[Date: September 22, 1405 GMT] [Kahlya checks out the SMEE branch in England. They actually don't have a large headquarters here, but they're renting several extra rooms given the logistical demands of the tourney.] [I'll let her specify how long she waits after her fight to do this.] [When she actually gets to the location she notices that there is a protest of a few dozen people outside the entrance, from high school to middle aged.] [They're being watched with bemusement by other people walking down the street and from people sitting at a cafe on the opposite side.] [There's a variety of signs "Protect our children from consortment with demons," "No black magic in schools and in our homes," and one fairly straightforward "Down with Satanism."] [Start] [The building itself is a multistory office, fairly new and unremarkable, there's a big SMEE banner hanging outside though.] [There's one news crew watching the protest, but looks local.] (And give me a magic awareness roll) [There's a definate aura of ambient magic, though the crowd is actually a lower point relative to the street and surrounding buildings. Most concentrated at the Smee building but not just there. However, you don't get any clear reads on straight magic in line of sight at the moment.] [This is a similar aura to when you're hanging around a SAB crew when their aren't any straight mages present.] [If someone actively started using it, they'd spike on your sensor though.] [Anyways, go ahead and act] (The crowd's a bunch of muggles!) * Kahlya walks around to the building, looking carefully. Her bundle is on her back and her eyes rove...then turn to the news crew. She tries to pull her cap down to hide her eyes, currently still looking baseballesque (Visual awareness check. -4 bonus) 2d8-8 [Not all that surprisingly she gets the attention of a few protesters as she walks up, although she hasn't made intentions clear yet so they're just watching...] [Meanwhile a black haired guy in his late twenties with a scraggy goatee/beard in business casual clothes comes out. To a few catcalls from protestors.] * Kahlya sideglances at the people staring. If any stand out. She looks a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable by the stares. At least she tries to look embarrassed enough to hide what she's really thinking. [Guy: "Don't you people have jobs?" Protestors: "Protecting the children and world from evil takes priority." "Couldn't you get a job that didn't trade on your soul?" "Hey hey, ho ho, occult arts have got to go.] (Update the awareness roll) (By the by, superior hearing is still not back( (Not even halfway?) (Nope) * Kahlya rolls her eyes and half mutters. "That's the stupidest chant I've ever heard." She watches the guy and waves at him a little as she approaches. He looks important. And satanic, but that's a bridge we'll cross when we come to it. [Kahlya notices someone just inside gesturing to her and then pointing to the left (back the way she came) and back towards the building.] * Kahlya glances at that person in the building and stops suddenly, her eyes falling over the protestors. [A few more of the protestors are noticing her, still largely distracted from the guy out front. Who is a good bit more discheveled then the classic satanic look for the record.] (So the goatee ISN'T pointy?) (Naw) (Awww...no fair) * Kahlya winks at the protestors and gives them a half-smile. Without parting her lips. She turns and goes down another road to her left. [Guy: "That the best you got?" Protestors: "You don't even deny it do you?" "How could they, they link to demon summoning for dummies on their site!" "Blasphemers!"...] [There isn't a road, but is a reasonably side ally, have to go around the dumpster to the service entrance, but no biggie. Only about 8 meters down the street.] * Kahlya looks over her shoulder for a moment, eying the protestors and also if she's getting followed, then keeps heading down the alley. Her walking slows as she opens up the telepathic link, trying to look a little natural while doing it. ~Hmm...that's interesting. Master. Master? You there?~ [Guy: "I'm sorry, I should have said earlier, don't you have a book burning to go to?" "We're within our civil rights to be here so drop the fascist bull." Guy: "What's the matter, don't like having your true nature revealed." Different protestor: "Burn in hell."] [She's not being followed.] ~I am, what's up?~ ~Did you know SMEE's into demon summoning?~ ~Where do you think I got my Demon Summoning for... err, yes, I knew~ [Right as Kahlya turns the corner there's a sudden unpleasant smell in the air and screaming from behind her. Magical awareness roll!] * Kahlya feigns a houm sound of mental disappointment. ~Oh really, Master. And here I thought you were smarter than that...