[You've all been given word that the first round of the tournament will be starting today, a fairly cloudy but otherwise unremarkable Monday.] [Given the potential destruction level of this event, a range of locations will be used, you're initially gathering on a leftover off-sea oil platform. This is an available but not expected arena, principally it's neutral territory given the animosity between many of these groups.] [Of the factions, Peter's Group, the EU, Paragene, the Templars, and Smee's contenders are in attendance. Vanguard, it was announced, will have their people arrive later for pressing corporate reasons.] [Some SAB contenders similarly have yet to appear.] [There's a good number of people milling about, rather than give the full description at once, we'll go through the groups and have them announce themselves.] [All PCs are currently milling about in one corner of the rig.] [Rev. Warlow and Breaker are standing near the center they look like they'll get things go shortly.] [Start] * Marguerite is standing close to the edge, looking out over the water, and smoking. Her satchel hangs at her back. Really, it's business as usual. * Ren 's leaning against something. Despite the importance of the event, he doesn't look dressed up at all. He's got orange sunglasses on, with a once-bright and now faded red pleather jacket on. His hair's as messy as ever, one one of the kness on his jeans have a hole in them. The boots look new, though. * Red is standing around near the edge. She has her rifle in hand, so she must be here on business. * Ren is actually barechested, no shirt on under the jacket. He's not making any move to greet anyone. Lean. * Saldin walks up from the stairwell that leads to the deck. He looks pretty much normal and male today, and is wearing his standard monk's outfit. He carries his pack and hrms slightly as he looks around. "Strange locale." * Ren glances at the bald, strange, male monk, and shrugs. * Red waves to Saldin. "It's disposable." * Yuri follows Saldin up. She's only 5'4", Japanese, and is wearing a hakama. And does not seem particularly pleased about it. She has solid yellow eyes and similar tattoos to Saldin. The universe decided you should show up? Of course, Ren. This is an important event. Did the universe see fit to equip you with a pack of smokes? I'm running low. It's a bit surprising the universe sent her to a fighting tournament, as all ahm thinking. * Yuri rolls her eyes at Ren's statement, and picks at the hakama. * Tim follows Saldin and Yuri up the stairs, he's wearing his usal t-shirt and kahkis combo and has still has lame blue hair, "I think we left Yvonne behind somewhere..." Who's your friend, Saldin? * Saldin smiles warmly at Ren and Red. "We are here, is all... this is--" Yuri Nanirabo. *glances in annoyance at Saldin* * Ren points at Yuri. "Seen ya, haven't metcha." [At this point Breaker walks out to the center of the deck, it's fairly big and foggy, so you can easily see the center, but not much beyond.] * Yuri bows to Red. "I can introduce myself, thank you, Saldin." * Warlow projects to the group. "Welcome to all contenders, here's a brief summary of the rules." [Warlow is wearing her usual garb. Breaker actually has on a red robe with gold looking trim and strong shoulders, she looks like she's having a grand time.] * Saldin smiles down at Yuri, then turns to Warlow. * Ren slides his glasses down just a bit, so his green eyes get a better view of the guest of honor. All combat will be one on one, outside interference will not be tolerated, Breaker has sole authority to determine what qualifies as outside interference and can immediately disqualify any contender. * Yuri looks back at Tim and says quietly, "I'm glad, too. I may not be a traditionalist like him, but those outfits... ugh." * Breaker smirks. "Interference sort of defeats the point you know." * Miles appears behind Red. He's been missing since the Tunnel mission, but hasn't shown his face *anywhere* around any of these particular characters since then in a bit of seclusion on himself. He's got his three tails and fox-ears out, and he's very