[Red and Ari have been busy with the business of establishing alibis, helping move in equipment, and reviewing the logs of what Katherine and Ben have been up to. They're now still in the restaurant room, but there's more computing resources, a judge on call for warrants, and still a Mai.] * Jex is now known as JexSemIdol [So, say you just finished up review, set yourselves up.] [Start] * Red frowns as she looks over the information coming in. * Mai finishes up a phone conversation with SAB staff. She's transparent again for now. ( Are the logs all up on the page? ) * Ari looks over the information as well. Her expression is typically neutral. (Yeah.) (If you like, you could just have transcripts on your datapads, so you can read them over IC as you catch up) (Thank you.) ( Yay. ^_^ ) (Okay, in transcript form.) Alright while you look those over, we've got authority to do conventional backup research as well as request a warrant if we want financial information or anything else on the record. Although I'm told you should only do that for solid suspects and that we'll have to give a rationale. ( There were no witnesses to any of the thefts, right? ) ( Video tape of Isaac ) (OTherwise no) I wish Katherine had asked Maris' roomates if she ever comes in at some dreadully late hour. I'm assuming there's no other way to see if they were out on the nights of the thefts, either. * Mai checks the data. "Well, the thefts were on weekends at not horribly late hours, so if she was slipping off during the day she might have been ale to pull it off. * Ari looks up. "Do they perform any sort of check on the students' locations?" (Easier to handle this OOC. Red can take it. Katie and Ben find that the school has a charm for knowing where someone is when they leave campus. But not while they're on campus) (It's apparently pretty effective) ( Who would be the person performing that charm? Is it a routine thing, or does it only happen when they know somebody's missing? ) ( And please, PLEASE don't tell me it's Hurst. ) (It's not a person, it happens when they cross the threshhold to leae the school) ( Really? ) ( Yeah ) ( Could Ari check this in some way? ) ( Ask that IC. Oh, and the records from the charms are available to all the teachers ) Ari... are you any good with spells? Not casting them. Looking into persistant spells. Like a doorhinge enchanted not to squeak, or such. * Ari hmms softly. "I have not had much experience. I studied the grimoire earlier, but that is about the extent of my knowledge." ( What would it take to look into it? Is it just an Occult roll? ) * Zegon has joined #sab2020 I do have access some grimoires that may assist the two of you, only weak spells, but might make a difference. And some inconjunction with your technical aptitude might work given the technical nature of magic on campus. (Okay, Red can get a book and make an occult roll with a -2 That would be most helpful. I would like to look at those volumes. * BLUEgryphon has joined #SAB2020 * Mai nods and generates a book in her hand. She walks over to Ari and holds it out. "This is also an unbound one." (Unbound means take precautions, yes?) (Right) * Ari reaches out and grips it firmly. "I have it." * Mai lets go. * Ari sits down at the table and opens the book. (And occult roll Ari) * Mai waits and sees if she can be helpful. * Red grabs a book and does some checking. 2d8-5 * Ari looks up again. "I believe that I can cast a spell that will let me tap into the magic of the network." (Sab OOC) ( Right. ^^; ) Glad I could help. Want me to hold the book for now while you go back to research? * BLUEgryphon is now known as BLUE-GREENgryphon * Ari closes it. "Please." She holds it out to Mai. * Mai puts her hands back on the book. "I have it." * Ari lets go. (Must AFK a sec.) (Keep going for now Red. Ari can read transcripts) (Back.) * Mai has the book disappear in her hands. "So, do you want to concentrate on looking into suspects or skulking around campus?" * Red turns a page, reads, and sighs. "Well... it's still something." Hm? Oh, I think we'll be skulking around campus, for now. Unless you can find anything useful on Maris Richmond. * Ari nods. "We may be able to find out more about the suspects by skulking, as you put it." Well, if you want, you can get a warrant on Maris and do some quick checking than skulk. Or save the checking for later. Whichever you prefer. I would like us to have something more concrete before we get a warrant. But it would be useful to review. What is it about Maris that you believe invites further