~ [There was a spike of not quite magic from behind Kahlya when the screaming started, no obvious source in range though.] ~Bah, it got better reviews than most of the other ones, and had a high customer survival rate.~ [There's a mix of other concerned voices from behind as well, the protest seems to be cut off for now. Anyways, easy walk into the alley at this point.] * Kahlya turns and looks behind her, wrinkling her nose. ~I think someone let off a stinkbomb power or something. Ewww~ * Kahlya then grins, both physically and mentally. ~Aww. Not afraid of getting hurt by little old me, are you Master? I'm totally harmless!~ ~I Thought you said you thought I was smarter than that.~ * Kaede has joined #sab2020 * Kahlya has quit IRC (SVSKilled: GHOST command used by Kaede ) * Kaede is now known as Kahlya ~And bound to your infinite and overpowering will. Absolutely.~ [As she turns around and gets a better look the stench seems to be originating from the SMEE guy out front, whose presently in a state of combustion, he's rolling on the ground and a few of the protesters are trying to extinguish him to only moderate avail.~ * Kahlya stares at that. ~Maybe...a little more than a stink bomb. Hold on..~ She holds her hand out and conjures up a waterbottle. [SHe gets one, although it may well be slightly inadequate to the task.] ~Oh?~ [Many of the people on the street are stopping to gawk, a few are making cell calls to emergency services though.] [Well, you'd think emergency services, they could be calling friends to share camera phone pictures of the guy who spontaneously combusted.] * Kahlya looks at that and hmms. ~Bigger bottle...a fire extinguisher would seem suspicious..~ She sighs and tosses it out generally towards the crowd, letting it roll towards them. Hopefully they see it, but if she can't directly help, she's not going to deal with it. She heads for the alleyway. [The screaming does get a little lighter as she heads down the alley. There's a door partially open on the far side of the dumpster that says service only.] * Kaede has joined #sab2020 * Kahlya has quit IRC (SVSKilled: GHOST command used by Kaede ) * Kaede is now known as Kahlya * Kahlya walks in through the service entrance. She was invited after all. ~I'll talk to you when I get out, Master. There may be someone who could detect this communication. Don't want to take that risk.~ ~Sounds wise~ [There's a fairly competant looking rent-a-cop on the inside of the door. He nods as she enters. "Go down the hall, take the stairs up, office is there." * Kahlya flashes a smile to the rent-a-cop. "They didn't let me know they were expecting." * Rent-a-cop doesn't really smile back but doesn't frown. "You were apparently on the list." * Kahlya looks at him curiously. "Really? What's my name?" * Guy checks a datapad. "Kahlya. One of the tournament contenders." * Kahlya smiles faintly. "The tournament. Of course. So why were they expecting me to visit HERE?" All of the tournmanet contenders are welcoe to visit. Any other questions you'll have to ask at the office. Very receptive...must be confident. * Kahlya smiles at that and pulls herself back up straight, lifting up her cap and eying the rent-a-cop carefully. She makes her way towards the office! [Rent a cop keeps an eye on her and on the alley, he seems to know his stuff.] [As she heads up she can hear some people discussing how Todd is doing with concern and the occassional staffer, mostly in their twenties, scurrying from room to room.] [The actual office, once she gets up the stairs, looks much more settled and permanent then the rest of the operation. There's a lobby waiting area with appropraite magazines and a water cooler. As well as some mystical-themed art, largely done via computer animation, on the walls.] [There's a male receptionist who quickly puts his current call on hold and looks to Kahlya.] But....if they were talking about stopping occult behavior...and they're throwing around fire like that....isn't that a bit hypocritical? To say the least. ::he keeps frowning for a minute but loses it:: Todd should be alright, we did have a fire extinguisher in the building, but I don't think that's what you wanted to concentrate on for your visit. Did you have any particular event in particular you wanted tickets to? Um... * Kahlya taps her finger against her cheek, trying to remember. "It was...the guest convention." She snaps her fingers. "Oh yeah! Could you do me a little favor and get me some special guest convention badges? Pretty please!" * Jim