[Date: October 13, 2020. Time: 920 GMT.] [A Sedan pulls up to a Thames river access point. Not that popular of one since is a bit away from downtown. There's a small parking lot with a few other cars their already. And one moped.] [The site has some police tape and a sign reading "Closed to the Public." One disgruntled family is wandering off in the distance griping about "meddlesome priests."] [There are four people waiting in the park. Three, two men and a woman wear some variation of Anglicans frocks. One of them is Michael Chen, SAB's little seen tech happy deacon.] [The fourth is a business casual dress man in his early thirties that also carries a bible. He's standing slightly off from the rest.] [An older pastor emerges from the car. The other occupant of the car is a fairly young and mildly innocent looking girl.] [The girl looks twelve, if not younger.] [Start] * Mandy rises up slowly from her nap, rubbing her eyes subconsciously. She looks about panicky for a moment and then relaxes again as she notes the pastor, sitting up in the seat. * Older father walks up to the crew and addresses Michael, sticking out a hand. "Doyle. We spoke over the phone." * Mike shakes his hand. "Rev. Warlow sends her apologies. She's involved with something heinously complicated right now. I'd explain, but I don't understand it myself." * Doyle nods and takes that one on faith. * Saldin comes into view, slowly, off the mists of the river. Walking on the river, oddly, as the monks have been known to do. Male and in monk garb, today, his white eyes take in the scene. * Mandy points over to the group and speaks, "Priest Posse." [None of the religious types seem to notice the comment although they do glance regularly at the girl.] * Business casual guy looks over to Saldin and frowns. "You really did put out an all points bulletin on this one." * Mandy glances over at the group to get a better look, putting her hands at the side just below the window. * Mike looks to the business casual guy. "Well Rev. Morrison, I'll take all the help I can get." He then looks over to Saldin. "Welcome. I forget if we've met, but I've heard some interesting tales of your exploits lately." * Saldin glances to Business casual and smiles warmly, then looks to Mike. "I don't believe we have, and I hope they were good tales." [Mike, for the record, does have a SAB ID badge on.] * Saldin mms, glancing to the girl before looking about, waiting for people to either explain or continue. Well, Rev. Doyle, perhaps you should repeat would you've told me. One of my parishioners, Mandy, came to me with a unique problem. She has a spirit friend being hunted by Death. This spirit hasn't been too talkative, but needed to get to the Thames to find its body. * Saldin blinks slowly. [The two Anglicans also blink and try to process the information.] Certainly a... rare tale. * Morrison seems less taken aback but more dubious. "Why are we trusting this spirit?" She has Mandy's trust. That's enough for me. * Mike looks over to Saldin. "You seen anything like this?" * Mandy opens up the door and heads out. * Saldin shakes his head very slightly. "We have stories and tales of it, but usually it is not our concern." Beat. "Death is a natural process of the plane." * Mandy walks over to join Father Doyle, looking at him expectantly. * Doyle continues. "We've been able to ward it off so far, but I expect it will be back." He sounds fairly creeped but tries to sound more confident as Mandy approaches. He glances over to her. "Everyone, this is Mandy." * Morrison replies quickly in a tone typically reserved for addressing a child. "Hello Mandy. What is your ::he speaks with slight distaste:: spirit friend doing on Earth?" * Other Anglicans and Mike make non-consequential greetings. * Saldin looks at Mandy carefully for a second. * Mandy speaks in an anxious tone, "She's in trouble. She's being hunted by this monster and needs to get back to her body. Please help, she's my friend." Well, that's explained why you wanted the scuba gear Mike. * Morrison frowns, "How do you know she's your friend?" * Mandy smiles. "She did her best to save my life. And she listens to me and is pretty nice." * Morrison frowns but accepts that for the moment. Well, we shouldn't endanger that by having you scuba dive. Do you even know how? * Mandy gets quiet for a moment. Well, we can. Won't