrick looks to his right. "Don't tell me you let him get away." (^_^) ~The vampire is heading to your right. It will be the next turn.~ ~Thanks.~ * Ari sends the appropriate GPS data to Kendrick's receiver. [Marcus!] * Kendrick peels off to his right and begins presuit when it's his turn. These vampires are starting to piss me off... (The vamp is running away? Or towards us?) (Away) (how far is it now?) * Jonathon speaks over the headsets. "Not yet. That smoke blocks bullets though. He's got Jason's bike." ( Duh. Like it'd be charging us. =p ) [Kendrick is going to be six raises back. Jonahon 10. That's less than 50 meters.] (You get to shoot it!) * Jason doesn't even bother responding to Ren. Too busy trying to glare holes into that smoke cloud. (Assuming the jammer was turned off and Kendrick was heard over the sets. ^^ Since I doubt he'd hear him shouting ^^;) (And maybe I can give him a power to let him do that!) [Jason's glare fails to penetrate the smoke.] (Curses.) * Ari broadcasts over the radio. ~Our current goal is to get the vampire out of the city.~ picks up the magnum from his lap and aims it at the smoke cloud. ~ What's that smoke cloud made of, anyway, if it blocks bullets? ~ ~Don't ask, just shoot it.~ ~We need to get the vampire out of the city pronto.~ [Oh, and as a note. Blindfight penalties don't apply if have a form of night vision. It's not solid black, just dark.] * Marcus shoots it * Jonathon rolls his eyes. "Some people never listen..." (Not into the sets) [Marcus isn't even close. He actually hits a parked car. Fortunately for him it was empty.] (Yeah, the jamming is off) [Rens turn!] * Ren glances about, before tapping the headsets. "Sure." Then leans out the window, squeezing off a shot with the revolver again. * Jonathon calls into the back seat. "Ren. How good are you at throwing?" (Bloody hell.) Throwing? What do you got in mind? (Bloody police.) (bloody vamps.) [Ren misses with a close shot] [Jonathon Vamp and Jason. And I'll need a driving roll Jonathon. Currently ten raises behind.] * Jonathon points to the balls he had stored in a bag. "Those. Scent bombs. They're mostly good against werewolves but they have garlic essense in them as well. Given this is an elder, it may not work but it's worth a shot." * Jonathon mutters under his breath. "Especially given the fact that I think I know who this bloody bastard IS." * Jason sits. And fumes. And might be ruining Jonathon's seat by burning his fingers into it, but he probably has more respect for a good car than that. * Ren frowns. "Not as good a shot with grenades as I am with guns. I'll give it a try, though." Stolen by a bloody elder vampire. That's fucking great. ~We have a tricky one here, gentlemen. In addition to normal vampire abilities, he has developed that smoke cloud as a defense against ranged weapons, though it can be entered at close range. Not only that, but he can teleport, control minds, and his telepathic. These powers are magical in nature, however, and we believe your best bet is to wear him out by making him waste his powers rather than trying to take him straight on and kill him.~ [Jonathon closes the gap and is now eight behind.] ~Ari. That you? Question.~ [Kendrick!] ~Yes, Jonathon?~ ~What else does Warlow have to say about him?~ ~His name is Anwyl, apparently.~ ~Let me see if there is anything further.~ * Jason blinks. "What kind of name is that?" * Ren taps the headsets again. "Wear him out? Great." ~Anwyl? Hmmm...~ Yes. Apparently he's one of the most powerful vampires still active.. [Kendrick closes the gap even more. He's now only two car lengths behind the vamp. Compared to Jonathon's eight.] My bike can't even get stolen by someone with a decent name! Fuck. * Jason doesn't seem to really care. [Marcus] * Marcus aims the gun at the vamp this time and waits for a shot, should an opening in the cloud appear Mind control? We'll wanna wait till we get out of town to engage him. [Ren!] * Ren leans out the window, taking a moment to aim.... (aiming action.) [Jonathon Jason and Vamp!] Then get him the hell out of town! * Jonathon keeps the pedal to the metal. Trying to make a little more ground before he's too far out of town. [Vamp seems to encounter a bit of difficulty and falls back a car length, you can't quite see what happens, but you do see two flares sparkingling like diamonds several centimeters from one another in the cloud.] [And suddenly, those people who had been cowering at the edge of the street get a sudden burst of courage, and decide that they want this street to be a pedestrian walkway, right