cautious looking around, much like a scared animal. "Anno... Hi." * Tim stage wispers back, "Well, I wan't planning to run around much... but that woulda chafed." The victor most agree to sign a contract with Breaker to look after her welfare. * Ren relaxes some, and actually *waves* at Miles. Wow, putting effort into greeting someone. * Red blinks and turns around. "Miles?" Fighting to the death is not allowed- Except if you both want to. * Miles gives Red a hug from behind. * Red hugs Miles back. "What are you doing here? Where have you been?" * Saldin turns his head over to look at Miles at hearing his name, and then smiles to himself. * Marguerite frowns, pulls out a _filtered cigarette_... then bites off the filter and lights the rest of the cigarette. * Ren smirks at the 'death' bit. * Red frowns at something, then nods. * Tim grins. I've been... resting since the tunnel. And thinking. I owe it to Breaker that I observe... That is the least I can do. * Yuri presses her hands together, then cracks her knuckles. * Red nods. * Saldin looks over the others on the platform a bit. Brackets will be decided by challenges, Breaker will decide the order of the challenges. This is a single elimination tournament, if you are knocked out for more than twenty seconds, you are considered to have lost. * Miles lets go of Red and backs off, hiding behind her. * Ren watches Miles and Red, grinning a little. As we begin, each challenger will announce him or herself and if they wish the reason they are fighting. ::she scowls:: Some showmanship it sadly unavoidable, but don't make any attacks, not even shots in the air. Boring speeches are grounds for disqualification. * Tim snickers. * Ren laughs. * Yuri closes her eyes for a second, then opens them and begins scanning the crowd too, with a much less happy look on her face. * Red grins. * Saldin smiles a little more than he was before. * Breaker spins and takes a few steps back, her robe swishing. She then turns around again several paces from the center. Warlow follows but makes less of a show of it. As SAB and, well, that other kind of SAB group have the most people we'll be trading off between them and the other teams. Templars! * Ren spits. Don't approve of the Templars, Ren? Som'thin like that. Anything you can share that might be useful? [A woman walks out to the center several of you recognize her. She's wearing a loose training outfit, has a sword on her back, and an odd gun hanging in front of her. She's fairly waifish but still quite dexterous looking with well defined features. "Edge."] * Tim walks up to Saldin, "Any idea what fate did with Yvonne, or even if she'll show up?" * Breaker calls out "SAB!" As Edge walks back to her corner. * Saldin says, quietly, "I very much hope that she does." Ah, well, us being the other sort of SAB, I guess it's safe to wait a bit longer. * Red pats Miles on the head. "Don't be." * Ren waits, amused. "Who's going up?" I'm waiting for a certain someones. * Red looks at Marguerite and Ren, shrugs, and walks out to the center. "Red. And for the sake of not boring anyone, I will save the speach." She smiles and walks back. Come on push somebody out, this isn't challenge time yet. I believe it's your turn, Ren. * Ren shakes his head. "I'm not going up yet." And why not? * Breaker snorts. "Alright, Paragene." [A fairly hulking female, probably of Chinese descent, walks out. She’s at least seven foot tall and has a body that most builders strive for. That is to say even those body builders who regularly use steroids. She’s got an extremely heavy looking pack on her back and is holding a gun or nozzle with a tube that leads back to the backpack. "Ke Zhi, I will show you how strong even the non-mystical are with Paragene."] Because I'm going up last. My God, what a frightening woman. * Ren eyes the amazon. * Breaker looks over to SAB. "You got anyone yet?" * Saldin continues to watch the people who walk up with the flat white stare. * Yuri 's stare is a little less flat, and she glances over at Breaker more, but she's not really hiding the 'study your opponent' game she's playing either. * Marguerite