~I wish to talk to you directly, Miss Loneva, about Breaker. As one type of clergy to another, perhaps.~ * Lanova thinks in a slightly amused tone. ~Perhaps.~ Then a more serious tone. ~Certainly.~ ~Your goals are as basic as the first country, but just as SAB would be concerned with their people, you would be concerned with yours. And your paranoia makes one wonder just what Breaker would have in store for her. Truly, to worry about betrayal in the depths of the ocean...~ * Lonava's tone keeps slightly amused. ~Edge's worries of betrayal regarded the price for clearing the Chunnel. She worries that if we finish before the promised legislation passed than the E.U. would have no reason to keep follow through on their promises.~ ~... her concern is awe inspiring.~ ~We can certainly hope. But yes, we our concerned with our people, I do not deny it.~ ~I would not expect you to. I hope you will forgive our earlier intrusion upon your Indian lands, but that is where we walked. You know of my purpose, and of my path.~ ~I do, I hope you were not ill treated.~ She pauses for a moment before thinking sadly ~Perhaps we do overindulge in caution.~ You get the impression she'd like that to be true, but doesn't really believe it. ~I certainly feel we would have overstaid my welcome. I shudder to think what the threat of wanting us gone would have entailed. But it was not necessary. My only concern here is Breaker, and the peace benefits all.~ * Lonava seems troubled for a second and makes a note to find just what did happen. ~I do not believe anything would have happened that would. My is she enthusiastic. I do not believe anything would occur that would make one as experienced as you shudder.~ ~I find caution a great thing, especially when I mean no ill will. Now, if you will excuse me, Yvonne seems concerned, and my concerns are adddressed, unless you have something you feel a journalist might not need to hear?~ ~No, although if you or your fellows path ever leads you to a Templar member that~ She sort of skips over the next bit, perfering not to think of it at that level apparently. ~I hope that you'll consider visiting me to assist in finding a solution.~ ~I would be happy to. Now, I think I am being stripped, and as much as Yvonne would enjoy it, I must stop her. Good day. Ruth Loneva.~ * Lonava has a few scattered thoughts on looking into Yvonne before accepting her, but she quickly settles into. ~Good day, Saldin Qian.~