[Ben has been taken to a car which is now driving in the direction of the school. Kinsley is driving and Worthing is sitting in the back.] [Start!] 'So, Emily, what got you interested in this place? Home schooling not working out?' * Worthing looks slightly affronted but keeps it out of her tone. "Home schooling worked just fine but the preparatory academy will afford Devon additional opportunities." * Ben nods. 'Some things you can't teach him, eh?' * Emily's annoyance is starting to creep into her tone. "There are some things he'll have an easier time learning in the presence of high quality magical items." 'Hm? Sorry, I'm not up on all this mystical mumbo jumbo. You need magic items to learn magic?' * Emily shakes her head. "It's no different than laboratory work in any other field. For some experiments and advanced work, you need equipment. Crystal ball for seeing the future, that sort of thing." 'Not stuff you had lying around the house?' My means aren't unlimited, and most of these items are quite rare and expensive. [You're actually getting up into the campus itself when Kinsley comments back "Mind the transformation." It's quite an attractive estate, a keep at the top of a hill with eccentric gothic architecture, small parking lot at the base...] [Greenhouse and other buildings spread about and a somewhat foreboding forest surrounding the whole complex.] [There're some children out front playing various games: knocking a ball around remotely with their wands with lots of sparkles, some just hanging out, a few flying around on brooms farther up.] 'And this Prep School's got all the gadgets you want?' * Emily responds, "I would hope so." You get the feeling she's hiding something. You also get the feeling that she's getting suspicious. 'Well, they better, for the money they're asking.' Ben laughs. 'So, Jaida, do you really have all that we could want?' Everything appropriate for the students' level. * Jaida seems quite credible, as if great care was taken in finding these items and they're all in great shape. There's absolutely no undercurrent to her answer. * Emily has regained her composure. "Good." [As you approach the school, the car transforms into an apparently magically propelled coach, quite high quality. Several of the kids turn to watch you go by. It lets the three of you out at the front door.] * Ben exits last. * Ben looks around himself casually, but covering as much area as he can with his quick surveying. He grins and waves at some nearby kids. * Ben notes the kids' appearances for future reference. I'll make you type out detailed descriptions of each one if you don't just accept that he can remember what each one looks like. Also, I assume he recognizes none of them. [Ben does not recognize any of them. Jaida and Emily stand around examining the grounds briefly.] So, anywhere you'd like to start? 'I think I'd like a look at all that fancy equipment Emily's after, and I know she would,' Ben says jauntily, grinning at Emily. (Man, Ben being not-Ben is so weird.) 'It's what we're both paying so much for, apparently.' * Jaida nods. "I'll start with the headmaster's office. * Ben follows as Jaida leads the way. He takes in his surroundings as they go. [Jaida leads you through a series of corridors, some fairly impressively, lots of wall hangings, animated pictures and the like, eventually reaching a tower with stairways going up. The stairs rotate and give access to different parts of the room at different times, several stories tall. Jaida has to stop and wait fairly often.] [Emily seems bemused by all this and content with Ben's suggestion.] (Because Ben is being not-Ben, he does not comment on the various other magical stairways he's seen in his day.) * Ben notes both the physical layout of the place and the magical stuff in view. He acts by turns surprised and amused at each new wonder. He also notes the students: appearance, magical traits, apparent emotional state. * Ben also looks to see if anyone is carrying any magical items. * Ben does not hide his searching except in plain sight, amidst his general gawking at everything. [There's been a moderate amount of student movement in the hall. At one point he notices Dustin Amherst talking to Crystal Moonbeam as they pass, something about earning the house cup. The students seem a bit happier than your average teens and are largely carrying wands and a few books.] [They do have robes rather than traditional school uniforms or casual apparel.] * Ben tries to catch bits of conversation. Lion and Unicorns are both pretty confident they'll win it this year. We won last. We'll win again because we'll work harder for it. ::chuckles:: They seem certain this is the year, particularly Lions. They think they're heroes and Goddesses' gift to humanity. Of course they're certain they'll pull it off in the end. ::They both chuckle as they walk off.:: (And what do I get from the generic hordes?) [Generic hordes are talking about a range of things: upcoming game, what boys are cute, which houses are better, how that new spell is really hard. Nothing particularly of note.] * Ben follows Jaida up the stairs to the headmaster's office. If they start to move suddenly, he grabs a banister and holds on tightly, muttering about safety issues and his darling Penny. There are protective spells, making these safer than the average elevator. * Ben looks at her skeptically. * Jaida sticks her hand in a space where it'll surely be crushed by a spinning staircase. The staircase stops on a dime. * Emily looks slightly impressed. * Ben hesitates, then gets an I Want To Try That look. He puts a hand out where it would be crushed and... [Same effect!] 