sighs, shifts her pack a little, and is holding Bubba. "Fine." She stalks out, tosses her hair, and spits out the stub of her cigarette. "Mad Dog. I plan to fuck some people up real bad - mystic or not." * Ren grins. * Red golf-claps for Maggie. * Ren slides his glasses back up, too. * Tim grins and then walks up to Saldin and whispers something. *Now* It's your turn, Ren. Next, hmm, Smee! * Saldin mms slightly and shakes his head. * Ren shrugs. "I'm going up last." * Tim snaps his fingers. [A man walks out from a different corner, he's carrying a pistol and a rather compact shotgun, the shotgun hanging below his jacket....] [He looks quite fit and attractive, and familar (cultural arts (movies) roll, -4 bonus.] [Anyone who makes the roll recognizes him as fallen Hong Kong film star Will Cheng, rather popular until five years ago. Known for many an action movie, not know for acting.] * Cheng gives Breaker a salut with his pistol hand. "Will Cheng, celebrity demon hunter, at your service." * Yuri gasps slightly and says, with a hint of stars in her yellow eyes, "Will Cheng!" * Marguerite has put Bubba back, and is smoking again. She smirks as Will appears. Right... she can fight him, or ask for an autograph or something. * Breaker actually giggles slightly. "Does that mean you're a celebrity or you hunt celebrity demons." Whatever you want love. * Will bows with a flourish and walks off. Breaker's eyes follow him as he goes. * Yuri rolls her eyes at Tim, then returns to watching Will Cheng. Mmm. * Warlow elbows Breaker after several seconds pass. Not actually SAB! * Tim bows to Yuri, "After you." What an interesting bunch. * Yuri snorts and elbows Saldin. "Move it, old man." * Saldin is frowning slightly as he watches Will... then shakes his head and walks forward. He bows slightly to Breaker, and says, "Saldin Qian, and you can call us the Mystic Wanderers, if you like. I fight for Breaker's freedom to train and live her life as it should be." He then smiles at her. "Was that too long?" * Breaker smiles back. "Yeah, but you've paid your dues, so I don't mind." * Red nods approvingly. * Saldin chuckles and bows at her again, before walking back to the group. * Ren raises an eyebrow at Saldin. Peter's group! * Warlow looks somewhat amused. * Ren looks around. Look, look. * Yuri , when Saldin gets back, grabs him by the nose and pulls his head down so she can whisper in his ear. Quickly. [Out walks a Caucasian male with a slightly gray cast to his skin. He’s wearing a simple oxford shirt, black pants and jacket and a cross on a chain. He’s got a knapsack on his back and a high-tech looking silver gun at his side.] * Saldin nods at Yuri slightly and stands after she's done talking, looking back towards the center. The nose thing doesn't seem to have bothered him. * Tim glances at the guys gun, but finds Saldin and Yuri much more interesting to watch. [For more descript, see the end of FtLoB welcoming party.] [He speaks with a slight southern drawl and an amused tone. "Mak. I’ll provide a small demonstration of what it means to have an all powerful backer."] * Warlow rolls her eyes. Breaker nods. * Yuri sighs slightly and then joins Saldin in looking over at Mak. "What an ego." * Tim ponders that for a bit and then snorts. * Ren smirks. E.U.! [Out walks a certain captain and helicopter pilot in combat uniform flak jacket and all. She's quite fit and carrying a shotgun, prod, and a mix of grenades on her person.] ["Vega Ortiz, I'll show that work on a team, with rules and disciplines, does not make one weak."] * Marguerite barks out a laugh. Oh, Breaker will love that. She's got a point. She's a bitch. Mhm, but team work doesn't help so much in one and one fights. Teams aren't fer' everyone, though. * Breaker smirks. "Good luck." Thank you. A Bitch Royale. A Double Pounder bitch. * Vega Ortiz walks off. SAB! Teamwork is fine, discipline is fine, but Breaker needs to be allowed to be herself, as well. You see how many people regularly are in combat situations that don't come out worse for wear. * Red walks over to Ren. "Marguerite, help me push Ren out." * Ren ain't moving. * Miles