now!] [They were mostly behind doors or the like, so there's about half a dozen in the street] [If you're trying not to run people over, gimme a dodge roll. Your last raise penalty applies. Brakes help.] (...you're evil, Greg. ^^;) (Yay!) * Ren mutters something under his breath. * Jason looks to the crowd and flicks his gaze to Kendrick's car. His eyes burn red behind his glasses, and he starts... grinning? [Both Jonathon and Kendrick manage to swerve, brake, and occassionally speed past the people who are terrible at standing by.] (Bad people! Go stand still like the mindless masses that you are!) (Cower, cower!) [Kendrick is now seven car lengths behind. Jonathon is now eight.] [Kendrick's turn!] * Kendrick speeds up again. Go car go! * Jonathon scowls as he spins the wheel, tires squealing and speaks into the sets to Ari. ~Damn, we've got a situation here. Using people as a weapon. Bad form. Any alternate routes?~ ~One moment.~ ~All right. There is a construction route to the highway a block to the right. You can go that way, but if you stop following him, he may change his mind and decide to go somewhere else. Right now, your pursuit is what is dictating his current direction.~ [Jonathon and Kendrick are running even, seven back] ~Taking the construction route will get you to the highway at approximately the same time as keeping with your current route.~ [Kendrick seems like he's manages to keep the pace, leaving civies in the dust, is he turning or anything?] ~Right. Kendrick, I assume? Can you keep leading him along this route so I can try to cut him off?~ ~Sure.~ ~And yes, it's me.~ (I'm presuming the biker.) * Jonathon turns towards the alternate route. "Here's to hoping there's less obstacles so we can pull ahead." ~Any estimate on how long it'll take us to reach the highway?~ [So the cars are about to split. Jason's held turn.] ~Half a minute to the highway at your current speed.~ * Jason doesn't offer anything to the conversation, as he's busily dissolving into those fiery motes we know and love so well. The inside of Jonathon's car becomes alarmingly hot, but it doesn't stay as they force themselves out the open window and move with alarming speed to Kendrick's. They seem to multiply in number as they head straight for the passenger seat. And, incidentally, Marcus. * Ren pulls back in, and looks alarmingly at Jason. "What the..." * Jonathon blinks at that, and then slaps his forehead. "Bloody hell." He then speaks over the sets. ~Kendrick. Incoming.~ ~From wh-... Bloody hell.~ [The swarm goes over the car, charring it even more, poor Kendrick. But doesn't quite catch Marcus as it can't see him] [Marcus's turn!] (Let's hope Jason gets another mind roll soon...) (Wait, wait. I *make* mind rolls now?) (Bloody hell.) ~ What the hell?! ~ (They *did* ask Jason if he was 1) rational or 2) has preventive measures. He said no!) (How fast was the flamestorm flying?) ~What is going on? Are you under attack?~ (100 kph. Maybe more, thanks to Kenny.) ~Jason. He took off from the car after Kendrick. Think the bloodsucker got him.~ (In other words, really damn fast and you're dead if it gets you.) (I can go faster!) ~That certainly complicates things.~ (<-- goes at least three times that full throttle. ^^;) Kendrick, I'm sure I don't need to actually say this, but, STEP ON IT! (You must reach Jason through the power of love and convince him of the evil of his ways!) [Ren!] * Jonathon mutters under his breath, just barely coming through over the sets. ~That's the biggest bloody understatement I've ever heard.~ (/me snerks. Yeah, that'll work.) ~No shit.~ ~I am consulting with Reverend Warlow at this moment to see if there is any way to break him out of it.~ * Ren growls... "Dammit. Well, nothing we can do now." ~Other than going really damn fast.~ No, there isn't. Take your shot, then we'll see if we can overtake him that way. At least this way, he won't get us. [Vamp Jonathon, and Jason.] * Jonathon cruises down the alternate road and hits the accelerator. Good luck... ~Well, the good news is that it should only last for another half minute. The bad news is that he'll probably get at least one more chance to attack in that time, if not more, judging on his past capabilities.