'Neat.' 'You should try this, Emily.' * Emily tentatively puts a hand in that position, looking ready to flinch if need be. She doesn't have to, though. "Reassuring." * Ben follows Jaida onward! * Jaida then proceeds to lead you up to the top floor, having to wait occasionally on the way, giving the occasional greeting in response to the portraits that she passes. [She reaches the top floor which has two suits of armour flanking the balcony. She reaches behind the portrait of a fop with a wand and triggers something, causing a stone spiral staircase to lower itself from the ceiling.] Not that I mind, but you could ask first. * Jaida and Emily roll their eyes in unison. * Ben laughs. * Jaida then leads the three of you up to the headmaster's room. [Oh, I haven't mentioned, but lighting is largely via means of sconces with obvious supernatural flame. And windows with natural sunlight.] * Ben takes a look around the headmaster's room. [The room is a fairly fantastical observatory / office that's in a cylindrical tower.] [There's a wide range of presumably magical devices of all sorts and fancy bookshelves interspaced between tower windows offering a terrific view.] [And you notice the occupant; he's got a chair looking out that he spins around with a practiced dramatic flair.] Welcome to the Preparatory Academy of Magic. Parents of Penelope and Devon, I do hope we can teach both of your fine children next school year. [Alvar Ethelbert is obviously the headmaster mentioned in the description.] [He's got on wizardry robes and has a fairly long white beard.] 'Benji Ward.' Ben sticks out a hand in greeting. 'Are you the headmaster?' * Alvar stands up to greet him. "That I am. Alvar Ethelbert. A pleasure to meet you." His handshake is fairly firm for a somewhat old man, though he seems to be slightly younger than the image he cultivates. * Emily shakes hands afterwards. "Emily Worthing." Charmed, Ms. Worthing. I hope we can continue Devon's education with all the skill and respect for the Art that you have started it with. * Jaida then smiles to both of you. "I believe I'll excuse myself. Alvar can lead you from here, unless you have any more questions for me." 'Thanks for all your help, Jaida.' 'So, Alvar, this is one crazy school you have here.' * Alvar gives a fairly deep chuckle. "We do try. We spare no expense or effort for our students." Indeed, I quite appreciate it. [Jaida then heads down the stair.] * Ben nods. 'You sure seem to. Jaida was telling us all about the expensive magical gadgets you have here, and I'm sure that you must pay top dollar to get actual magicians to work for you.' [As you look over the items, you notice a wide area, an old style astrolabe that moves by itself, a foggy crystal ball, a carpet beneath the desk that floats about half an inch above the floor, a clock that keeps track of how long until it's time to eat next (they can't all be winners.) However, this isn't the crystal ball you're looking for.] [Emily seems not at all surprised by the array, although she examines it with great care.] We do have a fine faculty that is appropriately reimbursed for their level of skill. * Ben looks over the magical items too. [Ben doesn't notice anything particularly new.] [This is mostly showy stuff, nothing incredibly powerful although not on the cheap either. Mostly here to look impressive, you'd bet.] 'This what we're paying the big bucks for? I mean, sure, neat, but for two hundred thousand a year...' Ben trails off. * Alvar smiles and picks up a foot long thin box and opening it and offering it towards Ben, who can see a wand lying on plush velvet inside. "The money is for the magic, which you'll be hard pressed to find for your Penelope elsewhere." 'What's this thing do?' Ben reaches out and, if he isn't stopped, picks it up. Cast spells. That's a training wand. It'll do most of the work for you and has precautions against misuse. Is there any sort of magic you'd like to use? 'Magic? Uh, like, turning myself invisible?' * Alvar nods. "Though that's a difficult trick and even with the wand's assistance, you could probably just do a hand or something at first as you haven't had training." * Emily watches, slightly aloof but with definite hints of curiosity how this is going to work. 'How about...' Ben takes out a random object from his jacket, which turns out to be a cellphone. 'Can I make this float through the air? That'd be neat.' (Uh, not jacket. He isn't wearing his suit. His pants pocket.) * Alvar flicks a wrist and a wand appears in his hand. He points it to the crystal ball. He makes a gesture towards it and says, "Wingardium Leviosa." And it begins floating in the air. He keeps his wand up. "Just like that. I can repeat it if it would help, but it's a training wand so there's some room for error." * Emily snickers quietly. "You know, English can work for spells just as well as Latin." But of course, m'lady. It just doesn't sound nearly as impressive and with Latin you're less likely to accidentally activate a spell when talking with your friends. 'Wow.' Ben looks impressed. 