[Date: September 6, 2020 1400 GMT[ [Miles is in the SAB HQ on route to the library! He catches someone he knows coming from the other direction. That's the extent of environment description for me because it's too late for me to be creative in a world that isn't my own!] [Good plan!] [Mini start.] * Miles blinks and sniffs. He smiles brightly as Kahlya approaches and waves. "Hi!" * Kahlya walks down the hall and blinks as she sees Miles. She's still got that funny scythy-bundle tied to her back. "I--I was just looking for you!" * Miles looks about 15 right now, and is wearing a bright red T-shirt and black slacks. "Really? Whyzzat?" ^_^ I...uh... * Kahlya looks from right, to left then right again. She seems a bit more nervous than you last remember. "Is there somewhere we can, y'know, talk?" * Miles looks curiously at Kahlya. "Anno... I guess?" If I wanna be quiet 'bout somethin', I always go into the woods. But that'd be kinda far for you, wouldn't it? ^^; * Kahlya smiles and then grabs Miles by the wrist. "'kay!" She drags him (or attempts to anyways) into the nearest room. Probably a broom closet or something. * Miles is dragged. @_@ Eh? Woods? I suppose. * Miles shrugs. "I can turn inta a girl if you wanna do it in the bathroom too. I know lotsa girls talk about private stuff there..." ^^; * Kahlya hmms. "I don't know how to approach this. But you're the first..." She looks up. "Eeeeh? You'd spy in the bathroom?" She's got a pretty big blush to her now. * Miles blushes. "Nonono! I mean that's what they do in the TV shows, so they must do that here too, right?" ^^; I don't think so. I never really had much of a chance to watch TV. Neither have I. ^^; * Miles is still being dragged? Um.. So what's a sanbi doing working for SAB? * Kahlya lets go. * Miles blinks cluelessly and keeps his voice very quiet. "Whazzat?" You know... You. Three tails. I heard about you in school. I just never had a chance to see one in person before. What's it like? * Miles looks at his tails, which are very plainly showing. "Oooooh, that! I just think it's fun." ^_^ Anno, I dunno. What do you mean? * Kahlya giggles. "I guess that's awfully silly of me. Asking what it's like to be you when you don't know anything else." But it's just for fun, huh? No other reason? Uh-huh. They also have books and stuff to read. ^_^ And I meet lotsa people who don't get scared by me. * Miles smiles and looks curiously at Kahlya. "So you know what I am. What're you?" ^_^ Me? Hmmm... * Kahlya puts her finger on her chin and then grins fangily. "What do you think?" You got fangs, but I can make fangs too. It just means you're speeeecial. ^^; Might be a vampire. Or would that be vampress? Anno, you wouldn't be one of those! Otherwise you'd try and suck my blood or somethin'. ^_^; If you're a kitsune, how do I know the real you is there having blood to suck? * Miles grins toothily. "Good question." Teeth aren't all I have though. ^_^ Then what else? ^_^ Hmm...tell you what. I'll let you in on a little bit of the secret if you talk to me for a bit and don't tell anyone about it. As long as you're honest about it. Because I can tell, y'know. * Miles smiles and nods. "On my word as a fox." ^_^ * Kahlya leans forward slightly and gives Miles a smile. "Good." She meets his gaze and he can finally see her eyes up close. They're a pretty violet except the pupils of them, contracted as they are in the low lighting, are slit vertically, looking very much like a cat's. * Miles looks. "Oooh, that's cool." ^_^ * Kahlya grins. "Thought you'd like it. Now I want to know is what you tried to do last night. My mind's still a haze and...I THINK it was from you...it's so hard... Eheh, I'm still sorry about that. ^^; Yeah but... * Miles looks at Kahlya with interest. * Kahlya frowns. "It's happened once before. And I'm trying to figure out a puzzle...of course this time wasn't so bad." I like puzzles! Yeah..well. But, what happened? It didn't look good for you... It's no fun. I almost forgot who I was. But at least now I finally recovered... * Kahlya blinks and looks thoughtful. That doesn't quite sound right. * Miles giggles. "I've forgotten stuff before, too." ^^; Yeah, but it seemed worse than that. * Kahlya giggles. "Those silly fellas. Thinking I was a hu--" She stops herself just short and laughs. "Presumed anyway!" * Miles snickers. "People think I'm human all the time, too." ^_^; See? We're a lot alike, you and I! We should hang out!" * Miles