inquiry, Red? I'd like to get something more concrete as well. I think Maris did it, Ari, largely because she has the required ability and the motive. We'll go check the school's threshold. It will either confirm or refute my suspicsions. * Red grins. "And if it refutes them, then this hasn't been my day." All right. Anything specific that you wish me to search for? * Red shakes her head. "Nothing I can think of. But we need to go check the threshold of the school's perimeter wall." * Ari nods. Do you think you'll be doing anything else on campus? I would like to more thouroughly investigate their network. Possibly a little breaking and entering, if the urge takes me. But it's too soon to just arrest anybody. Alright. After we check the perimeter, we can go to the lab and take care of that, Ari. * Mai nods. "Alright, I'm not much for stealth, but I'll be on call if you need anything." * Red stands up and heads out. "Right, then. 'Ere we go." * Ari nods. [And you head out, we can fastforward a bit. Ari has the book back, describe your strategy. And just as a note, the perimeter is something like half a kilometer from the center of the school, so there's a bit of a walk around the outside.] (We wanted to see if Maris had been off campus at the times of the thefts.) (Yeah, but it's a bit tricky to find out. I'll let Red describe it.) (Oh and I'll also give you a satelitte photo) [The photo shows woods surrounding the school on three sides. The Keep itself is on a bit of a hill. The woods are fairly consistent in form with some rock piles and one about a meter wide stream running through it.] (Actually reads away, so I'll give you time to think (also feel free to finish up transcripts) (Thanks; working on that now.) (Red found that you'll need to figure out her exit point, it'll need to be special for her to get around the surveilance, and so she's probably only got one.) (Can I work on figuring that out?) ( Special? That narrows it down nicely. ) * Red heads for the woods first, since Maris likes them so much. (It'll need to be an established loophole in the system. The nature will depend on the system.) (So, you going in the woods or walking around at the perimeter?) (I thought we were going to the perimiter, but, uh, guess not. ^^;) (The perimeter does go through the woods. Because woods surround it on three sides.) (Circular parimeter for the record) (...yes. Yes, they do. And you said so in your description, even. ^^;) (You have official permission to thwap me next time you see me.) * Red heads into the woods themselves, seeking the perimeter! [There's no clear physical wall or the like while you approach, the woods are slightly dark and creepy, but nothing you can't handle. Soul roll Ari!] * Ari blinks. "We have crossed the threshold." Alright. Now you need to inspect the threshold itself. * Red looks back in the book for any way to elucidate on how to do this. Inspect it for what, precisely? [Red finds there may be tell tale traces at the spot itself, but you can walk and slowly inspect or make a guess where it may be and have an easier time.] Somewhere there is a loophole that our suspect used to leave the area on the nights they comitted the crimes. That's what we're looking for. (Red finds in the ook that there may be...] (in the book. Dang b key) (Greg's been taking library science classes from The Librarian) (*laughs*) (It's the kind of library you'd expect to find these books in, really. ^_~) (The Librarian?) (Disc world reference) ( Ah. ) * Ari opens the grimoire and flips through it. "Let me find the proper spell." * Ari keeps walking slowly while she searches. Yay, she can walk and read at the same time! [There's a brief flash of light from the book and it shakes a little in Ari's hand.] * Ari winces and grips it more tightly. (Body check, -4) [The book manages to rip itself out of Ari's hands and moves along on the ground, trying to get away from the two of you.] [It isn't moving too fast, cause, well, it's a book.] Ah! * Ari runs after it. * Red blinks and runs after the book as well. * Ari tries to grab it. [Body rolls. -4] * Disconnected * Attempting to rejoin channel #sab2020 * Rejoined channel #sab2020 * Topic is 'http://www.livejournal.com/community/sab2020/ | #sabooc for dice and ooc | #sabwatch for IC non-combatants ' * Set by Grysar on Sat Oct 09 18:52:12 * ChanServ sets mode: +o Grysar -> [Grysar] PING [Ari catches the book!] * Ari closes it and clutches it tightly to her chest. Her face is flushed, and it's not from running. * Red pats Ari on the shoulder. "Let me know when you're