* Ari heads for the computer lab! [She gets there after a bit of a journey. The techy is snacking on some pizza.] * Ari waves to him as she enters. "You don't mind if I use the computers again, do you?" * Guy waves back. "Beware redundancy and bread crisping avians. They're vicious." I shall keep that in mind. * Ari sits down at one of the computers. (Okay. Do they have some sort of standard student username system, like x letters of last name and first initial?) [That'd be it.] * Ari logs in as a guest again, to get started. Then she tries to work her way into the server where the students' e-mail accounts are. (Security roll!) (+4 we'll say.) (What kind of roll is that? Computers (security)?) (Yeah) [She succeeds without two much trouble. Measures against conventional hacking are actually fairly weak, though she noticed some antimagical protections while she worked. * Ari determines the username system immediately, and attempts to access Isaac's account first. (Give me four security rolls now to save a little time. :P) (Any penalties?) (+2 we'll say.) [You get into his email without any trouble really.] * Ari starts reading. Any threats? Any requests for meetings at odd times? Anything from Mallory? [There's a few emails to Mallory, they tend to get fairly short replies, although he seems to be giving Isaac some help with flying.] [Otherwise there's actually a fair number of meeting requests. With all sorts of students, seems to be setting up purchases, mostly small stuff. Give me a writing roll.] [Also some fairly ordinary requests for advice and some social emails.] [You notice that Isaac seems to use a rather different sort of language when having purchasing discussions.] * Ari hmms very softly. What sort of language difference, and who's he discussing things with? (I mean, for all I know, the kid's a stock market genius, but it's worth checking out. ^_~) [Some with Tony Green, a Unicorn, some with Maris, some with Dustin.] (And what sort of things are they talking about purchasing?) (That's the discussion ones) [The language is mostly different in tone but much more confident as well as a lot curter generally. Some talk of cigarettes, plushies, trading in largely small stuff magical items, though some setting up of larger sales.] [There's also some discussion of getting books for Maris, which are different emails than the requests for help.] * Ari checks out these larger sales. [Nothing too big or stolen. Largely attempts to get special items, invisibility cloaks, mortars that give extra margin of error for potion making, for wealthier students.] * Ari gives it one last look-over before moving on. Anything else stand out? (What sort of things are you looking for?) (Requests from faculty.) [There's a fair amount of talk with Rica and Lynn about class stuff, but not much else.] * Ari makes a note of this and moves on to Mallory's account. [She gets into it without too much trouble.] [He talks with Jarrett and Maris a fair amount, not too much with anyone else.] (No threats? No meeting requests? No warnings from Sna^H^H^H Luther?) [Luther seems to prefer to make his threats in person. Oh, there are a fair number of questions often fawning, from Lions. Jessica Winslow seems particularly interested.] * Ari moves on to Jarret's account. [Jarrett sends out a fair nuumber of humor emails, some actually good, most nothing impressive.] [There's also a running series of insults between him and Dustin.] (Assume I'm looking for the same sorts of stuff each place - meetings, threats, unusual communications from faculty/students, etc.) * Ari snorts softly and, if she doesn't find anything, goes on to Maris' account. [Maris gets a fair number of requests for help. She also engages in a few discussion about the nature of magic, some with Jaida but a few involving Dustin.] (But nothing suspicious?) (Not really) * Ari backs out of the mail server and attempts to find the student disciplinary records. (Ooh, one thing I forgot. Did any of the e-mails discuss illusion or transfiguration magic?) [She finds them. There seems to be some bias in disciplinary hand outs, not too many from a house's leader to its students. There's a lot of students with penny ante stuff, Mallory has the most notes. Maris even has a few, all from Hurst. Jarrett has a few for pranks and sneaking around with Mallory.] [It's come up, taught by Jaida to higher level students.] (Would any of the aforementioned crew be studying it? Also, what kinds of things has Mallory been noted for?) [Maris some, but not otherwise above their level.] [Mallory: Some talking back, sneaking around, trying to access forbidden books, whole range.] (Isaac have any?) (way above his level) (Notes, I meant.) (Oh, no, none at all) * Ari backs out of that and tries to access the faculty accounts, Hurst's first of all. (+4 roll) [Ari's phone rings.] * Ari answers her phone. [She gets into Hurst's without any real trouble.] * Ari continues to poke while talking on the phone. (So, does he have any e-mails from odd sources?) [Hurst seems to have a few shady friends out their but most of the emails seem work related, checking on what's new in wizardry and the like. He also still has a contact or two at Mi-5 but none in SAB itself apparently.] (And, yes, Ari's speaking quietly into her phone. ^_~) [He has tried to get his hands on some relatively nasty items, although nominally for educational purposes, which could be true, no easy way to tell. However while some are grey market he's not obviously trafficking in anything stolen and does seem to make sure that everything he does is within the letter of the law.] * Ari seems satisfied with that, and now tries to get into the webserver history. [Whose are you checking?] (Mallory's, then Isaac's.) [Mallory does a good amount of research into dark magic, dark wizards, SAB, and one Emma Yates. Some on artifacts but nothing on the ones in question. [Isaac has done a few web searches that match up with what you're looking for, although his history doesn't go back more than a week. He's also done a good amount of research on weaker items and checked special sections under Ebay and a few similar services regularly.] (When were the items stolen?) [A few before the history was wiped, been over a series of a month. The ones he's researched most are the most recent.] (Okay. I don't suppose I could try to check the entire school's web history for the past week and see if anyone else has been doing research, could I?) (With a +6 databases roll.) (*grins madly* Why not?) [No other records. Aside from Luther Hurst, who hadn't done any until about a half hour ago, at which point there suddenly was a lot of activity. He also looked into a censer that wasn't on your records as stolen.] * Ari ponders. One last check in the e-mails, this time in Crystal's account. [Crystal just makes the occasional email home and to relatives from her account. She barely seems to use it otherwise.] (Did she get any disciplinary notes, or did I not notice that earlier?) (She has not.) * Ari decides to go with her last two major known students, Dustin and Jessica. [Jessica emails Jarrett, Mallory, and Maris a lot and sometimes tries to set up secret meetings but without too much luck.] (Because, no doubt, she's moved on from idolizing vampires to idolizing Harry Potter counterparts. ;p) [Dustin has some discussions with Maris, insult battles with Jarrett, and a good deal of communication with other students, some help to Isaac as well as a few other lions, more unicorns, and a lot of Drakes.] (Nothing outstanding or suspicious?) [Not really.] * Ari flips back to the faculty accounts and checks Lynn. [Lynn has some social emails, good amount of student help, some pleas for more class time with the students, and a fair number of checks on good ways to integrate magic into her lessons. (Nothing out of the ordinary there, then.) (No) * Ari checks Rica Ockley. If she doesn't find anything there, she's closing her connection. (Computers (security) +8 soul roll.)] [You hit a solid wall on that account, you're not sure why, but it seems quite adaptive, almost anticipatory, to anything you do. You think you avoid leaving many traces but you're not in at all.] * Ari backs off and tries to cover her traces as best she can. She ponders actually going into the network and investigating, but decides it's probably not worth it. (And give me a mind roll computers(security) +8 for traces covering to see just how well you do. [Ari covers her tracks fairly well and finishes up with the computers.]