[So, the Ari and Tim research session begins. We can say they're gathered in Ari's room for now. They have the SAB NPCs at their disposal if they so desire.] (And RDM has the stuff from yesterday.) [Vanguard known contenders are a friend of Breaker known as Bookie. An older teenager of no known abilities.] [And secondly Wraith. A guy who goes big for the black robes and hood look and apparently has a touch of death type attack.] [Start!] * Kahlya knocks on the door! Knock. * Ari goes to answer the door. * Tim looks at Ari. "Should I ge... never mind." * Tim swivels the chair to watch Ari open the door. * Ari opens the door! * Kahlya is there all smiles when Ari opens the door, arms over behind her head, holding the usual cloth bundle over her shoulders. She's in an urban camo outfit at the moment with dangly earrings. "Hi! Is the party started ye--" She blinks and looks inside. "Hmmm...this isn't the party is it?" No, this is not a party. * Tim calls from deeper in the room, "Not yet anyway." I don't think it could ever be considered a party, Tim. * Kahlya grins and poinks Ari on the nose. "Got-chaaaa~" She smiles and opens her cat-slit eyes to look past Ari. "I heard you were doing some research on that creepy hooded guy. I wanted to join in." * Ari blinks at Kahlya. "Do you have information on him?" Not yet. Other than the fact that I hope he's not a normal wraith. But I'm sure that Mister Petros has something in store for him in case he is. At least, I hope so. Do wraiths burn with magic fire? * Ari nods. "Who directed you here?" That old librarian lady...think...Mai? That her name? * Kahlya waves it off. "I half found the place myself. No big deal, really." * Ari nods. "Come in, then. And I don't believe we have actually met before. I am Ari." She holds out her hand. * Kahlya suddenly winces and clutches her head, collapsing to her knees. "Urrrggh..." * Ari blinks. "Tim! Call for medical assistance." On it! * Tim stands up and spills his laptop and tiger onto the ground (poor Jin) so he can reach for his phone. [Jin the small origami tiger slowly stands up on the floor.] * Kahlya holds out a shaky hand. "No...no doct--agh!" She clutches her head again and curls up even more. * Ari kneels down next to her. "Tim, how well do you know her? Have you seen her do this before?" * Miles appears and gives a smile. "Hi!" * Tim hits the pound key and has his finger hovering over the numerals, "Not very and never." * Kahlya whimpers. "Please make it stop..." * Tim hurries over to where the girls are, "What do you need then? What needs stopping?" * Ari tries to examine her to see what's wrong. * Miles blinks and looks around, semi-cluelessly. "What's going on?" * Kahlya breathes a little hard and then...seems to calm down a little...she suddenly glances up and glares at Miles. "Why'd you have to do that??" * Miles blinks at Kahlya. "Do what?" You know, I...I know it was from you! It had to be! I...how do I know? * Kahlya slowly stands up, shaky legged. Okay... I'm officially lost. What just happened? * Miles scratches behind his ear (yes, it's a fox ear right now). "What'd I do?" I don't know....but him. He's a fount. Just like that creepy guy's robes..." Miles, I believe your sudden appearance caused this. [Jin decides that isn't directed to him, and his text does not change.] Huh? ... And what is a fount? Anno... A 'fount'? Wazzat? A source of mystical power. A fount I...it's something! I don't know how to explain it.... It's something that...does something. Like I said. It's...yes, probably that. [Jin: "1) Abbreviation for fountain. 