ready to try again." It has a poor attitude. * Red nods sagely. "Yes, it does." * Ari holds it out again and flips to the proper page. She begins chanting softly. * Ari walks as she chants. [This time the book behaves, there's a slight steady glow, but it doesn't project much light.] [And you too can walk for a bit, Ari's not finding anything yet and there's more than a kilometer of perimeter.] * Red starts walking the perimeter alongside Ari, looking at magic at work and soaking up the ambience of the forest. [After about five minutes you reach the stream. Ari notices that there's fluctuations in the perimeter where the water is flowing out. * JexSemIdol has left #sab2020 (Ja-ne ) * Ari points to the stream. "Look at this." Yes, it's a lovely stream. Do you see the fluctuations? [The stream looks normal enough to the naked eyes. Some flicks of meca.] (Ari notices it cause of the spell. Sorry. ^^;) No doubt there's more to it, tho, or you wouldn't have pointed it out. What's up? Fluctuactions in the perimeter where the water crosses it. Ah. Look into those fluctuations. This would be an excellent point to leave the perimeter at; easy to remember where it is, since the stream doesn't move. ...I feel that's a safe assumption, anyway. [And feel free to make an occult roll -2 with the book to check that Red. Ari, if she wants more info, will need a different spell.] * Red hums. "Yes, this would be a *very* good spot for it." It would be, except that here the barrier seems to get confused about where the ground is, and while it is fluctuating, it is not more than a few inches. A normal person could not get through. However, the field appears to be weaker upstream. [And just to be clear here, field is in reference to the magic that powers the wands that's inside the perimeter.] Then some of the students couldn't do it there. But the rest could just fine, if they knew how. I wonder if it would be possible for a student to shrink him or herself? (Occult rolls!0 It seems rather convoluted, but... * Ari shakes her head. "No. It would have to hold when one left the field, and that would be stronger magic than any of the studends were capable of performing." Somewhere around here, there's a loophole. Gah, I wish I could be of more use finding it. * Red looks around, and heads upstream a ways. [Visual awareness check Red!] * Ari follows, still paying attention to the perimeter. * Red spots a pile of rocks and heads for that. Ari... try this way. [The actual pile of rocks is right on the stream, they aren't boulders, but they do look fairly heavy. Looks like a neat place to sit and contemplate. There is a large fairly flat rock in the stream bed itself.] (Have I been here in real life? ^_~) (I can think of several places I've been that'd fit this description. It's odd.) (Heh.. actually that was unintentional.) (But yeah, not far off.) [And you'll need to tell me if you want an awareness check on anything] * Ari points to the rock in the stream. "The field stops getting weaker upstream of that rock." Then if the person leaving uses a wand, that's where they'd have to do it. * Ari walks over to the rock and takes a closer look at it. "The rock itself isn't magical, but... there are marks on it. As if something has been placed upon it on various occasions. Something heavy and of similar hardness." * Red frowns. "Like... another rock, perhaps?" (Awareness checks. -4 bonus) [Both of you notice, Ari a few seconds quicker, that the top rock on the seating rock pile meets the description nicely. * Ari points to said rock. "That one, I believe." * Rowyn has joined #sab2020 (Actually a few fractions of a second.) (You both did well) (You can point simultaneously with me! ^_~) Ah ha. [The rock does look like it weighs at least a hundred pounds. But not an order of magnitude more than that.] [And give me visual awareness checks. +4] (Feel free to keep acting while you make those checks.) (This is just if you get extra info) * Red inspects the rock. It is, surely, quite rocky. * Ari leans down and peers at it. "There are markings on the bottom." And it's been moved, too. Point me to the markings? [Red can see them when Ari points them out. Somethings clearly been etched into the surface, but since it's the underside you can just see part of an edge.] * Red looks around the rock for a while, and then moves the rock aside to have a look at the markings. [Body (strength) roll!] * Red tries to move it! But alas, most of her exercise focuses on endurance instead of upper-body strength. [Red manages to tilt the rock, but she