be pleasant, but we can probably find the body if we know about where the spirit left it. * Anglican male smiles slightly. "You picked a pretty poor place to rest I'm afraid." Do you know how to Scuba Father Doyle? * Saldin mms faintly and says quietly, to Mike, "I admit confusion as to why you are involved." * Doyle shakes his head. "I've got a strong breast stroke, but that won't cut it here." * Morrison nods. "That makes two of us." We had a Reverend call in for backup. [And hearing checks, all.] * Saldin nods slowly, * Morrison glances around looking on edge but not sure why. * Assisting Anglicans head over to a car. "Well, we can get the gear ready." * Mandy says a whole lot of nothing. * Saldin frowns slightly and says, "I doubt we will have time. Will someone please pinpoint the body in some way for me?" * Mandy then suddenly points down to the river. She walks over closer to the edge so the pointing is useful. [The two Anglicans stop going to the car for now.] [And +4 awareness rolls against soul. Also spirits check Saldin.] * Saldin 's hand slips to the front of his robe, which begins to glow softly from something that's actually glowing _under_ his robe. * Saldin 's hand also tightens slightly on that thing-under-the-robe. [Power usage teke roll. +4 penalty.] [Saldin pulls up a small block of ice from the bottom. That shouldn't be there.] * Mandy looks about frantically though, suddenly looking across the street and letting out a short scream. * Saldin frowns. "That shouldn't be there." [Death continues to slowly approach from the far side of the road. Two rounds until it reaches you. Saldin still doesn't have visual.] * Saldin tunes out Mandy's screaming and tries again, walking towards the body. * Mandy goes up to Father Doyle and tug on his robe saying "We have to get out of here!" [Reroll] * Doyle nods and starts actively looking about. "Get behind me Mandy. Reverends, if you'll help." He points to a spot at the edge of the street. The other pastors, even Morrison, form a line and try to focus on where he's pointing. Doyle raises the water gun with holy water. [A weapon in a block of ice rises from the river. It's a scythe stands that stands about shoulder height and has a blade is only slightly smaller than the handle. The metal of the scythe gleams with a soft metallic light blue steel.] * Mandy does that graciously, hiding behind Doyle and clutching onto his robes, peeking across the street. * Saldin frowns as he says, quietly, as the weapon is dropped upon the shore, "Her friend is Kahlya." [Doyle takes a shot at the unseen avatar of death, but the water is deflected and falls to the floor frozen.] [The other pastors start up an exorcism, the Anglicans in Shakespearian language, Morrison in more colloquial English.] * Saldin’s other hands whips out towards the river as he continues his glowing. He murmurs quietly in Chinese, [A robed figure comes into view, clear to all. It holds a scythe, a dark toned duplicate of the one in the ice. Its face is hooded for the moment. It pauses briefly at the exorcism, but does not seem particularly fazed.] [Next round!] * Mandy sighs and speaks halfheartedly to Saldin. "Look, could we not dwell on that and just take care of that guy over there now?" She points at the robed figure. [Pastors keep up the exorcism. Doyle switches over to participate as well.] * Saldin does not change his tack as he gets to the shoreline and continues trying to pull. (Reroll) [And the grimy corpse of a teenaged girl rises from the Thames. Lacking the protected shell of ice it is covered with a small layer of grime and has the stiffness induced by rigor mortis. The body has an obvious gunshot wound to the head and leg.] [The being seems to suffer more from the exorcism but rears back its scythe in anticipation of breaking the attack.] * Mandy eeps again and clings to the robes of Father Doyle. * Saldin unceremoniously dumps the body on the side of the river and takes a steeling breath as he turns. [And Kahlya feels a pull towards her body. Soul check Kahyla!] [Kahyla can choose to resist the pull.] [And next round.] * Mandy runs over to the ice encased Scythe and struggles to pick it up. * Saldin gets all turned around to the scene. Oh boy. Death. [The robed figure slowly moves forward again and mist accumulates around the figure.] (And Saldin can act.) [Saldin