stays near Red. I should note that the woman's good enough to live up to her talk, although I'm sure you can tell yourselves. * Marguerite kicks Ren square in the patuckus. "Get the fuck out there." * Ren moves over some. "Get the fuck out there yourself." I did already. Then don't bloody tell me to get up there. Uh... not quite SAB! ... what? Let me put it this way, then. * Ren resettles his position, to Optimal Leaning Against The Wall angle. "I'm not going up for SAB." Well, you could've fucking said that in the first place and saved us the trouble. * Marguerite lights up again. I figured I was gonna surprise yah. * Tim takes a step forward and stops and looks at Saldin, "We get him?" * Ren shrugs. "Guess not." Ah never mind. * Marguerite waves the hand not holding the lighter. "Wooooo, solo fighter, scaaaary. Whatever." Bloody marvelous. * Saldin shakes his head. "No." Then he waves his hand. "Go, Tim, or else we will be left behind." * Tim walks up, "Tim Shimiru, fighting for Not Excatly SAB 'cause they asked." * Tim nods at Breaker and then steps down. * Breaker snerks. "It's a reason." Paragene! * Red looks over to Miles. "Miles? Do you feel up to fighting for us?" * Ren shrugs. If he's bothered by Mag's dismissal, he's not showing it. [A man in a leather jacket with no apparent weapons walks out. He’s reasonably built but not all that special next to the contenders. He’s Caucasian but has a good tan, yet isn’t by any means an attractive man. "Volt. I’m the best of both worlds. You could be too."] * Yvonne bounces over to the group. "Hi everyone!" She's wearing a yellow halter and purple shorts, and her red leather jacket. It burns the eyes. * Miles shrinks behind Red. "Anno... I really don't want to..." He glances at the contestants and shivers. Yvonne! You made it! You... really need to come up with a better idea for the uniforms. * Yvonne blinks. "What?" * Saldin looks over at Yvonne and smiles. "It is good to see you." Yeah, isn't it? Templars! ::Volt struts off:: Hullo, Yvonne. * Ren spits again. Red, purple, and yellow just don't mix... Oh, they do too. So, what's going on? * Tim strokes his chin, "...Hmm, maybe we could use it as a weapon..." * Ren looks down at his own blue, red, and orange. * Yuri makes a face and says, "No, it doesn't." Nah, the yellow acts like a target. [A slightly overweight South American teenager walks out. He gives a fairly sheepish grin at Breaker.] Breaker's calling out teams and people are introducing themselves, and SAB's not doing to hot what with us not being in there and people not stepping up. Oh. * He offers a hand. "Julio. I think you'd like it with us, but I'm mostly here to train. Doubt there's anyone Edge can't beat that I can." Miles, you don't have to fight Mak or Saldin. But if you could fight some of the others, it would be very helpful, as the odds are a little against us, now. * Breaker shakes. "Well, hope it goes well." She smiles. He then walks off. * Yvonne grins, throwing a few shadow punches. "I'm all psyched up. Bring on the bloodshed!" Peter's group I guess. * Ren shoves himself off the wall. * Yuri smiles a little eagerly. * Ren walks up to the center, hands in his back pockets. * Saldin chuckles faintly. "Yvonne, there won't be much bloodshed..." he watches Ren step out. "... interesting." ...Oookay... SAB's in more trouble than I thought it was. * Yvonne giggles. "They're scared of us." Yes, Tim, we are. My, so much for the loyalty of mercenaries. ::she sounds more bemused than bitter:: * Breaker snickers. * Ren turns to address Breaker. He brushes his hair back, to no effect. "Ren Ran. I'm fighting mainly becuase I don't want half these jerks to win, and I want you to make your own choice instead of letting everyone else do it." * Marguerite looks over ar Red. "Enh. Fuck Breaker. I'm here for one and a half reasons." * Ren nods at Warlow. "Nothing personal against you, but money's just not a factor to me this time." * Breaker nods. She seems fairly surprised. "My, I seem to have quite a following." More than we do apperently. Thanks then. * Ren raises his eyebrows, then laughs. "Yer welcome." * Ren