doesn't really feel she's got control of it. She could probably flip it over, but it wouldn't be gentle.] ( Oh. Defering to your descrip, and... hm. ) * Red sets the rock back down, and puts herself into a better position to try again. (The two can work together. And reroll Red) ( Ari can't put the book down. ) ( She can still try to help. Just her effectiveness is limited a bit ) [Red can't even budge it from this position.] * Red scowls and moves around some. ( And book might have a chance to escape. ) (Reroll) * Red tries again! Do you need some help? [Not quite the same tilt as the first time, but roughly the same situation.] Yes, but you need to hold on to the book. Unless you're confident you can get it back after setting it down. I'm not sure. You are right; it is probably better this way. * Red tries again! [Red finds a position where she can use the strength in her legs. She manages to lift it up on its side and can put it down on the ground or in the stream or where she pleases.] * Red sets it on the ground. Being wet will only make it harder to put back later. I am guessing that the young mages would be using a levitation spell to move it. Probably. I doubt they exercise their arms much, either. [On the other side of the rock are three spell circles, fairly close together, each about a foot in diameter. The patterns are fairly elaborate and appear to have been cut into the rock with a surprisingly sharp implement.] Now. [Occult rolls!] However, using a rock this heavy for their purposes would certainly prevent almost anyone else who happens upon it from disturbing it. Clever. * Ari examines it. "I'm not entirely sure what it does, but I believe I could at least activate it. Shall I?" We've found our loophole, I think. This is used to repeatedly invoke a spell with great precision, which is exactly what we're looking for. Yes, Ari, go right ahead. But why would they use cybermancy? I do not know. * Ari reaches out and touches it. She rests her hand there, and her eyes flicker from green to yellow several times. Any further effects will be left to the GM to describe. ^_~ Also... well, I'll let you finish first. [There's a silvery light that shines in each of the circles, and a small flash of light, they then just steadily glow for a while.] * Red nods. "Now. Can you see if this spell keeps a log of it's use?" The field has weakened, and the perimeter has moved in this direction, though it still does not reach the rock. And I shall try. [The silvery glow dims slowly as time passes.] * Rowyn has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) Hmmm. Someone standing at the border still would not be able to get out unnoticed, though. The barrier flows; it does not jump, per se. * Jean has joined #sab2020 So, even if someone were waiting by the perimeter and someone else came and activated the spell for them, it wouldn't get them out? * Ari smirks. "Aha." There is a... residue of sorts. Each time this is used, some of the energy remains within the pattern. This is how it keeps its log. * Red nods. [The silver light keeps dimming. It's been about a minute now and it's almost out.] * Jean is now known as Rowyn Calculating from today... the dates of activation coincide exactly with dates of the robberies. However, it was used one more time... about a month before the first theft. The barrier is flowing back into position. Possibly used just to make sure it would work. Or, possibly for another heist. Or for something else entirely. I would say it was most likely for a test, but I do not know. As for what you asked earlier... [Silver light is completely out now. Hmmm. Well, the barrier is back in position. But? * Ari thinks for a few moments, then shakes her head. "From the way it flows, there is no way a person could slip past it, even if someone else were to activate the spell." However, this was obviously used in conjunction with the thefts. So the question is, how? Well, I'm rulling out immediately that the culprit was incompetent and thought this would suffice. They did a fine job crafting the circles, after all. Is there another spell that could be used in conjunction with this that would allow the field to just pass by you unnoticed? Perhaps one you cannot use while moving? [Occult checks!] Let me think... [Red gets the book bonus] * BLUE-GREENgryphon is now known as RDMgryphon * Red consults the book of magic. Not likely. It would be integrated into the circle. Alright. So the circle has to do it itself. But it doesn't? [Give me another occult check both of you.] ...the rock. The