disrobes, but not quickly enough to start exorcising.] * Saldin 's hands slip lower to untie his robe as he says, "Give her one last chance to decide on her own, death shade," and continues on, quickly becoming nude. * Mike frowns and draws a crossbow. "Scatter!" The other pastors do just that, female and male continuing to try to exorcise from different angles, Doyle taking another shot with the holy water, and Morrison drawing a proper gun. [Death deflects the crossbow bolt, the water, and the bullets without seeming all that drained. The robes sag slightly under the effects of the exorcism, but the figure still manages an attack on Mike.] [A series of ice shards fly into the priest and he collapses into unconscious. He's fairly bulky or he probably would be dead now.] [Next round!] * Mandy starts hitting the scythe against the ground, trying to dislodge the ice. [About half of it is knocked off.] * Saldin 's amulet is in his hands as his white eyes stare at the death. A death. Something deathy. And then the eyes glow bright. I say we exorcise the girl and get her out of here. Let the spirit go to hell or whatever its home is! * Mandy quietly says "Kahlya!" And keeps beating the scythe against the ground. * Kahlya 's body twitches on the ground, first the fingers moving slightly, then the eyelids. It rises up slowly, jerkily, as if it's not entirely in control, speaking hauntily. "I didn't... know you cared, monk..." The leg twitches slightly as it works its way up and it's eyelids suddenly open wide. * Robed figure stops and looks to Saldin, speaking in Kahyla's voice. "Your interference is unwise and ultimately irrelevant." The scythe ices up again. * Saldin smiles thinly, not looking back. "I do not, Kahlya." He looks to death. "Her decision will be made shortly, death shade. I only seek the time for it to be made." * Morrison runs over to guard Mandy. Doyle accompanies, still taking shots at the robed figure. * Kahlya takes a whiff of herself and gets her senses assaulted. "Uggh... is that me?" [The shots are again easily blocked, but another exorcism takes a bit.] [And for the record, yup, it is.] * Kahlya goes for the scythe awkwardly and wills a chisel to her hand to chip away at the ice. [Mandy gives it up but then Morrison quickly tries to shield her away.] [Next round, renew checks, and melee attack for Kahlya on the scythe.] [Another flurry of exorcisms and ranged attacks go for the robed figure, but only Saldin's sticks. However, that's enough, the figure fades away.] [The birds resume singing and a light breeze picks up. Any with good hearing though can hear Kahlya's voice whispering in the wind. "Soon..."] Did we beat it? [The two Anglicans rush over to tend to Mike.] * Saldin says, simply, "No." * Morrison keeps himself between Kahyla's body and Mandy. * Saldin crouches to retrieve his robes and hang them loosely about himself. * Mandy gulps and looks pleadingly to Saldin. "What can we do?" For the moment, her day has been crazy enough that she can handle a naked guy. [Kahlya manages to chisel the ice off of her scythe.] * Kahlya lets out a odd-sounding sigh and reaches for her scythe. "What did you mean by a decision?" * Doyle leans down and hugs Mandy, who hugs him back. Mandy keeps watching Saldin and Kahlya though. * Saldin looks to Kahlya and Mandy, saying, "Your fate is... uncertain. And so death comes to take you to it. You must decide where to rest." Beat. "Or how to fight. We have given you time to do so. That is all." I don't like... running. * Kahlya looks at her body. "I also can't go around possessing something like this either." She doesn't have to for real, does she? * Doyle says softly. "We all die eventually Mandy. She can choose to pass to a better place." * Morrison scoffs at that, but doesn't comment further. * Saldin mms slightly, walking towards Kahlya. "It is said there are three ways." Beat. "Roughly, it is said you can accept, you can leave, or you can fight. Choose a fate, or find a place death will not touch you." His look gets, somehow, more serious. "If you could think of a plane that would have you." * Kahlya eyes Saldin. And being in a previously dead body, that makes her stare exceptionally creepy and piercing. "What do you mean by that? Why wouldn't a plane keep me?" * Saldin says, simply, "That form is of this plane. I do not know of other deaths. Other