2) One that initiates or dispenses; a source."] Thank you Ari. What does that have to do with Kahlya collapsing. * Miles giggles. "Of course I know magic! Why wouldn't I?" I don't know... Miles' use of his magic apparently triggered her rather painful condition. * Kahlya rubs her head. "Sometimes I've passed out because of the source though. I don't know...it's.. something. I don't know where it came from..." At least, I am assuming it is Miles, as he appeared at almost the same time Kahlya collapsed. * Kahlya breathes in and then looks at Ari. "Anyhow...you said something about knowing something on Wraith?" * Tim shrugs. Does that count? His robe was glamored. We were about to begin some research. Any information you could provide would be most appreciated. Anno, on what? The tournament, Miles. More specifically, the fighter known as Wraith. * Tim nods again and goes to pick up his tiger and laptop, "Vanguard... they need their asses kicked and you're going to do it for me." As I said. His robes were glamored. Take those away and you've probably got half of it. Don't think it was linked to any of his attacks though... Anno, I dunno who Wraith is? At least...didn't seem like it...so not entirely in the clear. [Jin: "A mega-corporation will be an interesting challenge. I await your instructions."] The guy Mister Petros challenged. * Ari walks over to her chair and picks up her ever-present keyboard. Huh? (Also, should I describe Ari's computer room, since Miles and Kahlya have never seen it before?) (Probably) (Lain's bedroom?) (Heh. Illustrious GM, may I borrow the Brackets of Description for a bit?) * Jexless has joined #sab2020 (Enjoy 'em) (You are as generous as you are handsome. ^_~) (Heh, save the bribery for /msg. :P) () (Or better yet, in person ;P) (I know, I know. I'll never do it again. I was just feeling mischievous. ;p) (Aww, we made Miles/Zeg gag. Isn't that sweet. And other people can still talk as description comes.) * Tim laughs, "Yes, first off who is the Vanguard fighter calling himself Wraith and in the magic robes?" [Ari's lab at SAB headquarters is a relatively small room, and is filled with computing equipment - a few server racks, several desktop systems, and other miscellaneous equipment. A large screen takes up most of one wall. It's fairly dimly lit, and the only sound is the humming of fans. Ari's chair is directly in front of the viewscreen.] [Despite the fact that it's full of computing stuff, it's also oddly tidy - no mess of papers, no coffee mugs, no leftover Chinese food boxes. Ari may be a geek, but apparently she is a very neat geek.] (*returns the Brackets) (Oh Em Gee, it's Richard's room.) (Except no heavy metal blasting) (Except Ari >>>>>>>>>>>> Richard.) (And clean.) [Half of Jin's stripes disappear.] (Yes) * Miles blinks. "So why do you have lotsa confusors?" * Tim watches this, "Cool, looks like Jin's going to come back with a long one." What's with the tiger anyhow? * Ari eyes Jin. "Yes, this is new to me." * Jexless is now known as Jex [Jin: "SAB has no prior records on such an entity. However, a review of available undead bestiaries results in no records of entities that would fit the description given. Checking other available records."] * Tim looks at Kahlya. "Mai gave it to me the other day. It answers questions and seems to be based on Chinese magic. I named him Jin." * Filis has joined #sab2020 (mysticism roll +2 Miles. And anyone else that wants it) * Kahlya snaps her fingers. Words fail her. (Uh, what skill is that under again?) (Err occult) (You mean Occult? What specialty?) (Oh, witchcraft I guess) (Sprits work?) (Err, Spirits) [Jin's first stripe returns: "A touch of death does cover many undead attacks. Alternate possibilities: Contact poison, a range of martial artist techniques."] (Sure!) * Ari starts typing on her keyboard. Agh, her space is being invaded! (Fire through a bunker!) * Kahlya stares at Jin and smiles slightly. "Well that's interesting." So Kurt shouldn't get touched by it... Kinda knew that from the name but go on. * Miles peeks over Ari's shoulder. His three tails twitch and swish in sequence. [Jin has the remainder of the stripes return. "No established Vanguard agents clearly meet this criteria unless they have received additional training. There are a range of mercenaries who could meet this criteria, require additional clarification to provide information. Alternate possibility: Is a summoned creature of some sort."] So....like, let's say, a wraith? Exactly. * Ari attempts to pay very little attention to the kitsune peeking over her shoulder. Anyhow, whatever its true form is, taking the robe away will show it. I didn't sense much from whatever was inside though. (No