position is wrong. Can the spell be activated while the rock is on top? Oh, God, I'm going to have to lift it again. I don't see why it could not be. I'm sorry. I would help, but... this book. * Red squats in front of the rock, keeping it between herself and where she wants to put it, grabs it with both hands, and lifts with her legs! [Since Kate's getting tired. After a few minutes you restore the rock to its original position. Upside down and on top of the rock pile. The spell is activated but the exact same thing happens.] * Red frowns. "That can't be right." What are we missing? * Red checks the moss. [Awareness roll!] [And since it's late, scene recap. You followed the brook upstream to the bit of underwater scoffed flatrock where the lower magic area ended. You then noticed then took a closer look at the seating rock pile by the stream and noticed that the top rock matched scuff marks on the flat rock.] [The moss on top of the rockpile has been moved.] [But doesn't show any signs of where the rock has been put down.[ So... on top of the flat rock. Which means I have to move it again. [Red strains herself for a while, her back is probably starting to go out at this point. Give me a good description if you please. Make a roll to figure how many attempts it takes.] * Red makes a Herculean effort to move the things, but with substantially sub- Herculean muscles it takes her a little over three minutes to get it up and over to where it needs to be (she thinks). * Red is breathing hard by this point. "When I get... back to London... I am getting... a massage." * Ari looks apologetic. [The rock settles fairly well into position on top of the flat rock. Not a perfect fit, but not too bad. The water bubbles around it with a pleasant tinkling sound and the rock is about in the dead center of the stream.] Okay. The spell now, Ari. * Ari tries again. [The glow shimmers and is beautifully reflected in the surrounding water.] Aha. *That* did it. If someone were standing on the rock while it was activated, particularly within the circles, then they could get out without being detected. Excellent. * Rowyn has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) * Red leans against the cairn for support. "Well. We have that solved." And I... * Ari staggers. When were there two of you, Red? * Ari giggles. * Red blinks. And you're spinning... Oh, bloody hell. Maybe I'm spinning. It's fun! * Red frowns. Ari said something is fun: Something MUST BE WRONG. (*cracks up*) ( ^_^_v ) Feels good. Like... really good. Though maybe I should sit down. You do that, dear. Here, let me help you. 'm fine! Really! * Red helps Ari sit down. "Now, don't you let go of that book, okay? You sit here and have a fun trip, and I'll make sure someone comes to help you." Oh, okay... * Ari holds the book like a small child would hug a stuffed animal. "Stupid book won't get away again. Stuppid uppity paper. Electronic text is much better..." [Book struggles a little at that, but is held fast.] * Red pulls out her flip-phone and calls Mai, and explains things to her. Cairn, magic circle, Ari, hallucinations and euphoria, need someone to pick her up, etc. Understood, I'll convey that to Ben and Katherine. And if she's up for it you may want to get one spell from her. The book she has is dependent on force of will, not clarity of mind. I suspect she's more tuned into the school right now than usual, so should be safe.] * Ari continues to babble about how computers have the real power in the world. * Red asks Ari for a spell of concealment, in as nice and flattering a way as possible. * Ari nods emphatically, opens the book, and starts chanting. However, she's not actually saying the words on the page. Instead she seems to be muttering two words over and over again... yes, she's chanting in binary. "Oneonezerooneonezerozerozerozerozerooneonezeroone..." Will it work? Let's find out! * Red manages not to laugh; it'd break the girl's concentration. Session Time: Thu Nov 11 00:00:00 2004 [The book gows again and a glow surrounds Red. She's still visible but seems somehow less there and just unimportant now.] * Ari seems satisfied, so she holds the book again and leans back against the rock. "Onezerooneone." And a fine night to you, too, dear. * Ari nods. * Red waits for someone to come get Ari, then heads towards the castle. [Ari is left behind. Red gets to sneaking up on the keep. Give me a stealth roll. -4 bonus.] * Ari has quit IRC (Quit: 110001010111! ) [Red manages to get up to a side entrance while keeping to cover and out of sight of any