smiles. "I'll get some all access passes. Two enough? You can certainly get more, as well as an honorarium and free travel expenses if you are willing to sign DVD copies of the tournament, do a panel, or just a demonstration. But go to a convention and see how you like it.' Sign copies of the tournament? You're taping it? * Jim then gets to a door on the left with a view of the street and walks in, everyone, this is Kahlya. Kahlya, this is Prudence, Peter, and Will. (" before "Everyone") * Kahlya looks in and waves to everyone before scanning them over. "Pleasure to meet you." [Currently seated around a nice conference table are Prudence Kinsha whose presently examining one of those EU multi rifles. Jerk-Peter whose snacking off a rather nice looking food tray, and Will Cheng, whose actually leaning and resting his eyes next to one of his movie posters. Even in repose he's a hottie.] Well Prudence can tell you about the taping, I'll go get those passes. [He leaves.] * Kahlya grins and checks them over. Especially Cheng. Rawr. [Magical awareness roll.] * Peter looks up and gives Kahlya a nod and a slightly unpleasant grin. "You sure showed Alba the price of sticking non-lethal." * Prudence looks up briefly and smiles. "Pleasure to meet you." She then goes back to focusing all of her attention on the gun. * Kahlya has quit IRC (SVSKilled: GHOST command used by Rowyn2 ) * Kahlya has joined #sab2020 * Will sweeps over from the wall and walks up to Kahlya giving a slight bow. "Charmed." * Kahlya giggles a bit into her hand. "My, aren't you the suave one?" She gives him a solid, steady, pleasured look. * Will gives an easy smile. "You're too kind. Perhaps I'll have a chance to put my skills against your skythe if I defeat my current challenger." * Peter laughs at that. "Doubt that monk-ette will give you much trouble." Monk-ette? * Kahlya turns to look at Peter curiously. Her name is Yuri, she's an associate of Saldin. Quite a charming young lady, in a similar line of work as I am. Totally out-matched I'm betting. Maybe her paramour can put up a fight, but she's gonna get reemed. * Kahlya taps her cheek again. "Saldin...Saldin....that's that bald guy, right?" That he is. You said similar line of work? Ah, Mr. Thorpe didn't mention. I'm a celebrity demon hunter. * Kahlya smiles faintly and calmly at Will. "You don't say...so Saldin and this Yuri are as well I take it?" * Will laughs. "Well, perhaps not the celebrity part." * Kahlya grins. "Well, solid eyes are out I hear. It's a pity. I could see him making it big." Well, acting may be a bit too worldly for him. What's his deal then? You seem to know a lot about him. Fine weapon, slightly overengineered, but to be expected given the versatility. Doesn't back nearly the force of a plasma cannon though. Somehow I'm not worried. * Kahlya glances at Prudence oddly. "Huh?" * Prudence looks up at Kahlya. "Sorry, was speaking to Peter." * Ben has joined #sab2020 Quite alright...I don't remember seeing you. * Kahlya smiles at Prudence and looks her over. (There something going on in here now?) Quite skilled set of reincarnating monks, protecting the world from disorder and healing the scars left behind by the more negative sorts of incursions. If you've ever seen 'Men of the Sunset' a lot like that. (Greg: isn't Prep School supposed to run in about five minutes? In here?) (I'll use a seperate chan, in about five) (#sabprep and out of here) (Fine. Sorry to barge in on you in here. But since no one had warned me... :P) * Ben has left #sab2020 (We should really use #sabmini or something like that for private minis, just in case. ^^;) Oh, I'm just supporting Hector, not actually a contender. ::Hmm, central power suppply, makes sense, although you lose some efficiency by not customizing it for each weapon pairing. (-::) * Kahlya tilts her head to the side. "Hector you say?" * Peter nods. "So, got any edge for me?" * Prudence doesn't look up from her weapon, Kahlya doesn't seem to have really caught her attention. "One of Smee's contenders. Cyborg. Can't miss him." She speaks with some affection and pride. Oh. * Kahlya turns back to Will. He's more interesting. Or interested in her. Which may be the same thing. "So...reincarnating monks? Huh. How does that work?" Actually, I'm just working of the Smee briefing booklet and some rumors. I could make a few guesses, but I've been told I shouldn't adlib when it comes to matters beyond my comprehension. So you don't know really. * Kahlya glances at all of them. "Why are you here anyways?" * Prudence giggles at that. "Well, I liked your Matrix rip-off anyways." * Will looks mildly flustered for just a moment. "It