planes." If you fled to a plane with a death ill disposed to you... well, then, it would not help you very much at all. * Mandy just watches mutely for the moment. * Kahlya looks at Saldin for a moment. "No. Death took my form so he could compete." Or it. It said... it said it wasn't sure either. * Kahlya clutches her temples with her hands. "I'm so confused..." * Kahlya seems to have a bit better control over the body now. The movements are still awkward, but a tad more natural looking. * Saldin nods, and gently reaches to the shoulder of the dead girl. "Let me make it simple for you, then. To live on this plane, you must defeat the shade in combat. Or you can accept your death, and find your place in karmic reincarnation. Or you can leave this plane forever. The choice is yours, as is the fight." Beat. "I will no longer stand against the shade." * Kahlya stays silent for a long while. * Saldin adds, in a softer voice, "If you lose in combat, the shade will have made the decision of where you go for you. I know not where it would be." * Morrison nods at that. Anglicans still tending to Mike. Doyle sadly nods. * Kahlya stays silent more. Then looks over at Mandy. * Mandy breaks away from Doyle, dodges Morrison, and runs over to hug Kahlya. Although she does flinch slightly after the hug and curls her nose. * Saldin 's gives them the space to hug. His eyes now seem focused on the gunshot wounds. * Kahlya looks a bit awkward at the hug, outside of the uncooperative body and hesitantly hugs back. * Morrison goes to pull Mandy away and is successful at that unless Kahlya’s resisting. * Mandy gets some grime on her and a bit of blood. She still hasn't quite managed to overcome the smell. * Kahlya doesn't resist and eyes Morrison. "Do you have a problem?" * Kahlya grips her scythe again and thumps the bottom against the ground. * Morrison scowls. "You can go peacefully, but the girl stays." She goes where she wants to go. * Saldin just mms quietly. * Mandy tries to pull free for a moment but fails. I think not. Say your goodbyes, ghoul. Unless you think you can handle the lot of us. * Doyle looks torn, but also, undead tween, pretty freaky. * Kahlya looks at Morrison, then at Doyle, then Saldin. "All of you agree on forcing the girl like this?" She isn't a combatant. You've got a body. Haven't you put her in enough danger already? Why not ask her what *she* thinks? Or are you too brain-dead to think she has a voice? Well, you could let her finish saying her goodbyes Morrison. * Saldin says, in an odd tone, "It was just a hug." A glance to Kahlya. "I am sure she did not plan on killing her." * Kahlya looks at Saldin as if he'd grown a second head. Which, knowing Saldin, is within the realm of possibility. * Morrison lets Mandy go. "If you cared about her, you'll cease using a child for your personal protection." * Saldin shrugs slightly. "It was not my idea, Kahlya." * Mandy hugs Kahlya again. And is better managing the smell. * Kahlya hisses at Morrison. "I didn't *choose* to possess her body, you know." Fine. You have your own body now, yes? * Kahlya hugs Mandy more easily now. "They do have a point. Your parents have got to be worried by now." * Mandy nods. "But do you need me?" I might later. And I have to admit I've enjoyed your company. I'm still not sure on that, really. * Kahlya limps on her leg and starts to walk away. Now she really does look like a ghoul. * Mandy nods and cries a bit. "Okay. Good luck." * Saldin waits. After a few steps, he says, "Have you decided, then?" * Kahlya stops at the crying and her head drops a bit. "Do you want to come with?" * Morrison scowls. I... ::she looks torn:: * Kahlya looks over at Saldin. "I need to see someone first, before I decide." * Saldin smiles faintly, slightly self-amused. "I have been described as a walking ghost, once. If you wish someone to take you where you need to go, I can try." * Kahlya stares at Saldin for a moment, then chuckles to herself. "You were serious. No, to tell you the truth, I'd rather not." She looks over. "Well, Mandy?" * Mandy looks at Saldin wide-eyed for a moment. "You're the phantom? But you don't wear purple." (Haa ha ha ha ha ha.) * Saldin blinks dumbly. His ancient pop culture ref check must have failed. (There was another Movie in 2019. ^_~) (Snicker. Saldin wouldn't have seen it. You're looking for Yuri. Wrong monk. ^_~) * Mandy