second statement) * Tim reads the tiger out loud and finishes with " Too bad we don't know if it's just a magic robe on somebody." [Jin: "Clarification: Wraiths are undead. If the entity is a wraith, than the enchanted robes would seem to be misdirection."] This has me really really confused. That's true... * Tim reads that bit out too. (than->then) * Kahlya smiles at Miles. "A lot has you confused." * Miles nods then double-takes at Kahlya. "Hey!" * Kahlya grins at Miles. Very cutely. ... So the robe is a misdirection for the name or the name is a misdirection for the robe? ... Ari... do you have anything yet? Yes. I was looking into the enchanted robes. And? It is quite possible for one to acquire a robe that would mimic the appearance of a supernatural creature. However, one of the quality that this "Wraith" likely possess would cost well into the millions. Fortunately for him, with Vanguard's backing that would hardly pose a problem. So... he could still be a fake and he could still be the real thing. Any way to tell without his flashing us? So what about this touch of death thing? I have yet to look into it. Let me see. * Miles scratches his head. Did you have any further information that I should include? Could be real, could be poison or a bunch of stuff. According to Jin. Because, I don't know about you, but it'd probably be real inconvenient for someone to die in the ma--hey wait...didn't Breaker say no killing? * Miles nods. No killing does not prohibit severe incapacitation that might lead to eventual fatality, I would imagine. [Jin: "Avoiding flashing: Develop technique to see through or destroy robe. Consult one capable of sensing spirits or undead."] So it can't be a real touch of death. Just something...paralyzing or real debilitating or something. It simply means that no one is to be killed during the tournament. * Tim nods, "Somebody needed to explain that better to Angel." Well, if he advanced, I doubt Breaker would let him do that if whatever it was was that serious. She'd see through it. Oh hey Jin's got a new one, says... try to destroy or see through the rob, and talk to somebody who'd be able to tell a real wraith. * Kahlya blink blinks at that and then swivels her head at Jin. Well, we have several people on staff who would likely fit the latter qualification. Well, I'd have to see him in action first... Now we just have to get them where they can see this guy before the match starts. Also, unless Vanguard has opted to choose the absolute top of the line robes for their Wraith, it is unlikely that said garment will be able to withstand the brunt of Kurt's fury. Well yeah... Hey Jin... could Kurt burn a real Wraith? Didn't they also make his first opponent though? As for the "touch of death," there are a good number of possible techniques, and I've returned matches on at least two dozen beings who are capable of such a thing. You also raise a good point. Who *was* his first opponent? [Jin: Spiritually or magically enhanced fire against the undead would likely be necessary. Holy water and spiritual symbols would be a far easier alternative.] * Kahlya stares hard at Jin. [We'll say that Ari can do some research and find that the EU put a chaplain against him. Guy is apparently still in the hospital, but is expected to make a full recovery.] Mmm? Mister Petros? Some metal guy wasn't it? Nah, he's the not actually a ninja really he's not kidding, no. * Ari does said research and shares the results with the others. Huh... everything's recorded right? Can we see that? * Kahlya stares hard at the monitor and points. "See? Not really a touch of death." * Miles looks at Mr. Monitor. Yes, he's still leaning over Ari's shoulder. Let me see if I can bring up the recording. It has yet to be officially released, but I can find it. * Tim nods. "Of course, thanks." * Kahlya smiles and leans a bit on Ari's chair, resting her arms on the back of it as she looks at her. "Impressive." * Ari snorts as she accesses the directory. Clever girl. Mhm? [Anyone looking at the large text screen can see that there's a file in the directory called "If_you_can_read_this,_you're_probably_Ari."] * Tim