~ * Anwyl's cloud suddenly slows a bit, shifts slight to the right, nearly clipping a pulled aside car, and then comes straight for Jonathon's car. (So..he turned around?) (Because Jonathon's still 6 car lengths behind him ^^;) (Yup, but now you're going in the same direction.) * Jonathon watches that, then smiles a little. "Well, this is a bit of good fortune..." (Now you're going towards each other. You're going a lot faster than six car lengths a turn, so) (You have a potential coalition, um, now) (collison ;p) (I mean, it could be a coalition, but it'd be a very odd one. ;p) (Well, if he mind controls you, that's a coalition. :P) (Sure. If you're chicken.) (^_~) (Chicken? I don't want to wreck Jason's bike. He'll kill me :P) (I will, too.) (Busy killing other people right now, but I'll get to you asap.) * The motes don't stop; as Kendrick's car speeds by, they streak after and down, making another dive at Marcus. [Jonathon successfully manages to pull to the side, as Jason's bike smashes into a car on the edge of the street, as the cloud rapidly dissipates around it.] * Jonathon whips around at the bike, his eyes flashing. "Shit!" [Meanwhile, it starts getting a lot darker inside Jonathon's car.] (Bloody hell.) (Dripping by now.) [Marcus doesn't quite make it to insubstantial in time, he's now be in immense pain, were he not passed out.] [Ren notices the well dressed, fairly attractive man, black tux, green shimmery shirt. He's got a cane in one hand, although both are currently resting on the seat. Looks like he might have something under them though.] [Oh, and he's grinning.] * Ren shoots him. (Impulsive, ne?) Don't wreck the bloody upholstery, Ren! (It'll be real bloody if he gets his way!) We've got a visitor! I know that! [Oh, and surface thoughts everyone in the car, for anything not obvious. :P Ren gets a defense roll.] ~Dammit! Marcus's down!~ [Ren isn't being read] Out of the damned car! * Anwyl leans forward dodging the bullet and keeps his grin. "Aww, don't want to parlay? Or at least exchange witticisms?" [Kendrick!] Do I look like a pirate to you, vamp? * Kendrick hits a few buttons on his GPS, making the map a wider area so he can drive around the block to reach the other car... and hopefully lose Jason while he's at it. ~I'm taking an alternate route, Ari. The vamp wants to play.~ No, and you don't look witty either, but I thought I'd give you the benefit of the doubt. [Ren!] ~Got it.~ [Kendrick steps on it and starts speeding around the block, pulling away from the cloud of inferno.] [Still Ren!] * Ren shoots again, this time with both revolvers. "Go ahead and be witty. See if I care." Well if you don't want to talk I'll just le--. ::At that he takes the first shot and teleports out a millisecond later, too quickly for the other one:: [Ren notices that Anwyl forgot something in the seatwell when he left. Two somethings actually, small, black, metalic, landed with a bit of a thud.] [Vampire, Jonathon, and Jason's turn!] * Anwyl smiles as his cloud reforms over Jason's now battered bike. He starts it up again and goes after Kendrick. * Ren glances at the ... gifts. * Jonathon peeks over his shoulder and starts towards the brake, then his eyes narrow. "Damn." He slows down a little towards the bike anyhow and reaches for one of the scent bombs instead and throws it over towards Anwyl. [Now that he looks closer, they seem kinda like small black pineapples, isn't that cute, it's like a fruitbasket. Or maybe grenades with no pin. But probably a fruit basket, that other one would be just impolite.] [Scent bomb hits the darkness and explodes, some of the gas seems to intermingle with the smoke and you can hear coughing.] * Jonathon smiles at that. "Seems Anwyl isn't quite immune to garlic after all." He left his own gifts, too. [Ren thinks grenades have a *very* short fuse] Oh? * Ren goes to chuck the... fruit baskets out ot the vehicle. Better out than in, ne? * Kendrick leaves the fiery cloud in the dust! Which seems just fine with them, because they're not going after him... instead, they zip back. To Jonathon's car. Specifically, the back seat of Jonathon's car. [Kendrick!] (The other motorcycle is going straight for me?) (And I have an unconcious passanger too. Shit...) * Kendrick speeds up and tries to lure the vampire away from the city and to the highway. "Hey fucker! Come and get me!" (Bloody hell?) (Bloody hell!) [This being a construction area, there aren't too many people, but there are a fair number of assorted obstacles, jersey barriers, that sort of thing.] [Kendrick, concentrating on accelerating, doesn't quite keep ahold of the steering and so sheers the right front quarter of his car off on one of those. The Jersey barrier falls over, but thankfully is otherwise uninjured.] [Kendrick's car is now in pretty damn terrible shape, but still moving. +4 penalty to all future drive rolls. Also, it'll probably collapse if it takes another hit