looks to Kahlya. "If you need my help I'll stay by your side." * Morrison just eyes Kahlya, one hand resting on his gun, the other on his bible. (I like Morrison.) * Saldin says, simply, "Your time runs out, Kahlya. I suggest you two make haste to make peace." * Kahlya sniffs slightly in the air. "Well, I could use someone to buy deodorant." * Kahlya nods to Saldin. "Errm... I never thought I'd say this but...thank you." * Kahlya starts to head off again. [And anyone that has good hearing notes that the birds are quieting down.] * Saldin bows slightly, and replies, "You are welcome. Best of luck." * Mandy looks confused as to whether she's supposed to follow. * Kahlya calls out as she's going. "You heard baldy. We don't have much time. If you're coming, come on." No. [And soul awareness rolls. No penalty.] [Doyle and one of the Anglicans, as well as anyone else that makes, notice a hood rising slowly out of the river.] [Kahyla misses, so she doesn't get that yet.] * Mandy hustles over to Kahyla.[And initiative for any that care to get involved.] [Doyle looks indecisive. Anglican male doesn't seem ready to let Mandy go with Kahlya. Anglican female is indecisive.] * Saldin walks away from the river, clearing the way. [Kahlya, Morrison, Anglican male, Death, Saldin. But Saldin can do that immediately] [Kahyla!] * Kahlya keeps walking. Because she hasn't noticed anything yet! * Morrison starts up on exorcism against Kahlya. "Leave the girl." [Kahlya needs a +2 defense against soul.] [Saldin and he does nothing!] * Anglican Male gets out his bible. "Death returns. I apologize, but I don't think Mandy is old enough to make such a decision without her parents permission." * Saldin frowns and replies, across the way, "Death does not come for Mandy." [Kahlya resists the exorcism for now. Anglican Male doesn't yet join in.] [Robed figure crawls out of the river and moves closer. Give me another soul roll Kahlya!] * Kahlya hisses and turns around regripping the scythe. She glowers at Death but then glowers more at Morrison. "What the hell? What the hell are you trying to do to me?!?" She's ten! You choose your own life, stop putting hers at risk. [Next round, Kahyla!] * Kahlya clenches the scythe so hard, her knuckles would turn white if she still had blood flowing through them. They're probably already white enough. "You-- you *moron*! Didn't you hear a word I said? I'm not forcing a thing on her." She starts twirling her scythe in front of her in the air, the area just in front of her getting blisteringly cold and starting to crystalize. * Morrison keeps it up. "She's not old enough to make that decision." [Defense roll.] [Saldin!] (What's his object d'exorcism?) (Bible.) * Saldin looks to Morrison, sighs slightly, and touches upon his amulet. "Let her fight her battle." [Kahlya is unable to attack Morrison and takes two soul damage.] (...she wasn't attacking Morrison. @_@) (Well, then, that part of it doesn't affect you!) (That's just how Exorcism works.) (Ahh..) That thing brought down Rev. Chen with one hit. The girl isn't safe with her. [Anglican Male picks up on the exorcism. Soul roll Kahlya, +1 penalty.] * Morrison's bible flies out of his hands. * Saldin says, very even toned, "The girl is not the target." * Kahlya winces in pain at the exorcism, her scythe faltering just a bit. She tries to regrip it. "Why... must everyone... interfere...?" * Death floats into the air and flies towards Kahlya, her hood flying back to show a mirror image of Kahyla's face, she swings the scythe at Kahyla. * Saldin looks to Anglican Male, who's going to get a bible-losing in a second. "The challenge has been made, and the participants are here. Let her be." Can you get Mandy out of the way if it does that ice stream again? (Note that there's still a 2 body drain on Kahyla, that may effect DCV) (It doesn't, but with the 2 soul drain, it does) * Saldin smiles queerly again. "I am sure she is lighter than Kahlya." (Check, well, roll the block defense) [Kahyla blocks successfully with the scythe. It shudders in her hands as Death's blade cuts into it. The reaper then swings again.] [That's good, second defense.] [Kahlya blocks again, the scythe shudders once more a chunk of material flies off at the hit.] [Kahyla's turn!] * Kahlya flies back, getting used to the hovering again as she keeps twirling her scythe. "And