giggles. "But that's only because I want them to think I'm human." ^^; But not around here? * Miles traces his foot on the ground. "It's not easy keeping my tails hidden, and they don't mind here." * Kahlya pouts. "Only the people I don't want to think I'm human think I'm human. I'm not sure what the rest take me for. I'm not very scary." She looks bashful at the last part. That's just silly! What is? People who think you're human you don't want thinking you're human. ^_^; * Kahlya looks up at him slowly. "But look at me! I look too human. I mean.." * Miles blinks. "Anno, that's not a bad thing, is it?" I don't know. I like it and I don't like it, y'know? But I can't change my looks like you can. Which is weird. I SHOULD be able to.. * Miles nodnods. "That's how it was with me in my first body. But I got really good at shapechanging with some practice." ^_^ I don't think I get different bodies. I'm not sure it works like that. * Kahlya pouts (although not too convincingly) and looks at Miles. "So you're not a cute guy my age then?" Then how does it work? ^^; * Miles smiles sheepishly. "I'm a bit older than 250 years old. Over 100 in this body." ^^; * Kahlya looks crestfallen. "Oh..." * Miles giggles. "But if you know what Kitsune and Nogitsune are, you should have known that. We get one tail about one every hundered years." ^^; So what's up with the loud guy? Why's he so interested in getting into fights? Kurt's silly like that. He's fun to be around, though. ^_^ I don't know. He kind of bored me with his insistance that I give it my all. * Miles hands Kahlya a kitten. It's really cute and grey with dark stripes. "Wanna hold Killer?" ^_^ I mean, I don't want to fight unless there's a reason to do it. * Kahlya blinks at the kitten and holds her hands out. "Where'd he come from?" * Miles smiles. "If I did everything for a reason, I wouldn't be here. And he came from home." ^_^ He's better than I expected though. I thought he'd fall twice before he got me. * Miles lets Kahlya hold him. * Miles smiles. "We all are." So I suppose you don't spar? And Killer'll cheer you up. He always cheers me up when I'm sad. ^_^ Anno, not really. I'm afraid I'd hurt someone, and I don't mean physically... * Kahlya snickers. "I may be more resiliant than you think." She winks and looks at Killer. She snaps her fingers and holds out her hand. A few moments later, some salmon treats appear in her palm. "I hope he likes these." Oh, he likes fish. ^_^ Good. So what about some of the others I saw the other day? What's their reason for coming here? Anno, lotsa them like the money. I dunno about a lot of the others, though. ^^; Just the pay huh? No personal values or vendettas associated with them? * Miles pulls out a pound. "I don't know why people like this stuff so much..." Maybe? I dunno, I never look. ^_^; I just think it's fun. ^_^ * Kahlya shrugs and peers at the pound. "I'm not sure either. I mean, I could just make some if they needed it. But...what's needed is needed." * Miles giggles. "I remember a mage who could make stuff appear too. But it always went away after a few days..." Hmm. Could I persuade you to look a little for me then? * Miles looks curiously at Kahlya. "'bout what?" ^_^ * Kahlya grins fangily. "Well, it's fine as long as you upkeep it." I want to know all you can find out about them. Abilities would help, their take on various supernaturals, any prejudices and such..things like that. * Miles scratches his head. "Why wouldja want to know that?" About this time Killer vanishes. Lotsa the people here don't care about supernaturals. They let me run around, after all. ^_^ Yeah, but if they don't care, why do they conduct the missions, hmm? Anno, it's like asking a police officer why they try and stop organized crime. ^_^; So it's only being criminal supernaturals then? Uh...not sure what's criminalaround here.. Anno, don't go around killing people, stealing stuff, that sorta thing. ^_^; Like when I helped protect the crown jewels. That was fun! * Kahlya blinks. "But killing the guys we're against is okay, right?" Well, if they're trying to kill you it is. ^_^; But killing is usually bad 'cuz it's not reversable for most people... * Kahlya may sound a bit disappointed but it's hard to tell. "I guess that's a point." * Kahlya smiles a little. "Glad I can try to hold back if I really need to, huh?" * Miles smiles back. "Yup! But I've never killed anyone. They tend to be really strong." Really? * Kahlya