like that. Or someone slams the door] ( .... hah! ) ( Poor door. ) [He also finds the vampire is making really good time against him, probably running into the jersey barrier was not a good way to pick up speed.] [Ren's turn! He throws those two grenades out.] (Ya think?) [Vamp Jonathon, and Jason!] * Ren wipes his hands. "Well, at least it's not a dumb vamp. But he's still pissing me off." * Jonathon peels away to avoid Jason getting in just yet. Can't be sure he's him yet. All the while taking aim at the vampire (aim action and drive) * The motes were heading for Jon's car, right? Well, they keep doing it. Right through the window, which was conveniently open so Ren could get a shot off. * Anwyl slows a bit to be safer in the construction area, he seems to learn from others mistakes. Kendrick notices a flash of two diamond like shapes in his rear view mirror, but he doesn't feel influenced at all.] [Meanwhile, Ren really should have called shotgun, this whole backseat thing is nothing but trouble. Thankfully for him, Kendrick isn't around, so his flesh isn't as badly tourched as Marcus's] [However, he still is 'very badly burned'] ("I'm still alive here!") * Jonathon calls into the headsets again. ~Ari! How much longer till this bloody nuisance wears off? ("I'm not *quite* dead.") ( Funny, how burning ghostly fur still smells just as bad as normal burning fur. ) ~In five seconds!~ * Kendrick grabs his pistol from Marcus's lap and aims at the vamp dead-on while stopping the car. ~I need backup and I need it fuckin' NOW!~ [Jonathon roars after the vampire as if the fires of hell were at his heels. Or, in his backseat or something.] * Jonathon lets out a sigh and his lips creep back into his normal smile. ~That's the best news I've heard.~ * Ren grits his teeth. His ghostly fur is sticking on end, though. ( Having trouble parsing the 'Ren should have called shotgun line'. I think it means Ren's all burny, though. >_> ) ~Backup is on its way!~ (Vamp and Jason couldn't both fit in the front seat I think Greg means. He's been having a lot of trouble being in the back ^^;) (Jonathon is correct!) ~DAMN IT! I'm coming, just get him to the highway. Whatever it takes. 100,000 pounds to whoever does.~ * Jonathon smiles. ~Sounds like a bet. Had trouble with him before, I hear?~ [Kendrick's turn!] ~I'm working on it. It doesn't help that the rookie BLEW UP MY TRUNK.~ (... Well, there goes my car.) (...) (Kendrick is teh suck.) ( ... hope it was insured. ) (Veeeery insured. This is the third one he's gone through.) ( HAH! ) (He's so insured, his insurance has insurance.) (*laughs*) (Shows why. I bet the British equivalent of AAA LOVES him) [Kendrick's car comes to a stop! Hitting that wall helped.] * Kendrick curses and gets out of the car ASAP. [But he was slowing, so he's okay. Unless he expects to be able to start it again.] [Or, doesn't stay in it til it goes boom. :P] (Wha? Cars that sponteanously explode like in hollywood movies? Neeever.) (Marcus is going to haunt Kendrick if he leaves him there.) * Kendrick also has presence of mind to pull Marcus out. (Awesome, I get out of haunts free.) [Kendrick manages to get out in time.] [Ren!] (Note, I didn't say Jason wasn't going to be haunted. :P) (Yay, I get haunted! Even better!) ( No it's not!) (It is so! That means I can mock Marcus for killing him for the rest of his afterlife.) * Jonathon keeps his eyes on the road. "Use the ignites if you want. They're red marked. Should punch through, I hope." (*snerk*) [Vampire is up ahead.] ~Mister Wickham, are you all right?~ (Ren can stick his head out the window to fire or something if he likes, and doesn't mind getting badly burned again.) ~For the most part. I'm with lack of a ride, and with a wounded right now. Next time PLEASE get some bloody Mind Control Inhibitors.~ ~Noted. A medical team should be on its way shortly.~ (And bring me chopper backup.) * Ren disappears in a burst of fur... and reappears on the top of the car, standing. (And then falls off due to how fast we're moving.) * Ren fires off the last two shots from the revolvers, now that he's got a nice, clear view. [The shots bounce off the darkness shield, which has thickened by now.] [Jonathon Jason and Anwyl!] ( Carsurfing. n_n ) * Jonathon eyes the bike ahead and his grey eyes hold steady. His gun fires off a round, riccocheting off one of the barriers on the side and travelling towards Anwyl. [The shot bounces off the barrier and comes in to a weak area in the still forming shield. However, the Anwyl suddenly zigs left letting the bullet fly over him. Immediately he