you. You sick twisted imitation. To think that you'd actually try to use that." She grins sadistically. "Well, I saved the real thing just for you." She finishes twirling the staff as the air solidifies into several ice shards which she hits back at Death at blinding speed at pointblank range. "Frozen Symphony." [The robe is torn into pieces showing a duplicate of Kahyla's body. That body is loses one chunk of flesh after another, the blocking the figure does with the scythe availing it little.] [The creature has only a shattered skeleton for a chest, although much of the head is still intact. It smiles ghoulishly, particularly the obvious holes in the neck revealing a dangling throat.] Learned that trick from a tree. ::It floats off the ground, just as well as its legs are barely hanging on. It then swings once more, again targeting Kahyla's scythe. [The imitation scythe blade covers with ice as it swings emanating waves of cold.] [The clerics back up and Morrison goes for his bible. [Holding]] * Kahlya curses, and just tries to dodge this one. She's purposely NOT interposing her scythe blade. [The blade hits into the ground, shattering a chunk of cement.] [Kahyla!] * Saldin holds too, saying, "If you spent less effort on disturbing Kahlya, I could pay more attention to Mandy." * Morrison frowns but stops. "Deal." [Other clerics back off.] * Mandy for the moment, is screaming. Seeing someone's chest torn away will do that to a girl. * Kahlya glances at Death, a look of determination on her face. "All trees must get cut down eventually." She swings diagonally up with her scythe. * Death successfully blocks with its scythe. Second attack Kahlya! * Kahlya brings the scythe around for a downward diagonal strike. She doesn't seem to be gloating at all, just concentrating. * Death blocks again and tries once again with a Chrysalis strike on the scythe. Defense Kahyla! [The blow hits and Tear ices but holds, for a moment, and then it is sundered in to two pieces, cut at the previous point of damage! Unexpectedly, Mandy takes this opportunity to grab a hold of the shadowy scythe. Death didn't see this coming at all and looks shocked to have a girl hanging off her scythe.] [Kahlya!] * Kahlya starts to swing then...hesitates as she sees Mandy. "Of all the...Mandy, get out of the way!" * Mandy calls out. "You can't hit so long as its blocking like that!" She holds on tight as Death shakes the scythe ineffectively. * Death has a look of utter incomprehension. * Saldin frowns, his hand on his chest and the glow starting... * Kahlya tries to grab for her but can't seem to manage it. "Dammit girl, you're too young to try and get yourself killed!" I'm trying to get you not killed! * Kahlya reaches for her again, scowling at her, and then at Death. "Stop it. She's got nothing to do with this!" * Death slowly twirls the scythe as Mandy holds on tight. The apparition seems to be using the scythe with some trouble because of the weight, but still manages to turn it around. "Surrender." Finish her dang it! If I let go you die! [Kahyla!] I can't do that *either! She's fighting so that I can live. It'd be an insult to her if I just give up after she's trying to save me. I don't know why she's trying to save me, and I don't care. Just... * Kahlya grips the broken blade half of Tear and turns around towards Death's backside, swinging there so there's less of a chance of hitting Mandy. "Just stop already!" * Kahlya whiffs and swings again. * Kahlya whiffs that one too. [Death swings the scythe with considerable difficulty sending a frozen sympathy back at Kahlya but not nearly with the same effectiveness as the first. +3 defense penalty from auto fire.] [Defense roll.] * Kahlya has an icicle penetrate her already damaged leg. For now it just stays there. Maybe when it melts the water will help the smell. [Kahyla!] * Kahlya hisses and clutches her leg. "I'm not going to waste this.." She staggers up and swings again at Death's backbone. * Kahlya double-whiffs and curses at the ineffectiveness of her scythe. * Death smiles. "You seem to have broken your toy. How sad." Once again the scythe twirls. [Kahyla!] [Mandy's still on the scythe. She's getting twirled and throwing off the balance.] * Kahlya hisses at Death. "You find this far too amusing. What ever happened to "This is just my duty" and all that?" [Clerics continue to hang