walks back to where he was, and resumes his leaning position. Not quite SAB! Ladies? * Red whispers to Miles. * Tim looks between Yuri and Yvonne. Huh? * Breaker looks thoughtful for a moment, hard to say why. Go stand up there and tell the world why you're fighting, but you'll get tossed out if you take too long doing it. Oh. Ok! * Yuri looks over at Yvonne, and just stands there. She looks over Breaker instead. * Yvonne bounces up and raises her hand. "Hi! I'm Yvonne Mozzarella, fighting for Team Sexy Winners! Watch for us in the fights!" She steps back and grins. * Tim facepalms. * Ren laughs. Go us. * Saldin fails to facefault. But he does let out a coughlaugh. * Marguerite looks over at Saldin and shakes her head ruefully. * Warlow and Breaker both look amused. * Yuri snickers. "Sexy winners, huh. You could learn something from her, old man." * Ren shrugs. "Well, Sexy Losers is good too." Smee! [An fairly young man with a mexican complexion walks out, with obvious cybernetic parts covering much of his body. Those from defending the crown jewels recognize him.] * Tim blinks, "And no Ari this time... wheeee, this is going to be a pain." Name's Hector, here as a publicity stunt for Smee, a rather well paying one. If you were interested in cybernetics we could talk but up to you really. * Breaker nods. "Cool, how do you like it?" Eh... * Yuri makes a face as she looks over Hector. Huh? What's Ari got to do with anything? * Breaker nods and Hector walks off. Not quite SAB! She beat him last time, big virtual giant robot fight in his head. It was fun to watch. * Yuri walks out there with smooth motions, then turns and bows to Breaker. "Yuri Nanirabo, and I'm doing this because I think Master Qian has the right idea." She smiles teasingly. "And I wanted to meet the girl who had gotten him to actually do something for the first time in years." * Breaker giggles and returns the bow before holding out her hand. "Glad to know I have an impact." [Hector, incidentally, did have a glowing force shield on one of his arms.] * Miles frowns at Hector. * Yuri takes it and shakes it firmly, with the continuing smile. "Trust me. Seeing the same person more than twice in the same year is a miracle for him." * Breaker laughs. "Well, good luck." * Saldin gets a sorta flat look on his face and looks at Yuri oddly. * Warlow nods in agreement. * Yuri lets go of Breaker's hand and heads back, giving Saldin what would be called a shit-eating grin... on someone who wasn't a young cute japanese teenager. * Tim snickers, "So, what does your running into me four times mean?" Peter's group! * Saldin says, in an oddly dry manner, "I prefer not to think about it." He slips Yuri a very slight smile and says, "Your disrespect is saddening, Yuri. But expected." [Out walks a highly attractive dark skinned man, he's got a white suit on and is carrying a shepard's hook. Some of you may recognize him as Peter himself.] * Ren looks a bit surprised at this. * Red does, too. I'm Peter, you've got some techniques at your disposal beyond strength. They likely won't be enough to win alone, but they will often prove to be a wise choice. * Breaker nods she looks slightly puzzled and curious. [Peter then walks off.] * Marguerite chews and swallows the cigarette. "Fucker." * Ren laughs. * Saldin smiles faintly. Not quite SAB! Or, sexy people, whatever. * Tim counts heads, and then leans twords Yvonne, "You get anybody else?" [The fog at the edges of the platform extends to the center, and then slowly disperses as a short figure can be seen approaching the center.] * Saldin mms faintly, and says, "Now we see..." A smile. "Ah, yes." [The fog slowly dispers and froms into dark black and green robes on the back of a presently human looking sorcerous.] * Tim looks at Saldin and then at Yvonne again, "Huh." [There's ripples and eddies of color behind her robe and a glowing A with a line down the middle on the back.] [She courtesies when she reaches Breaker and her robes gain more solidity.] It amuses me to call myself Eris, I like Saldin's style. * Breaker chuckles. [At this point the fog reforms and Eri's robe billows