'Uh, that won't screw up my phone, will it? I mean, I heard something once about magic and science not mixing well.' * Alvar shakes his head. "They don't mix that well, but once you're off the grounds, your phone will work just fine." * Ben grabs his phone back. 'Wait, are you saying electronics won't work right here? Does that mean you don't teach classes on computers?' Ben seems very concerned. 'Because I think that learning about computers will be at least as important as magic for Penny's future.' We do. They're just slightly more erratic than ordinary computers. The students learn to take proper care with their data, a trait that's quite important even when perfectly non-arcane gremlins cause computer failure. There are protective spells for that, you know. The concentration of magic is higher here. They help, but still more crashes than ordinary. * Emily hmms thoughtfully. (Is Emily hmming at Alvar's comment or Ben's?) (Alvar's.) 'So magic and computers can work together? Good to know.' Ben looks relieved. Yes, they can. ::You get the feel that he's hiding something, more from Emily than from you. His answer to your question seems on the level:: * Ben nods. 'Well, I suppose I'd like a look at your computer department later, maybe talk to the teacher or a student or something. How about you, Emily?' 'Also, the gym,' Ben adds, apropos of nothing. * Emily nods somewhat distractedly. She seems like she's still thinking. "Hmm, yes, that'd be quite helpful." 'Something on your mind, Emily?' Just interested in the wands. I'd rather like to see if you could cast that spell with the one he lent you. [Alvar had his own wand. His casting was a demo, as he floated the crystal ball, so Ben still has the one he took.] 'The floating spell?' * Emily nods. * Ben holds out his cell phone. 'Uh, I think what he said was... wing... ardium... lev... io... sa!' Ben says hesitantly, apparently trying to remember the exact words. * Alvar repeats the gesture. "Wingardium Leviosa." He'd put the crystal ball down already. This time he floats up the astrolabe. "Like that, and gesture with the wand to your phone while you say it." * Ben repeats the words again, this time gesturing with the wand. * Ben's eyes dart over to Emily as he does this. [The cellphone floats in the air. Emily has a look of surprise, the sort of thing that happens when you've been told something will happen, figure it probably will, but don't think it actually should.] Well done. 'Do you want to try?' Now it'll go where you point. Feel free to play around a bit. Our students will obviously learn more advanced spells as time goes on but this is what the money goes towards. * Ben waves the wand around a bit. [The cell phone floats accordingly.] 'How's it work?' * Emily nods. "Sure." She takes the wand from Ben when he's ready and repeats the incantation. "Hmm, I see what you mean by training, but all the students have these? My, that's a lot of magic. I'd also be interested to know how it works." The wand has magic in and of itself. The student relies on that magic to enhance or provide their ability as their own arcane ability develops through much concentration and practice. But to have a wand for every student... As I said, the money does go somewhere. [Ben's not getting a solid read on this guy, aside from the fact that he's being evasive.] 'How much do these things cost?' They should be millions, at least, even if they only work on the grounds. * Alvar gives a fairly mysterious smile. "Well, we do have our trade secrets, I'm sure you understand. A little mystery is necessary in business and the art." 'They only work on the grounds?' Ben says in puzzlement. He looks at Emily, then turns to Alvar for an explanation. Jaida mentioned it. (Yes, yes, but I want the WHY of it.) 'Why do they only work on the grounds?' The magic of the wands is tied to the school. We can take trips with it, but until a student develops her own abilities, she's dependent on the wand. The schooling is so important because it allows development of Arcane ability that won't be restricted. I'd still be interested... I'm sure you would. Shall we to the gym? 'Oh. Well, not that it matters either way, I guess, but... Are you saying that the school, or something in it, helps power the wands?' Ben squints at the wand. 'It does look awfully small to hold power on its own. And you'd expect it to glow...' Yes, the magic of the school itself is channeled through the wands to give them power. * Ben nods. 'Just wanted to know where my money's going.' [You get the impression that there's a rather specific source, rather than just the school at large.] (Yeah. I know. I am not an idiot.) (Might, say, stolen arcane artifacts be used as a power source?) [Also, fairly obviously, he'd prefer to avoid talking about it. However, he doesn't seem desperately worried that someone would find the source, at least not quite as worried as you'd think he might be for stolen artifacts.] * Alvar holds out the box to collect the wand from Emily, who returns it. 'So, right, the gym.' [Alvar leads you back down the stairway through a fairly circuitous path through the castle, on the way there you pass a good number of students, mostly waving or saying a few words to Alvar and getting friendly if cryptic replies.] ( 'Hi, Alvar!' 