snickers. * Miles giggles. [The video plays. The chaplain is in military regalia and does fall back as he tries various types of exorcism using holy water and the like on the wraith. It stays silent and does stop or slow a few times, but doesn't seem to weaken and keeps coming after him.] * Kahlya hmms as she watches it. "So definitely not undead...drat. And I was so hoping to fight some..." She lets out a longing sigh. * Kahlya then thinks. "Well...that or it's warded." * Tim rolls his eyes. "Brains... brains..." * Kahlya smiles at Tim. "Don't make me chop your head off." [The chaplain draws a fairly impressive looking sword and tries one more incarnation when the beast finally stops. He keeps up the exorcism and goes for the quick stab..] * Tim points at the screen, "You're missing it." (Incantation, Greg? :P) (Thanks.) [And some binary shows on Ari's monitor. Very exciting and unexpected. :P] [However the wraith rises rapidly swirls around the chaplain and he only stabs at a dark stain left behind in the air. As the wraith twirls it reaches out a robed hand and the chaplain's neck is surrounded by the cloth for a moment. He then collapses.] (He-> The chaplain then collapses) Well, that was different. * Miles nodnods. There you have it. [End of feed.] * Ari leaves the feed open if someone wants it replayed, but closes the binary file. * Ari smirks slightly as she does so. Hmm... Any idea what that.... I dunno... smoke was? (And anyone who wants a shot at that can give me an occult roll.) * Miles blinkblinks. * Kahlya nods. "Yep. That's definitely not a true wraith." Robes! Wraiths don't do that. (Well, they could. But you got a good roll so you can tell which is which. :P) He's a fake... so Kurt just sets him on fire and moves on. * Miles nodnods. That's what he is. A big fake! Well, we're still not entirely sure of the nature of the attack... but telling Kurt to stand back and fire away would not be a bad course of action. I doubt it'll be that easy. I, for one, would like to see him unmasked...err..disrobed..errm..whatever. * Tim points at the tiger. "Probably not going to happen, unless it burns... in which case it's over anyway." Pity...but... * Miles giggles. "Kurt could get the robes off. He's a ninja." (Oh, and visual awareness checks for anyone that wants them) (+2 we'll say) Say... Mr. Chaplain's neck doesn't have any marks. Is it supposed to be like that? Hmm? * Miles points. * Kahlya looks at Miles, then peeeeers at the monitor. You are right, Miles. [Kahlya can see it once she peers.] * Tim look, "Hey Ari, could you rewind that?" * Ari nods. I shall also zoom in on it at the appropriate point. [Ari rewinds and zooms the feed on the neck. It shows no signs of bruising from the attack. (And another visual awareness roll, no penalty)] [Okay, all you aware people can tell that right when he dropped there was no sign of his skin bouncing back at all. This would seem very odd were he punched or strangled in any vaguely conventional manner, even if the punch/strangle was a special technique.] Well that's odd. [Oh, and medical (diagnosis) roll. +4.] Yeah... That looks funny. I dunno why, but it does. Guess the touch of death is a light one, not a mark on him... or he got hit somewhere else. (And you guys can try out theories or other sorts of things. DOn't feel obligated to wait on the results. :P) Very strange, though I am not quite sure how he accomplished that. Uh Ari? Could you zoom out? * Ari nods and zooms out. [The image, it zooms out. Need anything described?] [There's no obvious signs of trauma elsewhere on the body. The robe only made contact with the neck.] * Miles thinks... "It's... His chi was disrupted. Like his mind and body were separated for a moment." ...So much for that idea. ... That kinda counts as dead doesn't it? Anno, he's recovering? Mmm...probably like a forced projection. But anyhow, the kid's right. He is recovering. That could do it, but, hmmm... It could be done other ways too. *nod* * Tim fights the urge to give Kahlya an odd look. * Tim also fails. A proper application of a pressure point could do it too. But there'd be a mark with that, wouldn't