was an homage... And no, I don't. I'm here because Smee wanted contenders and doesn't have their own force." * Kahlya looks at Prudence. Is she talking to Will? (She was) So you're all working for SMEE? Same thing. ::she makes some modifications to the gun:: No, with the E.U. just sounding out the competition some. Same as you I'd guess. Me? * Peter rolls his eyes. "No, the SAB agent standing next to you." * Kahlya smiles softly and stands up straight, arms behind her back. "You misunderstand me. I'm fighting for myself. Besides, I came here to get some free complimentary badges to some SMEE events. Go SMEE!" She grins and puts forward a cheery #1 sign before dropping her hand. * Peter chuckles at that. "Good lass, yourself is the only one to fight for after all. Interested in any sort of deal? Know what Maggie-dear has been up to lately?" Maggie? Whozzat? * Kahlya snaps her fingers. "Oh! She was the one who went all scary werewolf on us, wasn't she?" * Peter looks surprised at that. "Well, she always was a bitch. Guess she got her own edge, she still a lycanthroe?" Um...no, I think she got over it. Good. Well, by calling her a bitch, wouldn't you want bad things to happen to her? * Kahlya seems to be focusing on Peter more now. Much more. * Peter smirks. "I don't think she be so bothered by having to shred a few people for a period of each month, frankly she did that as a human. I just don't want to go up against a plasma rifle and werewolf strength." She seems like a brute anyways. Hmmph...though she's got some sense to her. Yeah? * Kahlya has quit IRC (SVSKilled: GHOST command used by Rowyn2 ) * Kahlya has joined #sab2020 * Kahlya shrugs faintly. "I don't know...haven't dealt much with her. Her and someone named Saki Morikawa. They're both just so weird." (Awareness, visual roll) [Kahlya notices Peter's eyes glaze slightly for just a moment at that name, but then the darkness in the eyes recede.] Saki? Hmph, Alba gave her a few magic surpression grenades as a reward for sparing some of our commandos, but I'm betting that if she had Maggie's firepower she'd have killed them just the same. * Kahlya has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) * Rowyn has joined #sab2020 * Rowyn is now known as Kahlya * Kahlya tilts her head at Peter. "Alba? Who's Alba?" It sounds like you worked with her. * Peter chuckles. "The woman you just cut up." She had a first name you know. * Kahlya rubs her finger along her cheek. "Ooooh....heeeeeer." * Kahlya then pouts. "Hey, I did go easy on her. I knew killing people was against the rules." * Peter chuckles. "I don't really give a damn, you fought to win. Anyways, so what do you think of Saki?" * Kahlya houms. "I haven't really dealt much with her. I've heard there was some weird rumors about her but that's about all.." She shrugs. Like what? Heard there was something about a champion that she might have been involved with but that's about all...kinda like this tournament but different.. * Kahlya smiles slightly at Peter. "Funny...she hadn't mentioned you at *all*... * Kahlya really REALLY emphasizes the "all" * Peter smiles. "Can't say my form has met hers. Perhaps we should discuss this later, no matter the outcome of the next fight." He takes out an ID chit, like a business card except smaller and military looking. [Will and Prudence make small talk.] * Rowyn has joined #sab2020 * Rowyn takes the card and looks at him curiously. "Your form?" * Robin has joined #SAB2020 (Bah) * Kahlya has quit IRC (SVSKilled: GHOST command used by Rowyn ) * Rowyn is now known as Kahlya (redirects Robin to #sabprep * Robin has left #SAB2020 * Kahlya takes the card and looks at him curiously. "Your form?" * Peter grins fairly insincerely. "Sex joke lass." Not sure that's what he actually meant though. "But anyways, if you're the fighting for yourself type, call the number, ::slight eye glaze again:: no matter the outcome." (outcome of my fight with Maggie) * Kahlya looks at him oddly again but speaks evenly. "Alright then." * Peter shakes it off slightly. (And mental OOC note: What's Peter doing making sex jokes with a 14 year old? :P Baaad) (He is) [ I just don't see the appeal of anything larger than a rifle really. That's because automatic weapon don't nearly have the same drama really. But if you need the power...] * Kahlya checks back at the conversation. "Wouldn't that be massively overcompensating anyways?" Or could be you need to actually take down a tank or the like. Tell that to Maggie. Mmmm... a tank? Yeah, heavily armoured thing, shloffs off anything short of a RPG. * Kahlya has quit IRC (Ping timeout ) * Kahlya has joined #sab2020 * Rowyn has joined #sab2020 * Kahlya has quit IRC (SVSKilled: GHOST command used by Rowyn ) * Rowyn is now known as Kahlya RPG? Rocket Propelled Grenade. Mmm...never heard of it... * Kahlya looks off to the side for a second, thoughtfully. "I'd have to try it though.." I can get you one at a reasonable price, one appropraitely sized for you. * Kahlya pouts suddenly. "Where is that guy with my badges?" * Kahlya glances at Prudence. "Really? A tank? Wow." I meant an RPG, but a tank is doable too. (RPG launcher) * Jim takes that as his cue to re-enter. "Here you go." * Kahlya eyes Jim carefully. "Where you waiting outside the door the whole time?" Nope, just a simple spell to know when I'm needed. Helpful in adminstration. * Kahlya looks on him. "So...you're saying that you waste your time until people start complaining?" No, I do other work until I'm wanted. * Kahlya smiles. "A likely story. I think you were peeking. There's two cute girls in here after all..and a film star..." * Jim chuckles. "So, anything else you need?" Not really...I guess I could take your card type thing though if I need to call or something? * Jim produces one with a flourish. It has "Smee!" in big letters. * Kahlya grabs the card and squeals, clutching it with both her hands to her chest. "SMeeeeee~!" * Kahlya bounces towards the door, stopping to wave at everyone. "It was a pleasure meeting you all after all!" * Prudence giggles at that. Will chuckles. Til I see you agian. * Kahlya smiles and waves again, heading out the door. [Kahlya doesn't find any obstacles on her way out.] * Kahlya heads around the alley, looks both ways to make sure it's clear and then...loses the happy-go-lucky expression to get a rather wicked looking grin to her face. She starts moving away from the SMEE building and the crowd (if they're still there) and opens up her link again. ~Oooh Maaaaaa-steeeeer~~ ~Success?~ ~Ooooo, much more than that...~ She mentally rattles off Peter's phone number through the link. ~Whose number is this?~ * Kahlya gets down low with a half teasing, half succubus-like mental voice, speaking very slowly. ~Sa-ki's ri-val...~ * Terrence mentally grins and actually seems quite relived. ~So, can we do it then? Get the big prize?~ ~I think so. We can try it. I didn't exactly let much slip just yet, but he's ready to talk.~ She mentally grins too. ~All I need is the go ahead and to know what exactly we're doing...~ ~You've got the go ahead. Saki's boyfriend apparently made someone rather angry. Real nihilist type, the sort that there's nothing to offer typically, you follow?~ ~She has a boyfriend? Ooooh, how droll!~ * Terrence snickers. ~So what do they want done?~ Well, his powers are dependent on the guy he pissed off. This guy wants him to agree to a contract, and can shut them off at a key moment to give an incentive to agree to the contract. * Terrance grins. "Fairly old school stuff, I assume you can see how it would work?" (~~) ~Um...not...really...~ * Terrence chuckles. ~Perhaps I'll get you devilish contracts for dummies. You put her in danger, he agrees, he can save her, he doesn't she dies, either way his *benefactor* is pleased and gives us, quite a bonus.~ ~Agrees to what?~ ~Is this the boyfriend?~ ~Yeah, agrees to some contract. That's not our problem really.~ ~What's this boyfriend's name?~ ~Jason Ashton~ ~Mmm...and I get the rival to help? Or better yet, pin it on him...~ ~That's my demon. Yeah, no need to stick your next out. Just make sure that the rival is in a position to win, brings some allies, good ambush, whatever.~ * Kahlya thinks. ~Jason...Jason...he's the firebug, ain't he?~ ~Yeah, that'd make sense.~ ~You mean you didn't *know*?~ ~Uh, I try not to ask too many questions.~ He sounds like he's slightly creeped by the guy he's making the deal with. ~Very well, very well...your wish is my command and all that. Yadda yadda..~ * Terrance mentally nods. ~Think about what you want as your reward.~ * Rowyn has joined #sab2020 * Rowyn is now known as Kaede * Kahlya has quit IRC (SVSKilled: GHOST command used by Kaede ) * Kaede is now known as Kahlya * Kahlya grins at that and keeps walking out of the alley. ~It is a pleasure to serve you, Master. Kahlya out.~ * Terrence chuckles. ~Aw, I'm touched, that's almost credible. Let me know if you need any help, apparently reinforcements are available if need be. But I'll leave the details to you.~ * Kahlya shakes off the mental link and immediately loses her grinning face, talking to herself. "Gah...I feel so dirty..." She sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. "Master Landis, I hope you know what you're doing..." * Kahlya walks off towards the shadows! [End!]