tilts her head. "like what?" * Miles nodnods. "That's why they ask for SAB and not someone else." ^_^; Because we'll do what nobody else will! *powerpose* * Kahlya looks at Miles after a bit and then taps her chin. "Is that a fact?" Anno, dunno about fact. But we do stuff like that anyways? I see. Welll, What about you then? I mean...you say you're in this for fun. What's fun to you? STuff. ^_^ (Stuff, even.) What sort of stuff? Fun stuff! * Kahlya pouts. "You're not going to tell me? I thought we were friends!" But how can I tell what I don't know? ^^; You don't know what's fun? * Miles giggles and spins. "I just think everything here is fun! It's so alive, so changing, so vivid!" Huh. I guess it's alright. Not quite what I expected, but that's what I'm trying to find out. * Kahlya shifts her eyes from side to side as she speaks. * Miles looks along with Kahlya. "What're you lookin' for?" Huh? Oh, nothing. Nothing. So, we got a deal right? You're going to help me get some info? You never answered why I should get info though. What'd you do with it? * Kahlya looks at Miles innocently. "You never asked." I did so! * Kahlya puts her finger up to her lips. "Well. It's a secret!" * Miles giggles. "So is what I know." ^_^ Oh, but I'm not asking you what you know. I'm asking you what you may know in the future. It's general knowledge around SAB anyhow, isn't it? All I'm asking is for you to keep an eye out. * Miles scratches his head. "Anno, can't you just look in one of those confusors for it?" Confusors? Everyone calls them 'computers', but they just confuse me. So I call them confusors! * Kahlya blinks and looks down embarrassed, shuffling her feet. "I don't really get them either. Yet." Besides, I'd like a personal take on them. What I want to know I don't think can be found on any com-whatsit. Like? ^_^ Oh just anything I can figure out. Personality quirks, what makes them tick, that sorta thing. You know how it is. * Kahlya gestures vaguely as she speaks. I just feel lost. I mean...I wanna make friends here but I really can't if I don't know people, can I? * Miles looks strangely at her. "Anno, you made a friend with me! And you just need to talk to more people to make friends. That's all there is to it!" ^_^ I don't know...I think some people may be a little suspicious. * Kahlya looks up slightly at Miles. "So you're not going to help?" 'Cuz if you wanna know what makes them tick, that'd help you hurt them. And that's not good... * Kahlya frowns. "Do I really look like the type that'd want to hurt them?" Noooo, but some people don't and then they do anyways and it's confusing! I'm always so misunderstood! It's not fair! * Kahlya crosses her heart. "I promise I'll do my best not to hurt them. I already said I didn't want to fight Mister Petros. It could have been really really painful if I fought him for real." * Miles looks at Kahlya deeply. "Promise promise?" Why do I hafta promise twice? 'cuz people are silly and break promises and think that makes it harder to break a promise 'cuz it makes them think twice about it? * Kahlya smiles. "But are you sure I'm people?" * Miles giggles. "You're close enough! Anno, I guess I can help then. Just don't break your promise! And don't try to bend it either..." * Kahlya blinks and tilts her head. "Bend it?" Anno... Nevermind. I just dunno what I should look for exactly. ^^; Then it kind of makes me hard to promise properly, doesn't it? Don't try to work around the promise. ^^; * Kahlya taps her cheek and looks thoughtful. "I'm not. I'm just saying if I don't know what you mean by bending it, then how will I know if I'm bending it?" 'cuz that little voice in your head'll tell you? And you'd make me sad too... * Kahlya looks at Miles weird. "I have voices in my head?" * Kahlya ahehs at Miles. "I'm not sure what would make you think THAT." * Miles looks around uncomfortably. "I, um... Maybe I should get going?" Alright. I'm glad you're helping me out. You're real sweet! * Miles smiles back. "Anno... Thanks!" I didn't think I was going to meet anyone I could confide with before but...I think we're going to get along just fine! * Kahlya perks up and gives Miles a thumbs up. * Miles giggles and gives her a thumbs up too, then yawns. "I'm kinda sleepy though, so I'm leaving now." ^^; * Miles waves and vanishes. "Bye!" * Kahlya waves then looks around the hallway cautiously before walking off, folding her arms up behind her head. [Mini End!] [And how!]