castle windows.] [She's now outside a door for what appears to be a supply entrance. That is closed.] * Red looks for the door's lock. [She finds it, standard key lock.] * Red pulls out her shiny new lockpicks and gets to work. (Make a roll) [The lock clicks in a satisfying manner as the lock opens.] * Red grins. So far, the tumblers love her. * Red opens the door, goes in, and locks it behind her. (Give me a scent awareness roll. -4 bonus) [There's a staircase up on the right, a hallway leading forward, and a closed door and locked on the left. There's a bit of a food smell from behind the door.] * Jean has joined #sab2020 [Specifically a kitchen smell, because you made by a lot.] * Jean has quit IRC (Quit: ) * Red thinks, and takes the staircase, hoping the steps don't creak. [All this is stone, so creaking is kept to a minimum. The second floor has an older looking closed door that seems to get relatively little use. There's a similar looking hallway up here but and the stairway doesn't go farther up.] [There's another door that looks like it gets a bit more use about halfway down the hall on the opposite side as the first door.] * Red takes the hallway. [You go down the hall for a bit and get to a second hallway. It goes two ways, one towards a corner of the keep, one towards the center. There's picture on the wall of various heros. Their eyes are looking around but don't seem to notice Red.] * Red takes the hallway leading towards the center. ( The dining hall was in the center, right? ) [Accessable from the center, but first floor. Although it was two stories high and Ari said it was above the hall.] * Red frowns. Any stairs in evidence? [The center has the reguarly moving stairway. It's actually still for now though. The whole facility is minimally lit and feels fairly dead.] * Red heads up the stairs, but cautiously. She looks for anything she can identify as a magical trap. [+4 awareness occult (witchcraft) roll on that.] [Red notices that the secret passage she'd taken before to the headmaster's office actually is has detection wards on it. As does a third story door labeled "Potion supplies and components." [She's on the second of four floors right now.] [The stairway is fine.] [As are most of the other doors you notice.] * Red ascends the stairs, which she must do to move up in the world. Or the castle. [Third floor!] * Red looks around! [There are hallways that seem largely to be leading off to classrooms.] * Red frowns. That isn't what she wants at all. [Four total, there were only three on the second floor.] * Red goes to the door that leads to a classroom above the dining hall. [Down this hallway there's a few portraits that continue to not pay attention to Red. There's also classroom labelled potions and a janitors closet in immediate view. The hallway keeps going to the edge where there's a window.] [It makes a turn there to the right.] * Red looks at the janitor's closet first. Is it locked? [Give me an awareness check on that.] [Yeah, there's a lock, but it doesn't seem locked.] * RDMgryphon has quit IRC (Quit: sleep is ... um... sleepy. ) * Red tries to open the door. [The door opens!] * Red looks inside! [The lights are out. There's a whole mix of small countainers with various labels: For bile, for sulfur, for ectoplasm, etc...] [There's shelves on each side. Completely full of boxes and the like.] * Red closes the door. Nice theory, but enh. ( Wait. A window? Aren't we near the center of the building? ) [The hallway goes a good long way. But give me another awareness check.] [The closet and the classroom are on the first third of the hall. Nothing else for the next two thirds.] * Red frowns. [Has Red goes to close the door she moves out of the light a little and part of a metal plate just below one of the boxes in the closet.] * Red opens the door again and steps on the metal plate. ( IT'S SO INVITING. ) ( It says 'STEP ON ME! I'M SECRET! ) [Give me a hearing awareness roll!] [She hears a slight sound of stone moving against stone out in the hallway. Fairly quiet though.] * Red shuts the door and heads towards the sound. (Give me another hearing awareness roll!) [Red hears the stone moving against stone again when she steps off the plate. She also hears the sound of footprints from the central stairs.] * Red hurries as quick as she can manage while moving quietly to the sound of stone on stone action. [Body and Visual awareness!] [Red doesn't get out that quickly, the wall is as she left it, though she notices the sound stops right as she got out there. Steps still getting