makes a hard right and keeps going. Jonathon is now two car lengths back.] * The motes rise, filling the backseat and Jonathon's rearview mirror, before rushing into the passenger seat, where they reform into one pissed off Jason Ashton. He doesn't waste any time as fire pools into his right hand and lashes out the window, towards the vamp. * Jonathon calls over the passenger seat. "Glad to have you back with us, Mister Ashton." [Oh, and if you get within one car length, that's getting inside of the shield.] [The flame whip crackles against the shield, and causing that section of smoke to turn a ashen gray and fall behind Anwyl. He attempts to take another evasive move, but hasn't yet recovered momentum from his last dodge, and so while the whip does not reach him, the level of black smoke seems like it has been cut back by a third.] [Kendrick! You'll be passed next round. Still ahead of them for the moment.] * Jason grins, snapping the flame back to his hand. "Eat that, fucker." (Did I get Marcus out last round?) (Yeah!) (Sweet.) (Meanwhile, seagulls stop by to pick at Marcus' body.) * Kendrick takes steady aim at the man and fires. ~Best of luck to you guys, unless you want to pick me up.~ Beautifully done! ~I'd love to, but I don't think our friend on the bike is going to stop to admire the scenery.~ [Oh, the construction site narrows a bit up ahead, about a car widths worth. Thanks to a crane on the right side of the street. You're currently two rounds away from the highway.] * Kendrick then uses whatever time he had left to look around for something he could hotwire or drive out of here to help out, or at least does that as his next action. [This time Anwyl tries to accelerate past the bullet, but his attempt to escape Jason's attack proves costly. The bulk of the bullet's momentum is eaten turning black smoke to ashen gray, but Kendrick does hear a satisfying smack of something getting through.] [Ren!] ~Right. I'll try and use one of the vehicles around here to re- engage presuit.~ * Ren tucks away the revolvers, and produces a shotgun. He dosen't fire just yet, holding his aim... [Vamp Jonathon and Jason] * Jonathon puts his hands fully on the wheel and concentrates on driving. "This should be it. Hold on, old chap..we'll get it back." He speeds up to try and get in the shield. * Jason growls. "Damn right we will." He dissolves as Jon accelerates, possibly scorching the upholstery a bit, but not causing nearly as much damage as he did to the back seat. The horde of motes rush out the window and straight for the vamp. Time to take his bike back. * Anwyl tries to speed through the gap, and realizing that he's not making up speed makes a sudden left turn, no way he's not going to whip out. Seems like he's starting to fade out though. [Jason pulls through the smoke without any difficult. As he swarms around the disappearing Anwyl, he doesn't feel as if the flame is actually getting through the elder's thick flesh, even so, but Anwyl seems to burn nonetheless. Seems like direct sunlight ain't the only thing that'll get to him.] [Anwyl materializes about halfway down the block though, and takes off running at car like speed. Oh, and Jason's bike is sorta lying in the middle of that narrow area.] (I'm confused. Where'd he reappear at? ^^;) [Half a block ahead of the narrow area.] [Still on the way to the highway.] (Thank you!) [Kendrick!] * Kendrick eyes the bike and sprints to it, getting on and kicking it into gear after the vampire. (Hey! You hurt that bike, I kill you!) (Yeah, yeah. My insurance'll cover it. :P) [Kendrick's got wheels!] [Ren!] (Your insurance covers other people's vehicles? >.>) [Oh, give me a driving check Kendrick] (I'm in the force.) (You are a brave man, Kendrick. Stupid, but brave.) (Yesh.) (I've killed for less! *shakes fist* Well, maybe not. But maybe I did! All sins are forgiven in the eyes of the SAB.) [Kendrick manages to get the bike moving, Jonathon will have to slow a bit to not hit him, but it's quite possible.] * Ren grins ferally, and pulls the trigger of the shotgun. "You're off the bike. No pulling punches now." [Ren doesn't hit Anwyl. On the upside, he doesn't hit Kendrick either! Go Ren!] [Anwyl, Jonathon, Jason] (Bah, what's a little murder between friends?) * Anwyl keeps running (Highway next round!) although he does look back and his eyes flash again, you can actually clearly see him this time through the smoke though. Mind/Soul for everyone. * Jonathon hits the brakes to avoid colliding with Jason's bike. He doesn't think he's exempt from getting a nice Jason-style tan if he hits it. (I find it hilarious that everyone's more concerned with hurting Jason's bike than catching the vampire.) ~Almost there, still need backup?