there? Even if for a moment. * Miles giggles. "Not if you do it right." * Ari calls up something else on another part of the screen. "I've been using the information to narrow down a list of suspects." The more information we find on the technique, the more likely it is that we shall find a match. Oh, lemme see! [Alright, and in a slight meta-game conceit. Her list is narrower than this, but I'll say you can be certain that it's one of these blokes: http://sab.zort.net/dossiers/opposition.htm ] (Rather than somebody you've never heard of. :P) (Info's up on the big viewscreen, so Miles can see it fairly easily.) (And all the ones listed dead/captured are still dead/captured. (I got it! It's the 6 year old advisor!_ (No, no. It's the CAT!) (It's both!) (THE CAT!) (*cracks up*) (Why did we not realize this sooner?) (Because we're st00pid!) (/me cracks his knuckles. "Good misdirection I think." :P) (Hee) (Give me credit, it's easier for both our egos than knocking yourselves. ^_~) (It's a cat! In glamor-enchanted robes! The solution is obvious!) * Kahlya hmms as she looks over the list. * Kahlya has quit IRC (Quit: ) * Kahlya has joined #sab2020 (If you need rolls or have questions or something, let me know) * Tim reads, "Somehow... I don't think it's the five year old." Obviously, it's the cat. * Kahlya pokes at the cyborg's name. "Hey, wasn't he the one that Mister Petros faced?" * Miles scratches his head. "Was he?" [He was.] Yeah... so not him either. Oh, definitely. I don't think that is the one we are looking for. * Ari is smirking very widely. But he was with Vanguard too, I think... Smee. Oh. Oh! And not the giant. * Kahlya pouts. "I don't know about them...silly fanboys." Fanbois? (Yes, he said that with an 'i'.) ... Maybe this Robert guy? * Tim is ignoring Miles at the moment. Got it in one. I remember him from the island assault. What's he do? He has phasing attacks. Also, he could only wear certain types of clothes due to said attacks, and I'd imagine a robed and hooded wraith is far more intimidating than a man in his boxer shorts. * Miles nods. (And I think we're getting near wrap up time. No huge rush, but want those who want sleep can head off as this is the bulk of it. :P) * Kahlya giggles at that. "So all he's wearing under that robe is his skivvies?" (What about Bookie though?) (Another night) ... Can he go through fire? Anno, I don't think so? Yes. Just his skivvies. * Ari smirks. But the robe might let him? No, the robe is quite flammable. [Tiger: "Varies based on the phaser. Most would be slightly hurt, but to a lesser degree than a normal human would be due to phasing. (Game effect, enviro damage only)"] (So five damage a round.) Doubt it. It can hover, and it can mask his appearance.. We'll see if Kurt can handle it. * Tim read the tiger, "...So give Kurt a depleted uranium stick and let's call this guy done for." Session Time: Thu Jan 13 00:00:00 2005 (But, yeah. You guys can go on if you need to, but I need to sleep soon.) A depl-whated what? ... Uranium is denser than lead. * Tim points at the screen, "It's a kind of really heavy metal that according to this he can't phase through." * Miles nods. I think we'd have a bit of trouble obtaining it, though. How do you know? ** Jin briefly illustrates Kurt and Robert, drawn using characters, fighting one another. Kurt viciously beats Phillip with a metal rod that's made of the characters for the scientific description of depleted uranium. * Tim looks at Ari, "Well, making a stick out of it between now and the fight yeah, but they used to make a lot of bullets out of it so it's... around if you know where to look." Ahh. I am afraid that I know very little about the procurement of depleted uranium. * Miles yawns. "I'm gonna go now. I, um... I really don't like to talk about uranium." Ura-whata? * Ari blinks. "All right. Take care, Miles." (* Ari kicks a chair to hide the small nuclear device she hides in an empty computer case.) (o/~) * Miles waves. "Bye!" (Empty nothing. She uses it to power her freaking computer case.) * Miles vanishes. See ya. ... or not. * Kahlya winces again at that. "I wish he would stop...." [End!]