closer.] ( Is there a classroom on the other side of the hallway? ) (Yeah) * Red heads for the classroom, still trying to be both quick and stealthy, which doesn't really work too well. [Stealth roll and body (speed) roll.] [+2 to both if you take the time to close the door behind you.] [Red shuts the door with a quick gesture, it clicks shut pretty quietly. She then quickly dives into the classroom on the otherside.] [The steps keep coming, walking by the classroom Red is holed up in.] * Red hides under a desk or something. [Red can hear Hurst's voice cheerily singing to himself as he walks. "We don't need no education..." o/~ He keeps going. * Red stifles a cry of amazement at HURST, of ALL PEOPLE singing that. [So, not long after the voice and steps die down.] * Red walks back into the hall. [It's clear.] * Red frowns. Activating the door is probably what summoned Hurst... ah well. * Red goes to the janitor's room and depresses the metal plate again! [There's the sound of stone against stone again. Still quiet.] * Red shuts the door and runs pel-mel to the stone-on-stone sound! (body(speed)-4 bonus) [Now that she's running she gets out to the hallway in time. She notices a three inch tall by six inch wide hole in the wall. There's a stone-brick that's turned out into the hallway that used to be covering it. The stone-brick is rapidly working to cover it again. * Red runs into the hole in the wall before it closes! (inches red. :P) (you can keep it open with your hand or something, but it might hurt) ( Oh. Right, uhm... ) ( Okay. Someone in the physical condition of a wizard could not run here fast enough to catch it... so... ) * Red goes back to the janitor's room, finds the heaviest of the buckets of stuff, and sets it down on the metal plate. [Red succeeds! She notices as she steps out of the light that the label on that particular container was. "Drake Droppings. Dispose of properly at a SAB liscenced facility."] [When she gets back out the brick is stuck open.] [Within the hole is an elaborate looking lock apparently made of iron.] [+6 to the lockpick check. -4 bonus if you take a minute to make the attempt. Occult check on the lock with -2 bonus (witchcraft) if you like.] [Red manages to open the lock, it's a rather tricky one but she takes her time about it.] [She also realizes as she works that iron is often favored for magic resistance. Fortunately her lockpicks have good non-magical quality.] [The stone wall to her left swings open. Behind the door is a room with iron coated walls.] * Red nods appreciatively and heads over to the open area. [There's five pillars on the inside with a serious of glowing wires running from them to a grating in the center of the floor.] * Red grins, and walks in, and looks around, careful not to step on anything that looks magical. [There's a transparent section in the middle of each pillars within them are: A bronze lamp, a small gilded chair with elaborate metalwork, an obsidain lack skeleton key, a bell that loooks to be made of some gossamar material, and something that looks disturbing like an overscaled heart, thrice normal size, preserved in an aquarium.] * Zegon has quit IRC (Quit: Zeeful! ) [Awareness check sense of choice.] [There's a control panel or two in the room, but not too much else. [And the grating in the middle.] [Red notices a soft beeping from one of the control panels. One with a keypad.] * Red walks over and inspects the panel. [It's got a little logo of a figure in a mask breaking a window. This is surrounded by a red circle with a slash going through it.] [There's a red LED on right now.] * Red nods, and walks casually out of the room, to the janitor's closet, sets the drake dung back where it was, and heads back out the way she came in. [Red thinks that she'll probably be okay, alarm wise, but if the paranoia level of the system designer is high, she may not want to stick around.] (I figure this is something you can learn via burglary. ^_~) ( Well, yes. ^^ ) ( Even if Red's never broken into a place to steal anything. ) ( Right. ) * Red heads for the little village, so she can report to Mai that Maris probably did it, and here's how and why, and good night now. ( Does the little village have an inn? 'Cause it must be awful late now, even in gametime. ) ( Yup ) ( Keen. Can we end here, or is someone gonna spring a nasty surprise on Red? ^_^ ) ( IF the rest decide to conclude that day though, she'll be sent sniping or something. :P) (Can end.) ( Then by all means, do so. As long as you've nothing else planned. ) [Sleep! I mean End!]