~ * The motes hover for a brief moment, almost seeming to glare at Kendrick... hey, implied threat there. But fortunately for him and possibly everyone else, they rush over him and towards the vampire, hopefully forming a nice funeral pyre around him. [Once again, Anwyl gets a sunburn. Well, a Jason burn.] [Kendrick!] * Kendrick speeds after Anwyl, trying to get him to the highway as fast as possible. [Kendrick manages to catch up with Anwyl.] [And you can all now clearly see the onramp, which is a right turn right ahead. Obvious the highway is after that, but you don't actually see the thing.] [At this point, Rev. Warlow roars up from a side alley on the right on her bike, she falls in behind Kendrick.] About damn time! [Ren!] * Ren fires at the vamp again. Dance, vamp, dance! [The last of the black smoke turns gray, as it absorbs the shot.] [Anwyl Jason and Vamp!] * Ren grins ferally, showing of his feline teeth. * Kendrick would comment wittily, but is currently driving Jason's bike to get the vamp away from the city. (Hey! MY BIKE!) (And to get away from Jason. ASAP.) (There is no escape from Jason.) [Anwyl raises his arms as he runs, and is enveloped in what looks like a thick suit of pure black platemail....] (He should slow down! Metal's heavy, yo.) (He should.) (The whole magic thing seems to be helping) (Farkin' magic.) (Fsk you, magic.) * The motes rush after the vampire! Only they try to get Kendrick instead. The bastard took his bike! ( Magic loves you, too. ) [And still at full clip, he rounds the corner, and onto the highway....] [Where there's someone in a brown robes holding her hands out as a green glowing pentagram suddenly appears on the highway, wide enough to cover it's entire length...] [Standing inside the pentegram as well are Red, in a fashionable wheel chair, Dave holding a railgun, and the incongrous site of an athiest exorcist weilding a minigun named Jesus.] (What about Kurt? :P) ( Wait, wait. Where's Kurt? :P ) (Kurrt's in the hospital. :P) ( Bah. ) (He's only got one limb working.) (He and Marcus can be roommates.) (SUCKER!) ( And that's his head. :P ) (And Kenny can join 'em.) (... I hate you all.) ( Hey, YOU take a seventh story head first dive with a vampire and see what happens to YOU. ) (Okay...) ( ... awesome. ) [Meanwhile, Kendrick feels quite toasty, and is should feel very grateful for his body armour, which took the vast majority of the damage, only a few flames hit exposed areas.] ( It rocked muchly. ) ( And they wondered why I chose to remain at headquarters.) * Jonathon slams to a sudden stop, his brakes SQUEALING and rushes out of the car back to help Marcus...then slowly slows down, stops, and rubs his head. "Bloody hell I hate vampires." ( I think I'll do the same from now on. Ouch.) ( Come on, guys. You don't wanna miss out on the fun, do ya?) [Ren, being on top of this car, needs a reaction.] * Ren crouches down, trying to keep his balance. Failing that, leaping forward. [Ren manages to leap forward, and then slams into the pavement. Thankfully the car wasn't moving all that fast, so he's mostly worried by the fact that he now has half the dirt and gravel of the construction site infesting his body wide burn wounds.] * Red aims at the vampire as he comes running along, yelling something about ruddering about and bringing cannons to bear in a typical pirate imitation voice. Yeah, someone's on some nice painkillers. (... ouch.) (Oh is THAT all?) ( Gyah. >_< ) ( OUCH. I've HAD that happen. It fucking HURTS. ) ( I couldn't move for DAYS. ) ( * is thankful for his Shitloads of HP right about now. >_< ) [The bullet goes through the vamps head. That probably hurt. He ports shortly after that, after being hit by the first several of the minigun shots but missing a set of them. Tim's rail hits the new location, but fails to penetrate the armour.] [Kendrick and Warlow!] * Kendrick drives up the ramp until he's on the highway as well. He takes a pot- shot at the vampire. * Warlow revs her bike and rips into the pentacle where she leaps from her bike while firing at his armour, the pellets sizzle and stay in the dark platemail, but don't seem to be penetrating yet. As she does this, she jumps off her bike, and makes a rather painful looking roll landing. Really aren't supposed to do it that way.] [Kendrick pulls up the ramp and misses.] [World of pain! I mean Ren!] Someone get me a bloody firehose! * Ren jumps to his feet, eyes screaming with anger. 