[Jason comes to in the hospital later. Same facility as before, Saki visits. Jason has not yet had magical healing. * Jason is lying in the same room he was before, eyes closed, only he doesn't have a roommate this time. He's bandaged up pretty good, especially his head. A few frosties poke out here and there, however. * Saki doesn't know this, because she wasn't aware he was injured before. She comes in in her usual leather getup, wearing a pair of shades. * Jason is not wearing his usual getup. Once again, he's been relegated to Hospital Robe (tm). Ugh. ( I'll say. Those things have no back >.< ) (Yeah, really. >_<) * Saki waves briefly. "Yo. You alive?" * Jason shifts slightly, and a red eye cracks open to kinda sorta focus on Saki. "Fuck. I'm alive?" I think so. Barely. Haven't gotten to the torturing yet, so I must be alive. The hell. * Jason shuts the eye again. "Thought that bitch killed me." Yeah. From the looks of things, you had a nasty run in with liquid nitro. Oh, and a few shots in the head. * Jason coughs, weakly. "Yeah." * Saki takes off her shades. They disappear into some pocket. I'd get her back, but that'd probably get the SAB after me. Mind control, right? Mind control? I didn't... * Saki shakes her head. "I was off dealing with another sniper, so I didn't see what happened." I just found you near death. Huh. Didn't find her? * Saki shakes her head. "No one there but you. Must have escaped." But the one I took down was possessed. * Jason opens both eyes, now, to look at Saki. He grins a little before wincing at the pain in his head. "Then maybe she's still open season." Wouldn't count on it. Not in... that way. * Saki shakes her head and pulls up a chair. * Jason keeps watching her. "So, why the visit?" * Saki turns it around and sits on it backwards, leaning forwards and folding her arms over the top. "I dunno. Just... y'know...." * Saki rubs the back of her head. Seemed like the thing to do. * Jason laughs. "Sure. I'd ask you to go drinking with me, but hospital." * Saki smirks. "I'll smuggle something in for ya next time." * Jason 's eyes brighten, literally. It's a little strange, but Saki may well be used to it at this point. "Wouldja? My hero." * Saki grins. You bet she would. * Saki rubs the back of her head again. "Sorry about that. I'm not used to this whole leader thing." * Jason tries to move his arm, then gives up. "You weren't bad. Fucking smoke detectors." * Saki tries not to laugh. Gotta say, I didn't expect Triggerhappy to be such a rookie, though. And fucking hospital clothes! Bet it's flammable. Bloody... uh, who? What's her name. The one with the plasma gun. A bitchy drunkard who complains too damn much without doing anything about it. I hate people like that. Oh, her. * Jason thinks about that, then winces, because thinking hurts your brain when it's been shot at. "She was cute. Liked her gun, too." She pissed me off. Petros was good, though. Sounds like. Petros? And then there's that freakin' catguy with the guns, who didn't bother to show up. Yeah, ninja guy. * Jason snickers. "I tried to kill the catguy once. Yeah, that one. He was supposed to show too, huh." Really? Why? Not that I can't imagine, but, why? Vampire got me. Almost killed Marcus, too. That close. * Jason moves his fingers a little and gives up. "Sorry I didn't manage to do it, but hey. Life goes on." He grins. Mmm. I had a run in with a vampire once. But what's that got to do with Ren? Oh, mind control. Ahhhhh. Well, anyhow, yeah, he was supposed to be here. I'd say 'bloody mind control', but vampy got hit by some sort of thing from the sky. Got me, too. Fucking nasty stuff. Well, you're leader. That means you get to deal out punishment, then? Weird. I wish. But I doubt it. They'll probably just dock his pay. * Jason nods, slightly. On the plus side, we did pretty well. I got one of the snipers alive; there's a bonus for that. * Jason smirks. "Just for you, or all of us?" And damn, here I thought I could have a mission where I didn't need to care about them comin' in alive. I guess it didn't matter anyway. * Saki thinks about that. "I don't know. Hmmm, wonder if I get a greater reward for taking him down myself?" * Saki shrugs. "That's not so bad as ones where you have to protect someone. Maybe, if they know it. And we just were protectin' someone. I know. I hate those. Taking care of myself is easy. Taking care of others... * Jason grins. "So you got chosen as leader? Turn 'em down next time. They'll find another sucker." * Saki shrugs. "It doesn't matter. Don't make a good follower, either." Yeah. * Jason closes his eyes again. "So you go on solo missions a lot?" * Saki nods. "Pretty often." Cool. Bet you're good at them. * Jason lets his eyes open and gives Saki a vicious grin. "They never send me. I think they're afraid I'll ignore 'em." * Saki shrugs. "In my case, they already know I will." So they just give me an objective and let me figure out how to do it. Works out pretty good. Yeah. You like those things? * Saki tilts he head. "I guess... I mean, with those, I don't have to worry about someone else screwing up. It's entirely dependant on my own abilities." * Jason laughs. "So you were worried about me. Guess I should be grateful. Hospital stays are fucking boring as shit." Well.... yeah, I mean if you died, that'd really suck. * Jason snickers. "Nah. Just another loose cannon they got rid of." I doubt it. They're desperate for help. And there's a lot more people they could do without than you. Yeah, like bloody Marcus. Am I the only one he pisses off? Jesus. * Saki rolls her eyes. "Ugh, no. That guy really makes me mad." * Jason grins, suddenly. "So if I offed him, you wouldn't care? Good." * Saki shakes her head. "As much as people can be morons sometimes, you can't just do that." Aww, are you my conscience now? Maybe. * Jason looks her over. "Could do worse. A lot worse." I'm flattered. I think. It's not like I'm checking out your ass. You're not wearing one of these bloody robes, for one. Fucking smoke alarms. I hope they rot in hell. Mmm. Maybe I should be grateful. Those things have no back, right? * Jason rolls his eyes. "Yeah. No back." * Saki snickers. Which is why I'm lying down, you notice. That and I can't fucking move. That's what I figured. * Jason grins. "So, I'll take ya out for a drink. After I get out of here." Cool. I could use one. [End here!]