back, keeping an eye on Saldin.] You persisted. I have to survive. There's something I must know... * Saldin is just watching, the glow persisting, his eyes trained on Mandy. Yes? * Kahlya, meanwhile, puts her hand on the scythe and concentrates on it. The handle extends out of the broken piece, whole but the new part is of lower quality. "I don't think you know the answer. I need time to figure it out. And I doubt you're willing to give me that time.." [Because of the 10 init delay from creation I'll allow one attack before Death's turn.] Perhaps. Perhaps not. Ultimately irrelevant. * Kahlya shakes her head. "That's what I thought." She goes after Death again with all her effort. [Death takes the hit and its backbone shatters, causing the upper half to collapse. Mandy leaps to her feet and jumps back with the scythe causing as Death grasps at it ineffectively. The apparition instead tries to grapple Kahlya's as she's nearby.] [Okay, defend as you will, two potential leg grapples.] [Kahyla's legs are gripped, body roll Kahyla, acrobatics (balance) helps. [The beastie gets a good hold on Kahyla, but Kahyla's legs stay where they are due to their new strength.] * Saldin , with Mandy finally having come free, has a slight shift in his amulet's glow as he exerts the effort to pull her away. [Kahyla's turn!] [+2 if you want to avoid chopping your own legs off. Accuracy helps.] [+1 because the target is small.][Called shots automatically incorporate those penalties.] * Mandy eeps but doesn't resist. She holds on to the scythe. * Kahlya curses and takes an overhead swing, driving the tip of the scythe down towards the ground towards the apparition. "Stubborn... bastard." [Death's head is cleaved off. May be a biter though. Kahyla's second attack!] * Kahlya takes up the point and drives it down again. Back foul beast of the night. [The tip hits into the duplicate bullet injury, collapsing the skull. The various bits of flesh then begin to slowly melt. [Mandy grips her scythe tight and the meltiness doesn't effect it.] [Kahlya settles into the body. We'll say no stat drain for now, but exact template to be decided at a more reasonable hour.] [Out of init.] (No stat body drain. Soul still sticks for a bit.) * Kahlya lets loose her heaving breathes and falters a bit, using the scythe as a crutch. * Mandy cheers. "Whoo!" Is it over? Please tell me it's over. * Saldin smiles a bit sadly. "It's over. And you are now an undead." Should I go get deodorant. If he'd just... I think for now, you should go see your parents. They're likely worried. * Kahlya sighs and shakes her head, pulling her body upright again. "Never mind." Yeah... Mandy? * Mandy twirls her new scythe, although she spins it on its axis, so the pole just rotates. Much safer than the other sort of spinning. Yes? I couldn't have done it without you. * Mandy grins. "Nope." * Morrison lets off a breath and heads over to Doyle. "You have this in hand?" Doyle nods. * Kahlya speaks morosely. She still hasn't cracked a smile. Even with Death gone, she still doesn't look particularly pleased. "Thanks... For believing in me, I mean." * Mandy smiles. "You're welcome." * Anglicans take Mike’s body to the car and bring him in. He looks stable so he'll probably be fine with some supernatural healing. * Morrison heads over to his moped, but doesn't leave for the moment, watching to make sure Doyle actually does have things in hand. * Saldin simply stands, his arms at his sides. * Kahlya staggers off a little bit, not quite lumbering like a zombie, but limping from the injury. She looks like she's in a pensive mood. "Saldin. Can you come with me for a second? Alone?" * Mandy looks to Doyle. "Do I have to go back to my parents now? Can't I play here more?" * Saldin nods once. * Doyle looks to Kahlya. "If you don't object. I'm sure we can work out arrangements for her to see you later." * Kahlya nods to Doyle's question, but she doesn't seem to be focusing much on it. Aww... * Doyle takes Mandy off and Morrison leaves. Just Saldin and Kahlya now. * Saldin watches Mandy go for a second and then turns to Kahlya, waiting. He looks at her with those nice and flat white eyes. [As they're leaving, Mandy manages to stow the scythe behind her back. It then disappears. Doyle looks disturbed by this and it will probably be the cause of much discussion on the car ride home.] [End]