'The sparrow teaches not the dog to dance.') [When you're almost there, you see Mallory Corwin stomping along a hall trailed not so far behind by Isaac Maddox. They're unfortunately heading away from you.] (Listen check?) [You get the impression Mallory thinks he's got something important on his mind and is blowing Isaac off. You don't get any details, though.] (He's thinking about a math problem.) * Emily glances at Mr. Corwin, glances at Ben briefly, and then back down the hall at Mr. Corwin. "Ah, the great Mallory Corwin. Was wondering if I'd see him on this trip." (Emily glanced at Ben briefly? When she rolled a 13 on her spot? Come on, I had to have beaten that by a mile, even with just a 3 under.) (What was her reaction when she looked at Ben?) (Slight disappointment we'll say.) (That's... interesting.) 'The who?' He's a powerful mage, if a troubled one. Unfortunately, he's an orphan by rather unpleasant means. Fairly well known. Given his parents, I suppose his talent isn't surprising. * Alvar nods. "I've tried my best to make sure that talent gets put to good purpose." 'Not to be insensitive, but: seriously? Or is this part of that whole fake Hogwarts thing you've got going?' Seriously, sadly. 'Wow.' Ben pauses, and suddenly seems to lose all his energy. 'Poor kid. What happened to him?' Unfortunately, he does let that similarity get to his head at times, although in his shoes who can blame him for being the hero of his own little universe? I heard he was raised by a rather kind albeit non-magical family. (Did Emily's comment about being raised by a nonmagical family have any undercurrents Ben can detect?) (Slight disapproval) * Alvar nods. "He's here on scholarship. They chip in as best they can, but can't quite afford the rates. Fortunately his talent can be an inspiration to the other students." * Emily nods. I suppose he goes off on his own adventures. I know I'd be hard pressed to stop him. 'So, HE doesn't need one of those wands, then?' Well, this is nothing we haven't anticipated, so we do take definite steps to make sure he stays safe and has his energy well directed. And no, but it does still help him train. (Yes, many fantastic adventures with all his friends! Hurrah!) [Ben notices Alvar is slightly thrown by the question from Emily; he notices a slightly disturbing undercurrent on the comment about "his energies being directed", although the safe thing seems true enough.] 'Adventures... Well, not that I'd presume that my Penny would end up in such illustrious company,' Ben says, slightly snarkily, 'but this does raise some more safety concerns.' 'What sort of adventures are we talking about?' Oh, poor boy's understandably a bit paranoid and likes to sneak out after curfew. We make sure he stays well away from the girls' dorms and give him a little room to roam before catching him. Youthful energy will find an outlet; squashing it completely would just cause more problems. (Hm. Might these wands have a two legged central battery, I wonder?) 'I... suppose. But with all that magical power at his disposal, well, like Emily said, he must be hard to contain. If he- or any of your other more powerful students, but we are talking about this young fellow right now- if he were to get out of hand, what would you do?' * Alvar chuckles. "He's brash and powerful but still a kid and his talent is unrefined. Our faculty also is not so outclassed as to be cowed by their students." [You reach the gym, nice range of facilities, looks like a fair amount of equipment designed for use while on a broom or the like. It's got an enclosed portion with a mix of magical looking and mundane equipment and an outer area with large hoops. Also a balcony. He gives you a brief unimportant tour around as you talk.] 'Oh, I wouldn't presume that! But still, leaving such a powerful young man in with the... less powerful children, like, well, mine...' Ben trails off, then starts again. 'And the staff can't be everywhere at once. How can you keep him from getting out of hand when the staff are elsewhere?' * Alvar points out a piece of equipment that supposedly can give good abs on only ten minutes a day. "Well, first, the portraits do keep an eye on the students to make sure they're keeping safe, but if Mr. Corwin ever made a habit of troubling any students of less developed ability, we'd ultimately expel him. But he does not; he has his troubles, but he is not a bully. 'Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult the boy. I was just using him as an example.' (So, incidentally, are you leeching his power to run your wands? Just asking.) 'It must be very prestigious having him here.' * Alvar nods. "But we take pride in all of our students. Now, to the lab?" 'Sure.' 'Is he your most powerful student? I imagine he's far more powerful than my daughter will ever become.' Ben seems resigned to this, but not happy. There are also many students your daughter will not be as tall as, for example, but she could still do well on a high school basketball team. Power isn't everything. In magic, technique and imagination typically hold the day. [Alvar leads you along your merry way, going up a few flights, to the lab.] (Was he deliberately being evasive just now?) (Yes, but in an appease-the-parent sense. What he said is sorta true, but frankly raw power never hurts.) * Ben shakes his head. 'Oh well, she might not have this Mallory's power, but at least she can use one of those wands, right?' Yes, she can. (And the accompanying read of Alvar, please. :P) (Absolute confidence.) (No reaction to the potentially ironic nature of the comment?) (He seems somewhat amused by the ironic nature of the comment.) [Break!]