and then surrounds her as she melts into the floor and disappears.] That everyone? You forgot Peter. He just went. The other one. Right, EU! [A cocky looking older Caucasion male walks out from the side, he's packing one of those EU multirifles and standard battle armour. Some obvious cybernetics.] * Marguerite emits a low snarling growl. I'm not gonna give you some cock and bull story how I'm just here fighting for you, this is for pride. * Breaker laughs. I guess you could call me Pete, as Mack is also taken. * Breaker rolls her eyes at that as he walks off. * Ren smirks. "Howabout Nancyman?" * Saldin blinks, and says, out of the blue, "Someone you know, Tim?" And that's everybody. Took long enough. Maybe I should have disqualified some people at random. So, call the challengers. * Yuri snickers at Breaker. Okay, who wants it most? * Tim thinks for a bit, and then nods, "I'll tell you the story later." He needs his head kicked in though. * Marguerite stops growling as Pete leaves. * Saldin nods, then gestures to all the people in his team. "I... believe the term is huddle up?" Yeah, cuddle up. * Eris walks out of the mist. "I believe I"ll stick with huddling." No, that comes later. * Breaker waits and talks to Warlow. "I need theme music, like something from that video game movie." "Which one?" "Does it matter?" "Not really." * Ren thinks for a moment, then steps forward and calls out, his voice carefully flat, "Julio." * Julio steps out of the mists and nods. "See you then." * Miles hugs Red and gets on his tippy-toes, whispering to her. * Red listens. * Ren leans, and watches the rest. * Red nods, then looks to Maggie. "Well, a lovely day to die, I suppose. I'd be a lot more comfortable if we had more people here. Kurt would be an excellent choice for this." * Marguerite stretches. "Yeah." Don't care about anything but one ... well, maybe two fights, though. The EU people? That swaggering man-tit Peter. Pete. And his bitch too, if I'm up for it. Now there's a turn of phrase I haven't heard before. And I hope you are. There's about a dozen more in line after it. That psychopath fucking has some fucking issues. * Ren casts an amused look at Mags. * Marguerite chews and swallows another cigarette. Who you gunnin' for, Red? Nobody in general? I'm thinking about it. We don't have any slouchers here, that's for certain. In fact, I feel rather weak among this crowd. Nah. You'll do okay. Just get high first thing, and aim for the head. Honestly, I'd feel a lot better about this if I were participating from another platform about half a mile away. * Marguerite chuckles. "Pity they wouldn't let you use your own chopper." Noones forcin' ya to fight. * Miles traces his foot on the floor as he listens to battle discussions. Curcumstances are, I'm afraid. If I don't fight, who will? If you don't think yer gonna win, go after who you don't want to win, then. I'm going after the Templar first. No way in hell I'm gonna let them win. * Marguerite ignores Ren, and chucks Miles in the shoulder. "Hey, snap the fuck out of it." * Miles falls forward a foot before he steadies himself. He looks over at Maggie. "Anno..." You gonna fight or sit around lookin' at fuckin' rust stains? * Yvonne looks over to Breaker and calls out. "I decided! I'll fight her!" She points at Ke Zhi. I think I'll take on-- but alas, Yvonne beat me to it. * Miles frowns and looks over at Breaker, then back at Maggie. * Ke Zhi steps out and looks at Yvonne, and smirks. "I quake in my boots." * Mechalink is now known as Yuri * Yvonne smiles a big "XD" smile. What a pity. I think I'd be able to disable her weapon, too. * Saldin looks up and says, "Good luck, Yvonne." Thanks! Yep, win it! You bet! * Red shrugs. "Good luck, Yvonne." * Marguerite eyes. "No big loss, Red. You'll be fighting her when Yvonne loses." Possibly. Or Yvonne could get -- lucky in a way she's less used to -- and I don't have to worry about the lady mountain later on. * Ren shrugs.. "We'll see." I... I don't want to fight. I'm just here to watch. * Red sighs. "Yes, Miles. Of course." Well, shit, I ought to just push you off the side, then. * Ren grins