'tis probably being stuck into the ground that caused that bit. * Ren takes a moment to look around, then decided to take out his anger by shooting at his preferred target. The vamp, fancy that. (Yay! Kill him already!) (Ren's actualy back a bit, he'll have to port to do that. I assume that's not a problem? :P) (You just want him to die so you don't.) ( Nope! ) [Ren's shot bounces off the armour.] [Anwyl, Jonathon, Jason, Red, rest of the Ambush, some random people over there] * Jonathon gets back into the car and starts it up, slamming the accelerator. He's only barely smiling right now. And the smile he DOES have doesn't look pleasant as he peels out onto the ramp. (Sorry, Kenny.) (You. Suck.) (You LURVE me!) (Kendrick's gonna punch Jason right after this, you know.) (Try it, punk.) (Yeah. Remember you're powering his flames too :P) ( Don't make me shoot you both. ) ( Yarr. ) * Anwyl puts both of his hands on his head, as the armour expands to a helmet. He points his cane at Warlow as he does this. ~I assume this is your doing. A chunk of wood through the heart should kill a human too, even one of my progeny." (Pretty lady shot me! Worse ways to die.) ( Flatterer. *^_^* ) * The motes rush after Kendrick in a streak of flame and, sadly, keep up just fine. They collectively try to eat through that pesky armor of his. ( Stop, drop and roll, Kenny! Roll better'n THAT, anyway. ) [Kendrick gets hit with more stray sparks, and notices that his armour seems to be catching on fire. But, it still protects him from the vast majority of the damage.] [Jonathon gets in his car and accelerates after that damnable vampire. Not willing to countenance the possibility of getting there slow he floors it, until he realizes that he can't quite make the turn now and scrapes the car up against the side of the on ramp, which slows him down dramatically and keeps him from getting their in time.] [Red!] * Red shoots again, this time for the vampire's heart and shouting something about a mainmast. [Oh, and the rest of the ambush does rain rails, minigun bullets and the like down towards Anwyl, but he ports again and they weren't quite fast enough.] [Bullet gets lodged deep within the armour.] * Jonathon lets out a faint little sigh. "Just got it repainted too. They'll be laughing this all the way to press..." [Warlow and Kendrick!] * Kendrick stops and gets off the bike. He takes aim at the vampire and fires away, keeping an eye on Jason. ( I'm walking *awaaaay* from the bike. See? The bike is *fiiiiiiine*. Now leave me the hell alone!) [The bullet goes through both parts of the armour.] [This time, Anwyl actually manages to dodge.] (Do I have to?) (Ken's a fun target. He's on fire.) * Warlow for her part brandishes a small cross and throws it at Anwyl. "Catch!" * Anwyl actually does so and laughs. "What, you really think a cross is going to cut it? I mean what, is it made from grail metal or something." He doesn't even get the hand burny thing as he has the dark metal gauntlets." [Ren!] ( Ooooh, bullets made from the holy grail. I bet those would kill vampires REAL good. ) (... I want some.) (So I can fire them at my teammates when I get mind controlled! Never mind.) * Ren looks at the shotgun, looks at the vamp. "Right." The shotgun dissapears from where it came from... and a single-shot rocket launcher appears. ( o_O ) ( Jesus FUCK. Where do you CARRY all that?! ) [Anwyl Jonathon Jason Rummy Ambush] I've been waiting for a chance to use this... *grins ferally* ( Noone knows. ) ( Wait... nevermind. Asking a gun bunny where he keeps all his guns is like asking a ninja why he screams his attack names. :P ) ( It's a sacred secret of the Gunbunny. ) * Jonathon tries to get up the pace again. At saner acceleration speeds this time. (Why kill, when you can OVERKILL?) * Jonathon gets there without any trouble. * Kendrick runs off! The fire stays there. And then seems to realize who *really* stole his bike, as they take off at top speed towards Mr. Can't Hurt Me Elder Vampire. ... * The flames rage against the dark, surrounding it, encompassing it, but not penetrating it. * The ambush crew looks ready to fire , but holds off what with Jason right there. (Bah. Fire anyway! Wimps.) (You bet I will.) * Red does no such thing! (Damn straight you will!) [However, it really isn't obvious what Jason is doing from orbit.] (Orbit? We have an orbital satellite?) * Red cheers and fires again, this time for the groin. She's feeling mean. ( Oh, you BITCH. ) (YES!) (AP to the groin!) (This is not MC2!) (That is going to FUCKIN' HURT!) (Are vampires