at Mags. "Wouldn't do anything." * Yuri looks up from the huddle and says, with a smile, "Will, I'll take you on." * Will steps forward and bows while flashing a winning smile. "I shall look forward to it." * Yuri blushes slightly, then hardens her look and nods. * Saldin looks up as well. "And I will challenge Volt." * Yvonne stretches. Which leaves me with Vega. * Miles glances over, sighs, and vanishes. The sounds of a bird taking off can be heard from his former location, but such a creature isn't seen. Good luck, Tim. * Volt walks out. "Twenty first century vs first century. This'll be easy." Thanks, and same to you. * Saldin smiles slightly at Volt. "You may end up being surprised." * Marguerite cracks her neck. "Looks like he's open. Got to take him, then." I'm confident you can beat him. * Marguerite calls out "I'll take the heaving mountainous fuckwad." She stops, and feigns confusion. "Wait, no, I meant the mantit. The heaving mountainous mantit. Though fuckwad works too ... Peter." She starts to look predatory. * Saldin drops his pack and pulls out two parts of a longbow, which he binds together into a full longbow, and strings it, and then some arrows besides. Specify which Peter, Marguerite. Which Peter? Oh.. actually I think I can guess. He knows which one. I have never thought of Peter Gibraltar as a... fuckwad. * Yuri looks at Saldin and says with a small grin. "I didn't know you could say fuckwad. Doesn't that violate some oath or another?" Hush, child. Truth is the truth, there can't be a good oath against that. * Yvonne snickers. * Vega, in response to Tim's challenge walks out. "I look forward to testing our skills." Cool. * Red frowns. She walks forward, and says, "Peter Gibraltar, it's nothing personnal, but I challenge you. We can talk about why later, if you like." * Ren raises an eyebrow at Red. * Red checks her chamber to make sure she's using her tranq rounds. * Peter walks out. "I quite understand, I'd be happy to talk about it later." * Marguerite looks around for fuckwitPete. * Yuri takes a deep calming breath. Alright, I might be able to take Edge, if not I can probably find a weakness. I'm much more likely to be able to be Hector. Which would you prefer Saldin? [Pete walks out. "Didn't get enough of me back in the E.U.? Can't say I'm surprised."] * Saldin looks over at Eris and says, with a smile. "I think Mak and Edge would love to face off against each other, and we can certainly oblige them." That sounds delightful. Hector. Magic versus technology. * Hector comes out with a smile. "It will be an interesting experiment." * Marguerite snarls. "About time you heard me. I thought I'd fucking have to scream louder, what with you only having one fucking ear, and all." Then she smirks. "You fucking festering cuntbag." * Breaker snickers. I see working with SAB has done wonders for your fucking vocabulary. * Tim laughs. Yeah. It's amazing what you can do when you can fucking read. You actually learn how to shoot a gun since we fucking fought together? Fought in the fucking loosest sense of the word, I mean, you vacuous pug-nosed limniferous cockmongling dickweed. * Saldin walks over to Yuri and puts a hand on her shoulder, saying quietly, "Are you prepared, Yuri?" * Ren snickers to himself, watching Maggie. * Pete actually takes a few moments to process the end. "Shove it up your ass Maggie, or has all the alchaul left you so bloated you don't have any room left there? * Yuri looks up at Saldin, and puts one of her hands on his. "Yes, , I will do well." * Vega walks out at this point, she does not look pleased with Pete. * Yvonne chuckles. "Aww. Maggie has a perfect match." This will be fun to watch. * Marguerite snorts. "I'm plenty loose enough to sit on your head and squeeze, limp-dick. I'll see you later." She spits a chewed-up cigarette at him, and walks off. * Pete storms off to, apparently saving himself a dressing down. The rest can work out their fights once Vanguard and any remaining SAB or sexy SAB fighters arrive. Let's get on with it. * Ren doesn't actually move from the spot he's leaning at, but he does look out for Julio. [End]