sterile?) ( I'm on your side and I STILL hate you. ) [At the same time as that bullet hits, there's a bit of a gap in the slightly foggy sky.] (Answer: They are now!) [And a column of blinding whitish bluish light tears into the armour, which holds for a moment and then vanishes entirely. Also takes out that part of Jason that was right next to the vampire, but fortunately for Jason, he's been giving out to his teammates much more than he's been taking, so there's still a ring of fire left.] ( ...we got an orbital laser strike? SWEET. ) (HELL YES!) (Might I say...) (THAT HURT.) ( ...wow, Ren really IS well armed. ) (Oooh, who gets to fire the orbital laser?) [At this point the now unarmoured Anwyl appears a few meters away. As the meter wide column beam hits again.] ( Ren, I'm officially impressed. ) ( ... I don't have one of those. Yet. ) [And for a moment, you can't really see much of anything, what with the light. And then it fades, and the target...] ( That vampire is WISHING it were dead, I'll be... aww. Don't tell me he no-sold? ;_; ) ( Red: That's what I'd do in his place. :P ) (I think this is the British Goverment's way of saying: "FUCK OFF.") (Bloody hell. ;P) [Is a pile of ash.] (Bloody hell.) WOO! Woo? ....yeah, WOO! * Ren blinks... and calms. * Kendrick rips off his body armor (as it's burning somewhat). "About bloody time!" [There's a general cheer from the ambush crew and Warlow runs up to the ashes and runs her hand through them.] * Jonathon pulls to the side of the road pulling to a sudden stop near the ash, drawing his fingers through his hair. "Vampires always make it so messy." * The ring hovers, almost confused, before gathering together into a pathetically small cloud (well, compared to before) and reforms into a kneeling Jason. * Kendrick runs up to the ashes as well, trying to authenticize if it really IS the vampire. * Jason coughs. "What the hell was that?" That was the fireworks show, right! Oh. Fireworks hit me? Dunno. You feel hit? By a truck. * Jason thinks about that. "Two trucks." Then yeah, that's the thing. ~Hello? What just happened?~ * Warlow grins. "That was the Rummy, called Eckerd called in a few favors." She lets the ash slowly fall through the gaps between her fingers as she just smiles down at it." * Jonathon steps out of the car and blows out of the side of his mouth, taking a look at the damages. "Well, that's that.." He turns to the set. ~Mission finally accomplished.~ * Jason pushes himself to his feet and stumbles over to his bike. He cracks a grin and speaks over the headsets for the first time: ~Got my bike back.~ ~Eh? Oh, we got 'im!~ (Drop the first called) * Kendrick shoots the ashes with the last bullet in his magnum. "Eat that, cannibal." ~And... yeah, I'm gonna take a nap now.~ * Ren tucks away the rocket launcher, inconspicously. * Eckerd then does a jig on the ashes. "My god.. you actually got him. I was just hoping he'd be down for a month." If he was only down for a month, he couldn't pull that armor trick again. * Jonathon looks down at the pile for a second. "Campbell was a joke compared to this bleeder.." * Jason is too busy checking over his motorcycle. Hopefully he can have it up and running soon enough. The poor thing! * Jonathon then looks over at Marlow and slips his hands in his pockets. "Well done, Reverend. You finally got him." ~Oh, good. I was getting quite confused there for a while. Are all of you all right?~ Unless you know an ample supply of elder vampires... * Warlow nods and keeps up the jig, Dave claps the beat in the background. "I was just hoping to take out the armour and get him out of the picture for a while. You guys damn near killed him before the ambush." ~They're really celebrating here. I think someone has broken out a bottle of champagne.~ ~Relatively. My insurance company isn't going to like it though when they see the upholstry. Not to mention the fender.~ * Jason and Kendrick and Red get their wounds tended to. ~Thanks for the support, Ari.~ (Hey! What about me!) ~Just doing my job. Glad you made it through all right.~ ~Well...fairly.~ * Jonathon tries to smile. * Marcus gets tended to off screen. Ari made the call a bit ago. * Ren finally let's the ghostly fur recede, the overlapping spirit fading away. He leans against something heavil.y * Warlow then stops playing around. "Right, good work, so, rest some of us have a global operation to blitz right now and we should get to it. The remaining ambush crew nods. * Ren cracks his neck. "Damned vamp. You're dead." [End! 100,000 bonus to this crew, and an additional 40 to Red]